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  1. #1
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Whos makes hard boiled eggs? NEED INPUT

    ok, i need to know your tricks on getting the shell off, i think i struck gold cause i think i just invented something so stupid and cant believe it worked,
    i just boiled 36 eggs and from the time i got done cooking them i and got the shell off, put in a bowl, and in the fridge in under 90 seconds

    tell me if i had this on the market would it sell?

  2. #2
    laduem88's Avatar
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    boil them, when the water boils let it boil for 5-10 min

    then pour the boiling water out and run cold water in there, the cold water will heat up fast because of the hot eggs so keep pouring cold water in then dumping it out then pouring it in. do that for about 3-5 times then you should be good....i literally do this every day and the shells come off like nothing, once in awhile though you will come across a bad one that just doest peel but it hardly ever happens

  3. #3
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
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    I started cooking them in a pan, no water and they taste quite good, better then boil. Just pour the eggs in a pan and let them cook, don't forget to flip.

  4. #4
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    boil them, when the water boils let it boil for 5-10 min

    then pour the boiling water out and run cold water in there, the cold water will heat up fast because of the hot eggs so keep pouring cold water in then dumping it out then pouring it in. do that for about 3-5 times then you should be good....i literally do this every day and the shells come off like nothing, once in awhile though you will come across a bad one that just doest peel but it hardly ever happens
    i was doing that, i even peeled them under the running cold water, but this thing i made makes them fall off i mean no effort fall off,

  5. #5
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_m63 View Post
    I started cooking them in a pan, no water and they taste quite good, better then boil. Just pour the eggs in a pan and let them cook, don't forget to flip.
    what if i like my eggs sunny side up?

  6. #6
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    S c r a m b l e d baby all the way

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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    i was doing that, i even peeled them under the running cold water, but this thing i made makes them fall off i mean no effort fall off,
    please share your miraculous experience

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    please share your miraculous experience
    cant im going to patient it asap, then ill share it, but if there was something that did do that and cost like 5 bucks to buy, would you buy it?
    Last edited by DOM6; 02-22-2010 at 10:39 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    cant im going to patient it asap, then ill share it, but if there was something that did do that and cost like 5 bucks to buy, would you buy it?
    Yes, Yes i would.

    I saw on the net someone putting the eggs in a pot, shaking the fvck out of the pot - and the eggs were pretty much totally de-shelled. But then the argument came up that the egg shells were full of bacteria and shit so i never had the balls to try it.

    I'm interested to know your what your idea is.

  10. #10
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    ok, i need to know your tricks on getting the shell off, i think i struck gold cause i think i just invented something so stupid and cant believe it worked,
    i just boiled 36 eggs and from the time i got done cooking them i and got the shell off, put in a bowl, and in the fridge in under 90 seconds

    tell me if i had this on the market would it sell?
    I don't know. 2.5 seconds per egg? I just put cold water and it takes me like 1 second more.

  11. #11
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    well i read up on alot of egg peelers and there is alot of bad reviews on them not working, i had my mom over and she says why do you cook so many, so i said peel that egg, so she peeled hers but in that same time i peeled 4 could of been 5 if i wasnt laughing so hard, she even said it worked, ill come up with some thing then post it this week

  12. #12
    laduem88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    i was doing that, i even peeled them under the running cold water, but this thing i made makes them fall off i mean no effort fall off,
    i have a feeling your not letting the water boil long enough. also are you putting the eggs in cold water then boiling them OR are you putting them straight in warm water then boiling? They need to go in cold water, boil them and keep them boiling for about 10 min

  13. #13
    makod's Avatar
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    You still wouldn't be able to peel 36 eggs in under 2 minutes

  14. #14
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    i have a feeling your not letting the water boil long enough. also are you putting the eggs in cold water then boiling them OR are you putting them straight in warm water then boiling? They need to go in cold water, boil them and keep them boiling for about 10 min
    I was told by a chef the closer the eggs are to their exp date the easier they will peel. So I started leaving eggs in my fridge for weeks before I'd cook them, never did shit.
    I discovered that little secret by accident about overcooking them. Basically, the longer you cook an egg the greener the yolks get and the more the membrane breaks down between the egg and shell. If you are peeling eggs, and the yolk is still yellow, theres a good chance the membrane will be thick like rubber and hard to peel.
    If you cook those mfkrs for about 10mins longer then you usually do, the yolks start turning green and the membrane breaks down to nothing, shells come right off.
    This is the ONLY thing that has consitently worked since I discovered it. So I agree 100% cook those bitches till the membrane dissolves away, eggs will peel no matter if you run them under cold water or not. And honestly, if anything cold water is going to harden the membrane back up, I've always peeled them hot and as long as they are cooked enough the shells fall right off.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I was told by a chef the closer the eggs are to their exp date the easier they will peel. So I started leaving eggs in my fridge for weeks before I'd cook them, never did shit.
    I discovered that little secret by accident about overcooking them. Basically, the longer you cook an egg the greener the yolks get and the more the membrane breaks down between the egg and shell. If you are peeling eggs, and the yolk is still yellow, theres a good chance the membrane will be thick like rubber and hard to peel.
    If you cook those mfkrs for about 10mins longer then you usually do, the yolks start turning green and the membrane breaks down to nothing, shells come right off.
    This is the ONLY thing that has consitently worked since I discovered it. So I agree 100% cook those bitches till the membrane dissolves away, eggs will peel no matter if you run them under cold water or not. And honestly, if anything cold water is going to harden the membrane back up, I've always peeled them hot and as long as they are cooked enough the shells fall right off.
    yup, but even when i leave them boil for 10min the yolks are still very yellow but since they have been cooked for so long the shells come right off, they start to turn green when you keep in water for like 20min +

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    well i read up on alot of egg peelers and there is alot of bad reviews on them not working, i had my mom over and she says why do you cook so many, so i said peel that egg, so she peeled hers but in that same time i peeled 4 could of been 5 if i wasnt laughing so hard, she even said it worked, ill come up with some thing then post it this week
    I don't understand what this is.
    Is this a tangible object you furnished yourself or a technique for peeling them?

    What did you tie a rubber band around a fork and slingshot them into the wall? Regardless, I don't think David Blaine could peel 1 egg in 2.5 seconds, so if your invention fails, maybe you can call up guiness and set a new world record.

  17. #17
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    I buy the eggbeater or similar, 99% egg white. I put it in a pan on LOW covered and walk away for 10 minutes to do ??? When I get back they are perfect, fluffy and ready to eat. Never burnt

    I will have to try the cold water trick. I hate boiling eggs but love boiled eggs.

  18. #18
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    I taught my eggs to peel themselves.

  19. #19
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    eggs, cheese and grits anyone?

  20. #20
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, let us know what this "egg pealer thingie magig is when you market it" what you going to call it?

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  22. #22
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    Cook them a little longer then put them straight into cold water for a bit.

    They peel easy.

    I prefer scrambled though.

    4 eggs, 7 whites with 1 cup oats. Flavour with Nutella or PB. Just finished a bowl as it goes...

  23. #23
    NC600cbr's Avatar
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    My Method is as follows - zero problem peeling them. (also find older eggs work better)

    Cover eggs with 2 inches of water - bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat.

    Remove from heat and let sit covered for 15 minutes.

    Pour out the water

    cover in cold water and dump 3 or 4 double handfulls of ice in there.
    (this shrinks the egg white down some removing it from the membrane.)

    Easy peasy to peel. For what thats worth.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by illaj View Post
    eggs, cheese and grits anyone?
    this is the best

  25. #25
    kalspic's Avatar
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    i seen an egg peeler on and infomercial that i think that it just poked a hole in the top and then pushed it out the bottom. idk yours sounds interesting though.

  26. #26
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    She peeled my eggs!

  27. #27
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    I prefer scrambled but you probably dont want to hear that!

    After you've boiled them for 10 mins (hard boiled), scoop each egg up in a large desert spoon and run it under a cold tap. Put egg in your hand and if you very gently squeeze the egg, enough so that you just feel the shell cracking, you should find the shell will literally slide off.

  28. #28
    hero717's Avatar
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    sit on it

  29. #29
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    When they are in the boiling water add 2 tbs of white vinegar. This will work no matter what else you do.

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