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  1. #41
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Yea it probably would have been if we weren't married..... too costly to get divorced..... plus when the judged asked why I want the divorce - she'd prolly go "Cuz he uses steroids and doesn't want anyone to know....."


    There are alternatives to divorce.

  2. #42
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Yea it probably would have been if we weren't married..... too costly to get divorced..... plus when the judged asked why I want the divorce - she'd prolly go "Cuz he uses steroids and doesn't want anyone to know....."



  3. #43
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    so i joined a gym today and went to work out for the first time there...i was doing chest and this dude asked if he could work in with me....i said yes and had a great workout with the dude...after we where done we talked a bit and i found out he was a cop...another good reason to not talk about aas with peeps you arnt good friends with...i would have had no idea if he hadnt told like i said before some things are better left on the down low....

  4. #44
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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  5. #45
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I don't go to the gym to talk to people, and I also don't freely admit to being on AAS to people who dont NEED to know.

  6. #46
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    There are other ways to get working out crazy without making any noise and getting big by eating right and then juicing....y there is this stupid concept that u use juice and u will get big....ummmm diet and workout???

    Also go to gym out a headphone on and get on with it there are other places to socialize with ppl...say, mall, pub etc....

  7. #47
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    i dont get it, what can the gym staff do if they know you are on AAS?

    is there a no steroid policy i was never told about at gyms?

    fvk what the staff says, they are all pikers anyway...

  8. #48
    DCI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    so i joined a gym today and went to work out for the first time there...i was doing chest and this dude asked if he could work in with me....i said yes and had a great workout with the dude...after we where done we talked a bit and i found out he was a cop...another good reason to not talk about aas with peeps you arnt good friends with...i would have had no idea if he hadnt told like i said before some things are better left on the down low....
    That's true. I had a lad chatting to me in the gym today he be there often enough. I say hello and that be it really and he was telling me that he was off out on a bender using Speed for since Sunday night. I was like wtf, I could have been the son of a cop or whatever.

  9. #49
    Friend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i dont get it, what can the gym staff do if they know you are on AAS?

    is there a no steroid policy i was never told about at gyms?

    fvk what the staff says, they are all pikers anyway...
    Watch in awe.

  10. #50
    Arian's Avatar
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    This is a pretty good topic. I am still trying to figure out where to get my gear and I have seen a couple guys at my gym that I think might be juicing. But I don't want to be an asshole and go up and ask them. I've talked to them once or twice and one said that he will be competing soon, but I just don't know them well enough to ask. Granted, I don't know what I would say if someone asked me and I was using. Very complicated stuff.

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