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  1. #1
    tobias7912 is offline Junior Member
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    Pay pal, and scammers

    Hey all
    This is for ppl that know how to use EBAY and paypal
    I made a transaction.

    Of course, knowing little about ebay i bought from a seller that had only 10 reviews, all being positive. He had 10 copies of a product.

    Not one of the 10 buyers (he sold all of them) received it, and therefore now not only is he no longer an ebay member, he got 10 negative angry feedback against him.

    I filed an ebay claim. I also have his "verified" address through PayPal.
    I am more worried about getting the product, I'd love to have it since I've been waiting through USPS. Instead of the 2-9 days, it's been 11, not counting weekends.

    How do I know his address is real? While I know I'll get my money back through ebay, does any1 know if his adress is verifiable? (I mean through paypal you have to send in a credit card so your adress is proven, right?)

    Since he is./was a member of ebay, and pay pal has him as a member and I have his address, do you think it is still possible I get my package?

    Also, confirmation # from USPS just says when clicked, waiting for package for mailing.

    If you know what you're talking about plz help out.
    Sorry for my lack of PC knowledge.


  2. #2
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    why do you want to know where he lives so badly?

  3. #3
    tobias7912 is offline Junior Member
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    I already know, it's in his PayPal registration.
    I have him pinned down to his apartment.

    Part of the question was since PayPal probably requires verification of this address through Credit Card # check, I was asking those in the know whether this address is legit.

  4. #4
    tobias7912 is offline Junior Member
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    second part is perhaps he sent it late?
    Is there a chance to receive it, even though it's awfully late?


  5. #5
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It depends... what did you buy?

  6. #6
    tobias7912 is offline Junior Member
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    Insanity DVD Workouts.

    It's the cardio version made by the same company as P90x.
    Supposedly it's the most intense cardio you'll ever do.
    Look it up right here

    I bought it through ebay, not that particular site
    I've lost a ton of weight, through a lot of cardio HIIT LISS I've tried them all
    Now I want to try this. I was warned though you have to be fit to try it, otherwise you won't keep up. It's very alluring, I just really hope I'll receive it, late as it may be

  7. #7
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    I still dont see why knowing where he lives is important.....unless you feel the need to track him down and beat his ass?? Use the Ebay conflict resolution. You can get your money back if you dont receive the product, very simple.

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    the address would be correct for the persons bank account or credit card billing address at the time the signed up

    you can dispute the charge with paypal and get your $ back

  9. #9
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    file a claim through pay pal. if he doesnt come up with the product they refund you. done.


  10. #10
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    I guarantee you 500% you don't recieve anything.

    I've been using ebay for too long and anytime someone is selling something then unregisters it means they either just took your money, or they bid on an item, didn't pay, and tried to make you ship before payment went through.
    But I've never seen a situation where someone becomes unregistered and people actually recieve the product. I could be wrong, but I def would NOT be expecting the workouts.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I used to be a seller on eBay so I've had a few problems (both as a buyer and as a seller).

    One guy was selling computer accessories and blatantly lying about what the particular accessories could do. I received my product in the post, and then e-mailed him straight away saying I wanted a full refund. He offered me a half-refund immediately, which I rejected.

    So I made a claim with PayPal, and they told me I had to ship the product (at my own expense) back to the supplier. After long last, I got my refund, but I had wasted money shipping the product back.

    You should know that PayPal and eBay are more corrupt than the Bush family. I'm talking REALLY corrupt. I don't ever use PayPal anymore. You should see the amount of websites dedicated to exposing PayPal as the c*nts that they are. Read some of the true stories they have on this site:

    When I used to use PayPal as a seller on eBay, I always cleared my PayPal account out as soon as there was more than $100 in it, I would transfer it to one of my bank accounts. Not only that, I would then transfer it from that bank account to a different bank account in a different bank because PayPal has the ability to "reverse" a transfer (they can literally just pull the money back out of your account).

    Oh by the way, not to sound smart... but if you want the ultimate cardio workout why don't you just go for a run? I've never gotten a better cardio workout than running.

  12. #12
    TheChosen1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    file a claim through pay pal. if he doesnt come up with the product they refund you. done.

    This is so true because I've done it already for Monster Muscles. I've ordered from them a few times with no problems. But this past 2 times were shitty. I never got my order and had to get a refund from PayPal.

  13. #13
    tobias7912 is offline Junior Member
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    His address is important because I can track him down.
    Whatever the case is, I hope I get my refund. I'd love to get the product. If I don't I hope I do receive the full refund.

    If it does not arrive soon, I hope they **** him over.

    Funny enough, this was my first ebay experience.
    I will never buy anything again until I have more than 100 positive feedbacks. Even then I will be wary

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