Results 1 to 22 of 22
  1. #1
    alpmaster is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Please answer my survey :(

    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.

  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Jun 2008
    1) no
    2) 21-31
    3) never
    4) n/a
    5) 30-49k
    6) yes
    7) friend
    8) fair
    9) 12.00-14.99

    Not like I never drank the stuff. I have beer on occasion, and have tried more than a couple of Sierra Nevada's offerings. I just prefer other drinks.
    Last edited by Ernst; 04-03-2010 at 09:05 AM.

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ x] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never Actually maybe 2-3 times per year.

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ x] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ x] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________NA

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ x] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    Hope that helps.

  4. #4
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [X ] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [ X] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ X] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [X ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ X] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [X ] YES
    [ ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [X ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [X ] YES
    [ ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [X ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [X ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    Good luck with the project


  5. #5
    JayBizzle586 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES*
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31*
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week*
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home*
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant*
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering*

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under*
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO*

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO*

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99*
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [ x] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ x] Never I'll take a scotch over a beer any day. Might have a beer 1-2 times/yr.

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ x] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ x] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.

  7. #7
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Do You Drink Beer?

    [x ] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [x ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [x ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [x ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [x ] Sporting event
    [x ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ x] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [x ] YES
    [ ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [x ] 12.00-14.99
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 04-04-2010 at 01:24 PM.

  8. #8
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [x] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [x] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [x] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [x] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    you are welcome
    Last edited by BJJ; 04-03-2010 at 11:44 AM.

  9. #9
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2009
    my answers wont be accurate considering what stage im at in training, but ill give up to date answers.... sometimes i still party a lot, BUT im on a cycle right now so...

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    What is your age?

    [x ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [x ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    (this one is a conflicting)

    [ ] Home
    [x ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ x] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ x] YES
    [ ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ x] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [x ] YES
    [ ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ x] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ x] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99
    Last edited by CHUCKYthentic; 04-03-2010 at 11:52 AM.

  10. #10
    LatissimusaurousRex is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ x] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [x ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ x] 2-3 times a week anywhere from 0-a few times a week
    [ x] Once a week
    [ x] Twice a week
    [ x] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ x] Home
    [ x] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ x] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ x] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [x ] YES
    [ ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ x] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ x] YES
    [ ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [x ] EXCELLENT
    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [x ] 12.00-14.99 i pay more for even better beer

    Thanks so much again guys.

  11. #11
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [x ] 43-53 *Young 43
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ x] Never

    Where do you drink beer?
    ** N/A - I do protein chasers
    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ x] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [x ] OTHER: ARR Lounge Thread

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO
    Q. Will they come out with a Sierra Nevada Whey Protein?

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?
    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?
    x $0.00
    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    Sorry, but no beer on this end.

  12. #12
    Diamond*K's Avatar
    Diamond*K is offline Female Member
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [X] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [X] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [X] Once a week (month)
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [X] Home
    [X] Bar/ Restaurant
    [X] Sporting event
    [X] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [X] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [X] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    hope that helps

  13. #13
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    okay, i understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on beer (mainly, sierra nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so i can gather the data i need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do you drink beer?

    [x] yes
    [ ] no

    what is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [x] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    how often do you drink beer?

    [ ] everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] once a week
    [ ] twice a week
    [ ] never (maybe 2-3 times a year)

    where do you drink beer?

    [ ] home
    [ ] bar/ restaurant
    [ ] sporting event
    [x] party or social gathering

    what is your annual household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [x] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-plus

    have you ever heard of sierra nevada beer?

    [ ] yes
    [x] no

    where did you learn about sierra nevada?

    [ ] bar
    [ ] restaurant
    [ ] friend
    [ ] advertisement
    [ ] other:___n/a______

    have you ever tried sierra nevada beer?

    [ ] yes
    [x] no

    (if yes) what was your impression of sierra nevada?

    [ ] excellent
    [ ] good
    [ ] fair
    [ ] poor n/a

    what is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [x] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    thanks so much again guys. :bbaily:

  14. #14
    ModelInProgress's Avatar
    ModelInProgress is offline Female Member
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    What is your age?

    [X] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [X] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering (N/A)

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [X] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:__N/A_______

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR N/A

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [X] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    I don't drink beer, but I hope this helps you.

  15. #15
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [x] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [x] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never
    3x a year
    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [x] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus
    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.

  16. #16
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO
    [x] Rarely

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ x] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [x] Once every few months
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [x ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [x ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [x ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:__Just now_______

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ x] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    You should have made it a real poll, much easier.

    Need more choices

  17. #17
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Poll would have been Easier

    I drink 3x a week on cycle or off - Beer
    1-2 Guiness on those 3 days

  18. #18
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ Y] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [ Y] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ Y] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ Y] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ Y] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ Y] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [Y ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ Y] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ Y] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    no problem!

  19. #19
    firsttimer555 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Opelousas, Louisiana
    Blog Entries

    survey answers

    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [X] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [X] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [X] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.
    Hope this helps

  20. #20
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [ ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [ ] Once a week
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [ ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [ ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [ ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [ ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.

  21. #21
    sarasotafloridabrian's Avatar
    sarasotafloridabrian is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sunny Florida
    Originally Posted by alpmaster
    Okay, I understand that a fitness/nutrition/bodybuilding forum isn't the best place for this, but please help out if you can. I have a class project on Beer (Mainly, Sierra Nevada), please take 1-2 minutes out of your day to answer my questionnaire so I can gather the data I need. I'd be very, very grateful, you're help is highly appreciated.

    Do You Drink Beer?

    [X] YES
    [ ] NO

    What is your age?

    [ ] 21-31
    [X ] 32-42
    [ ] 43-53
    [ ] 54+

    How often do you drink Beer?

    [ ] Everyday
    [ ] 2-3 times a week
    [X ] Once a week But not now. Off for training.
    [ ] Twice a week
    [ ] Never

    Where do you drink beer?

    [ ] Home
    [X ] Bar/ Restaurant
    [ ] Sporting event
    [ ] Party or social gathering

    What is your annual Household income?

    [ ] 29k and under
    [ ] 30k-49k
    [ ] 50k-69k
    [ ] 70k-89k
    [X ] 90k-Plus

    Have you ever heard of Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X ] NO

    Where did you learn about Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] BAR
    [ ] FRIEND
    [ ] OTHER:_N/A________

    Have you ever tried Sierra Nevada Beer?

    [ ] YES
    [X ] NO

    (If Yes) What was your impression of Sierra Nevada?

    [ ] GOOD
    [ ] FAIR
    [ ] POOR

    What is the most you would be willing to pay for a six pack?

    [ ] 3.00-4.99
    [ ] 5.00-7.99
    [X ] 8.00-11.99
    [ ] 12.00-14.99

    Thanks so much again guys.

  22. #22
    alpmaster is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    got all the information i needed, thanks so much again guys

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