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  1. #1
    liftingheavy is offline Junior Member
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    We need to band together and help declan11

    declan11 rarely contributes positively to discussions around here.

    In fact, 99% of the time, he's just being a schoolyard bully. He takes every opportunity he can to insult, bully and ridicule other members by making condescending comments.

    Has he been having some family trouble lately perhaps? Is there any way we can get together to help him get out of this hole?

    Here's a list of his recent posts he has made in response to people asking for information about steroids . (By the way, these are actual full posts, he rarely posts more than one sentence).

    you seem to know it all, why ask ?

    ]man, give it up, your threads are some of the stupidest ive read

    im waiting on the 'can someone wipe my ass for me' post lol
    oh dear .......................

    you ask some crazy questions


    utter rubbish

    give it up, how many of us have to tell ya?


  2. #2
    DarnGoodLookin's Avatar
    DarnGoodLookin is offline Associate Member
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    why are you letting him bother you?

  3. #3
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Who are you?

  4. #4
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    hes a meanie isnt he

  5. #5
    liftingheavy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Who are you?
    I'm just someone who's concerned for declan11's mental health.

    I hope he can recover from this terrible affliction.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    By all means debate as much as you like about this issue but please keep in mind that this is no a flame board,

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Declan can be a little.... Blunt.

  8. #8
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    You are a TROLL...

    Quote Originally Posted by liftingheavy
    No no no! That's not how it works here!

    When you sign up and look for advice, you need to lie about the following:
    1) Your age (if you're under 60)
    2) Your workout experience (if it's less than 30 years)
    3) Your diet (if you eat less than one entire cow per day)

    If you don't lie about these things, then Marcus The Bully comes along and ORDERS you not to do steroids .

    Of course you can just ignore Marcus... but there's a problem... once Marcus has spoken in a thread, everyone else is terrified to give a reply and help you out for fear that Marcus will bully them too.

    So remember, you need to lie, you need to keep Marcus off your back, otherwise you'll never get anywhere in bodybuilding.

    You're best off to abandon the account you have now and sign up all over again, that way people won't be afraid to give you advice.

    Hope that helps.

    In one thread you state you are 22 years old, in another thread you state you are 34 years old. In one thread you're 5'3", in another thread you're 6'2", and in another you're 5'9" tall.

    There is nothing wrong with Declan. You are pissed off because he called you on your bullsh*t in other threads, and because you did not get the responses you WANTED to hear from the members here with more knowledge on AAS than you will ever hope to attain, especially with your POOR attitude.

    Dont feed the troll guys.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Good catch,

  10. #10
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Well, it may have something to do with your posts...

    Quote Originally Posted by liftingheavy View Post
    My friend owns this account on the forums, he doesn't post here any more so he let me use it. You might notice we have a totally different writing style, he doesn't use any punctuation at all, whereas I do. You can look back at his posts from months ago to check this.

    My real stats are as follows, no bullshit:

    5'3" and 144 lb

    41 days ago, I weighed 132 lb, so I've gained 12 lb on this cycle so far. I've got 43 days left to go.
    First off. Get your own account. Multiple usernames will get you banned. The process of registering it very simple and quick.

    Second, I hope there not your stats, "no bullshit".

    What were you saying about useless stupid posts again?

    Quote Originally Posted by liftingheavy View Post
    What is the AI for?

    Your balls shrink when you're on juice because they're not getting enough LH.

    The whole point of taking hCG is that when it reaches your balls, it does the same job as LH, so it stops your balls from shrinking.

    Where does the AI come into it?
    Quote Originally Posted by liftingheavy View Post
    I never take an AI on cycle because I don't get any estrogen-related side effects; I don't get gyno at all, and I get very minimal water retention if I simply stop putting salt on my food.

    Is there any other reason for me to be taking an AI while I'm on hCG?
    Increase testosterone and increase estrogen...

    Quote Originally Posted by liftingheavy View Post
    hey the name's Rob, im 34 yrs old.

    iv been lifting serious now for about 13 years. i did a cycle of test C when i was 26 or so, made good gains.

    im 5'10, 207 pounds and 8.5% bodyfat.

    i made such good gains off my last cycle that i wasn't really too pushed to do another cycle... but i find in the last year that iv been thinking more and more about getting to the next level.

    i sorted out my diet about 4 years ago, and since then i think iv gained more than even when i was on test!

    im thinking about doing another cycle really soon. iv been hovering around on the forums reading different threads, trying to scrape as much info as i can. So far here's what I'm thinking:

    deca 400 mg per week
    test e 500 mg per week

    iv been reading on the forum a lot about hcg, and also aromasin , so il definitely consider taking them if i can get my hands on them.

    im thinking of using dianabol also for the first 4 weeks, maybe about 40mg per day.

    one thing im a lil worried about is "deca dick", which i hear is caused by high levels of prolactin. can a drug be taken to keep prolactin levels down?

    is there any other drugs i shud be considering? so far im looking at:

    test E
    (and some other drug to keep prolactin levels down)

    any advice u can give wud b great

    oh yeah i had a full medical for my job last april and everything came back fine, doctor said id live to be 100 at this rate
    So who are you again...?

    Get a new account or stop messing around.

    I think your in no position to be unhappy with someone elses posts or actions here when you breaking the Rules yourself.

    That is all.

  11. #11
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    All in 1 syringe: test e, deca, hcg POSSIBLE?
    Quote Originally Posted by liftingheavy
    regarding my stats, here's a copy-paste from what i wrote in another thread:

    hey the name's Rob, im 34 yrs old.

    iv been lifting serious now for about 13 years. i did a cycle of test C when i was 26 or so, made good gains.

    im 5'10, 207 pounds and 8.5% bodyfat.

    i made such good gains off my last cycle that i wasn't really too pushed to do another cycle... but i find in the last year that iv been thinking more and more about getting to the next level.

    i sorted out my diet about 4 years ago, and since then i think iv gained more than even when i was on test!
    thanks for the info on deca stopping on week 10, that had slipped my mind. iv edit my above post so it now says "week 1-10" for deca.

    is it really such a bad idea to mix oil and water-base in the same syringe. i realise that oil and water don't mix, but is that a big deal? what bad can happen if i load them in the same syringe and shoot them at once? will i die?

    no im not gyno prone at all, but i put on a sh*t load of water weight, im talking maybe 5 kg of water!

    yeah ur right about using 3 compounds. if i had to lose 1 of then then id ditch the dianabol. however iv heard such marvelous things about dianabol that i really want to take it for the first 4 weeks. i wud probably be smarter to just take test+deca... but i want this cycle to transform my body, i want to go from "yeah you look like you work out a lot" to "holy shit look at the size of him".

    22 years old - Second Cycle - Gonna get blood tested
    Quote Originally Posted by liftingheavy
    I'm 22 and I'm currently on my 2nd cycle.

    I've never got any blood work done at all before. When I finish this cycle and I finish PCT, I'm gonna go get my blood tested to make sure I'm doing alright. My current cycle is as follows:

    Thank you for wasting the time of members on this forum. Your attacks on members with actual knowledge regarding the responsible use of AAS on this forum are not appreciated. Maybe its YOU who needs to learn how things work on this forum.

  12. #12
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    2,280 can wipe the egg off your face now.

  13. #13
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    man liftingheavy was big time!!

  14. #14
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Godfather just slapped this kid.....good job kind sir...

    now beat it troll......

  15. #15
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Can someone ban this clown please?

  16. #16
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
    Hoggage_54 is offline Suspended or Banned either way gone!
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  17. #17
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    Can someone ban this clown please?
    x2.... when people come on here posting all these questions but have like 5 different versions of their stats it's a HUGE waste of time for us all. We obviously aren't helping this person if he's lying to us all the time about his stats. I think banning him would save a lot of members some valuable time...

  18. #18
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    i already wasted 10 minutes or so it seems.... what a sh!t head....

  19. #19
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    This kind of stuff will always happen on an open forum like this one.

    As long as we all stay within the "no flaming" guidelines, it's all fine.

    Good catch GF.



  20. #20
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Ha ha ha ha!

  21. #21
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    funniness I love this place

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