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  1. #1
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
    Eddie_m63 is offline Member
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    Ever thought of doing this.

    I haven't touch alcohol/weed in over 10years but i can honestly tell you that sometimes i just feel like buying a damn bottle of Tequila and get as drunk as possible, or getting high i mean weed has no side effects right? I know that's stupid but you all know that life sometimes suck. So what would actually make you do those things, cheating gf, bad day at work, anything.

  2. #2
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i think we all feel like getting wasted every now and again, i try not to cus i miss the gym and get depressed from the booze/drugs

  3. #3
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    i have those days i just wona get a stick and get high and fly. But we cant talk about rec. drugs here.

  4. #4
    6ft5's Avatar
    6ft5 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    i think we all feel like getting wasted every now and again, i try not to cus i miss the gym and get depressed from the booze/drugs
    ^^x2, I hate feeln like poo. I have ADD and I'm always thinkn of sumthin to do. Lol I didn't take my anti depr for 2 nites, takem before bed. Anyway I havnt been drinkn lately but last nite I moved my cheat day up 4 days drank 8 beers. I did take extra vit C and milk thisle.. Any way I think I did that last nite, but felt good after 10 am. And worked out today. Leggs and swam and hot box.. Ok freaked out on my gf said she's gettn fat! Had her bf checked on a electric hand checker 32% bf. Lmao! We argued n stuff.. told her she get more action if she just tried to be more active n stuff, ect. Anyway YES what a day!

  5. #5
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
    Eddie_m63 is offline Member
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    I don't like beer, i always like stronger stuff, hopefully on my 30th birthday i'll get drunk as hell.

  6. #6
    shadey33's Avatar
    shadey33 is offline Associate Member
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    yeh i love a drink but if i go home have a beer while im cookin a barbie i just wanna keep drinking an i forget about my workout later that day i just stick to satie nights only a couple

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