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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Let's see if my liver is f***ed! (first time doing bloods)

    OK so I've just finished my second cycle of juice. I've never gotten bloods done before but I had my blood taken this morning.

    I started my first cycle at the start of June last year, and I finished it at the start of September (14 weeks in total).

    The cycle was just Sustanon /Testoviron on its own. After the 14 weeks, I stopped everything for 2 weeks and did the normal PCT of Clomiphene & Tamoxifen .

    My first cycle shrunk my balls really badly, but they came back during PCT. No lasting problems.

    OK so I started my second cycle at the beginning of January this year.

    I got a little more adventurous this time. I took Testosterone , Nandrolone & Methandrostenolone . Also I took hCG .

    Here's how it panned out:

    Week 1-7 : Sustanon : 583mg per week
    Week 1-8 : Deca : 583mg per week
    Week 1-6: Dbol : 30mg per day

    My Deca ran out after 8 weeks, so I was left with Test & Dbol.

    I had already done Dbol for 6 weeks so I figured my liver could do with a break. I decided to up my Test dosage to 875mg per week.

    Week 8-11 : Sustanon : 875mg per week

    This was when I started having trouble sleeping and I was fatigued during the day too.

    I only stopped taking the Dbol for two weeks, I went back on for the remaining 3 weeks:

    Week 9-11 : Dbol : 30mg per day (but some days I took 40mg)

    And I was also taking hCG throughout the entire cycle at 100iu per day.


    So anyway, it's been 6 days since I took a drug. I got my blood taken this morning and I'm going back for the results in the morning.

    I told the doctor I'd been taking Testosterone, Nandrolone and Methandrostenolone. He didn't seem very impressed but he didn't give me a lecture or call me stupid or anything.

    I told him I was most concerned about cholesterol and liver.

    I'll be interested to see how the tests come back.

    If they show no liver problems then you can be sure I'll be upping my Dbol dosage next time

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You blood count is going to be out of whack since it's all still in your system.

    What where you taking for liver support? Drinking LOTs of water I hope and Live52 and milk Thistle will help.

    I have my liver checked 2x a year due to having Hep B 20 years ago. So far so good.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2009
    Yeah I always drink loads of water and electrolyte drinks because I live in Thailand and it's ROASTING hot for most of the year. I wasn't taking any liver protection stuff though.

    Why do you say that my blood levels will be "out of whack"? I wanted to get my blood tested right at the end of the cycle to see the full extent of the damage that had been done, so I know if I can push myself further next time.

    Here's what I got:

    The ones in red are a little bit out.
    The ones in blue are way out.

                    Normal Range              Measured Value
     Glucose           50 - 100 g/L              72
    GOT               0 - 35 U/L                44.6
    GPT               0 - 35 U/L                109
    Ph.Alc.           50 - 300 U/L              140
    Bilirubine tot.   0.3 - 1.0 mg/dL           0.43
    Bilirub.Dir.      0.1 - 0.3 mg/dL           0.77
    rGT               < 30 mg/dL                21.65
    Cholesterol       < 200 mg/dL               155
    HDL               > 35 mg/dL                24.82
    LDL               < 130 mg/dL               111
    Trigly            < 175 mg/dL               93.46
    I asked the doctor how long it would take these to return to normal and he said about 3 months.

    If anyone has any comments to make at all, I'd really appreciate it. This is my first time getting blood work done and I'd really like to learn about this stuff.

    Any comments at all are appreciated.

    Oh by the way it's been 8 days since I took a steroid and the first thing I notice is... my dick isn't hard every 20 minutes! I feel normal again... I actually need to have a reason to get a boner now... it doesn't just stand up because the wind is blowing

  4. #4
    xero's Avatar
    xero is offline Associate Member
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    Surprised that your LDL had dropped so low cause of the dbol ...definately would have expeted from var, but no so much from dbol. Would be intersting to see what your LDL level is in 3 months i..e is your LDL naturally low or diet related?

    Your bilirubin level also a direct indication of the stress dbol had on your liver, but also not too bad.

    Otherwise it looks pretty good and will normalize.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by xero View Post
    Surprised that your LDL had dropped so low cause of the dbol...definately would have expeted from var, but no so much from dbol. Would be intersting to see what your LDL level is in 3 months i..e is your LDL naturally low or diet related?
    Another thing to consider is that when I started this cycle, I started eating 8 eggs a day.

    Before I cycled, I ate maybe 2 eggs per day.

    Judging by the effect 30mg of Dianabol had on my liver, do you reckon it would have been OK to take 50mg?

    Maybe for my next cycle I'll just start taking 50mg per day and then I'll get my blood tested after a month.

    By the way the entire blood test and doctor consultation only cost me $72 in total. I didn't realise it was so cheap.

    For $110 I could have gotten everything tested, we're talking infectious disease, hematology, urine, serology, hormone, stools.

    I'm low on cash right now though so I just opted for the the cholesterol and liver.

    Your bilirubin level also a direct indication of the stress dbol had on your liver, but also not too bad.

    Otherwise it looks pretty good and will normalize.
    I think my next cycle will be at the start of July.

    Before I go back on the juice though I'll get my liver and cholesterol tested again.

    Now I've got 3 months to think about what steroids I want to take next

    Any other comments on my bloodwork are appreciated!

    I've said this already but it feels great to be normal again sexually, I'm not getting erections over nothing anymore! Plus when I'm out in public with attractive girls I don't have this sexual tension going on in my head anymore, I can just chill out and socialise with them. I can look at the girls and think yeah they're beautiful but I don't get semi-hard and fantasize about pealing them open. I like being like this.

    Plus when my girlfriend comes back she might see a different side of me (instead of me just wanting to drag her to bed all the time)

  6. #6
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    Any other commets on my bloodwork?

  7. #7
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
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    i really doubt your liver would be ****ed from what you did. Unless mabye your an alcaholic or something. The human liver can take a real pounding before giving out.

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    But see these results will not show if it's fvcked or not, only that since everything is in your system what the levels are now. Another 3 months after PCT will show if everything is OK or not. Only then will you know.

  9. #9
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    if that damaged your liver then mine is on life support lol

  10. #10
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    Any other commets on my bloodwork?
    That is a very weak panel, not much to say because there are not enough numbers to work on.

    For example, in regards of your liver, you missed the GGT test which is, together with alkaline phosphatase, the most important.

    Not to mention all the others...

  11. #11
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    go with UDCA for liver support, it will help your liver and cholesterol levels.

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