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Thread: Legal advice...

  1. #1
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Legal advice...

    Friday night me and my 2 close friends were jumped by 10 guys, a few wtih weapons (baseball bats). We know who the guys are because the one dated a friend of mine. ...supposidly they are in custody.

    The one guy hit me so hard with the bat that he fractured my face severly on the left side and on the right. My front tooth was ejected through my face and i had 2 holes above my lip, below my nose. My teeth on the left side are pushed in. I can not eat solid food. .... I threw no punches and was only trying to stop my friend from getting killed.

    SO... Any advice anyone can give me i would appreciate it. I will be proceuting these MF'ers to the fullest extent.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    dont know what advice you need. Follow through with the prosecutors and hire a lawyer

  3. #3
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Were they arrested?

  4. #4
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
    Eddie_m63 is offline Member
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    If they got money sue for pain and suffering if they don't sue anyways. Why did they jumped you guys?

  5. #5
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I handle legal issues like this all the time. $5000 a person.

  6. #6
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    What brought this one?

  7. #7
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Heres the story...

    Me my friend and our other friend were at his grandmothers house just having a drink and this kid who dated my friends girl while they were broke up started shit. so then he came over to fight my friend. Once he got to my friends gmoms we noticed he brung 10 people with him. I had no intention of fighting and i actually knew the kid who wanted to fight my friend, we had no beef. Well they began exchangeing words and then began fighting (stupid i know) then the other 10 started to jump my freind. So i jumped in to stop my freind from being killed. as soon as i got close to him thats when i got wacked with the bat. they missed my temple by about a half inch. i wasnt knocked out but i was severly hurt and was on the ground. About 5 jumped on me and the others jumped on my other friend. while on the ground they hit me with th ebat again and kicked and punched me in the back of the head. I got away before they could kill me (which they try'd too)

    This all took place in about 5 mins tops. once i got away they bolted. My other two freinds were knocked out.

    I understand what is needed and we already have a great lawyer becuase my freind who was beat has a grandfather who is a millionaire and his lawyer said hell do it probono. ...I just cant wait to get these mother ****ers... any other advice other than the obvious that can help me i would appreciate

  8. #8
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
    oldschoolfitness is offline Associate Member
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    damn i hate to hear that man. all that means is those guys were chicken sh--! afraid of getting their a-- beat. where i come from if you are man enough to give it you should be man enough to take it. damn thats bad. i would prosecute to the end and then some more and sue the hell out of them, heal up buy some good gear with their money and say fu-- you a--holes!! heal up man get an o.j. lawyer and giv'em hell (i do not support o.j. in any way what so ever nor buying gear except for research purposes only)

  9. #9
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks bro

  10. #10
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
    oldschoolfitness is offline Associate Member
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    hang in there man that is so fu---- up i would want to kill somebody, but you know how that is. wounds will heal and money will help. I don't know if you're from the good ol u.s.a. but here there is always a chance those bast---- would get off the hook. if your friends family (the rich one) has some good connections it would be wise to use them the law likes to always use the excuse it was dark, you can't be sure it was him blah, blah, blah. i know i'm rambling a bit but, it's so simple those guys were afraid damn punks .

  11. #11
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Once the prosecutors have the case it's out of your hands as far as criminal proceedings go, other than testifying in court of course. So, as far as criminal proceedings are concerned, there is nothing for you to 'prosecute,' likely you and your friends were hurt bad enough, that even if you said "No, I don't want to press charges," the police/DA's office would do it anyway. I can however, offer you plenty of advice on what to do in preparation for a large civil suit against the perpetrators of this crime against you. Since there were numerous attackers, there exists the possibility that at least one of them is wealthy in some aspect. If not, in some instances the perpetrators home owners insurance policy will cough up a large chunk of change to cover a civil judgment against them. And, at the very least, you will be bankrupting them and ruining their credit for a very very very long time after they get out of jail. on...

    You need to take pictures of the damage to your bodies. Then, immediately, all of you who were assaulted need to see a physician and tell the doctor that you are having trouble sleeping because you have recurring nightmares about the incident. Ask your primary care physician to please refer you to a psychiatrist and to a counselor.

    When you see the psychiatrist, tell the psychiatrist that you have been experiencing recurring panic attacks ever since the attack, and that you experience a great deal of anxiety when going out in public or being around people because of your assault. Tell the psychiatrist and your counselor, that you have trouble performing your activities of daily living because of what happened. Tell them that you have nightmares which keep you up during the night, you awake in a full panic with sweats. Tell them that it has significantly affected your performance at work (I recommend leaving early a few days out of the month, as well as calling out as frequently as you can without actually losing your job). Make sure that the psychiatrist and your counselor are documenting everything that you tell them. Also tell them that you sometimes have flashbacks to the attack where it almost seems like it is happening all over again in your mind. At this point, you will hopefully be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    This will be very important in a civil suit for your lawyer when suing for punitive damages and for pain & suffering. You want to get as much documented evidence as you can that since the attack, your life has changed in every possible way, your quality of life has been severely diminished since the attack, and most importantly, that you will NEVER be the same again. The psychiatrist may prescribe you certain medications, if you don't wish to take them, at least make sure that you refill the medication according to the schedule, and to take at least some of it around/during the time of the trial in case the court subpoenas blood work and would like proof that you have been taking the medication. It would also be prudent to get some character witness's, friends of yours, who will testify how you "just haven't been the same," ever since your attack. If you can afford not to work, and if you do not have a stellar job, it may be in your interests to quit working, and try to seek social security/disability, this way when the civil trial comes around, your lawyer can sue for lifetime lost wages. And then once the suit is over, your settlement money is in your bank account, you can make a miraculous recovery and return to work, with a nice nest egg in your account.

    Good luck!

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Once the prosecutors have the case it's out of your hands as far as criminal proceedings go, other than testifying in court of course. So, as far as criminal proceedings are concerned, there is nothing for you to 'prosecute,' likely you and your friends were hurt bad enough, that even if you said "No, I don't want to press charges," the police/DA's office would do it anyway. I can however, offer you plenty of advice on what to do in preparation for a large civil suit against the perpetrators of this crime against you. Since there were numerous attackers, there exists the possibility that at least one of them is wealthy in some aspect. If not, in some instances the perpetrators home owners insurance policy will cough up a large chunk of change to cover a civil judgment against them. And, at the very least, you will be bankrupting them and ruining their credit for a very very very long time after they get out of jail. on...

    You need to take pictures of the damage to your bodies. Then, immediately, all of you who were assaulted need to see a physician and tell the doctor that you are having trouble sleeping because you have recurring nightmares about the incident. Ask your primary care physician to please refer you to a psychiatrist and to a counselor.

    When you see the psychiatrist, tell the psychiatrist that you have been experiencing recurring panic attacks ever since the attack, and that you experience a great deal of anxiety when going out in public or being around people because of your assault. Tell the psychiatrist and your counselor, that you have trouble performing your activities of daily living because of what happened. Tell them that you have nightmares which keep you up during the night, you awake in a full panic with sweats. Tell them that it has significantly affected your performance at work (I recommend leaving early a few days out of the month, as well as calling out as frequently as you can without actually losing your job). Make sure that the psychiatrist and your counselor are documenting everything that you tell them. Also tell them that you sometimes have flashbacks to the attack where it almost seems like it is happening all over again in your mind. At this point, you will hopefully be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    This will be very important in a civil suit for your lawyer when suing for punitive damages and for pain & suffering. You want to get as much documented evidence as you can that since the attack, your life has changed in every possible way, your quality of life has been severely diminished since the attack, and most importantly, that you will NEVER be the same again. The psychiatrist may prescribe you certain medications, if you don't wish to take them, at least make sure that you refill the medication according to the schedule, and to take at least some of it around/during the time of the trial in case the court subpoenas blood work and would like proof that you have been taking the medication. It would also be prudent to get some character witness's, friends of yours, who will testify how you "just haven't been the same," ever since your attack. If you can afford not to work, and if you do not have a stellar job, it may be in your interests to quit working, and try to seek social security/disability, this way when the civil trial comes around, your lawyer can sue for lifetime lost wages. And then once the suit is over, your settlement money is in your bank account, you can make a miraculous recovery and return to work, with a nice nest egg in your account.

    Good luck!
    Good advise above. Dont delay on any of this. Start taking pictures now and EVERY day. Go through them later to select the best ones for court.

    Follow through with see a shrink SOON and save all the doctors notes.

    Now the only problem is Do any of these punks have money or their family? You cant get blood from a turnip. I would make sure one way or another they go through a lot more pain and suffering than I do. Make them pay the rest of their life. Dont settle for a lump sum unless it's Millions. They need to be responsible for ALL future medical, psychological and any other bills that may come up over the next 70 years.

  13. #13
    donberry427's Avatar
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    Lovbytes, thegodfather...thank you very much for your advice. I will be following the advice TODAY, and the rest of the trial etc...

    As for the money i have recently found out that the one is loaded and i believe a few other have money as well. SO hopefully i will get what i deserve in that aspect.

    AS for pictures ive been taking pictures everyday and honestly the pictures dont really get the full effect, but you can def tell im ****ed up. Alot of the damage is in the form of multiple facial fractures and my teeth are really ****ed up. The left side of my mouth has been pushed in severly from the bat.

    Ill keep everyone posted on whats going on... Right now im gonna try to get some food in me since i havent ate in 2 ****ing days due to the constant nausea from my concussion and all the blood that keeps trickeling down my throat

  14. #14
    sarasotafloridabrian's Avatar
    sarasotafloridabrian is offline Associate Member
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    Pretty simple, if they were arrested and charged it's out of your hands and in the hands of the authorities. The only way they get off is if you fail to testify or prosecutor can not make a case. There is no such thing as the victim even being able to drop the charges any longer. Hasn't been for many years.
    Civil court is another matter. You could sue them should they have anything worth taking. If they have a weathly daddy or it was on the premises of a bar/club or what have you it may be taken on contigency; however, if not you would have to hire an attorney and that would be $10K retainer to start.
    Last edited by sarasotafloridabrian; 04-05-2010 at 08:43 AM. Reason: misspelling

  15. #15
    vpchill's Avatar
    vpchill is offline "Born to lose, Dying to win"
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    All I can say is, WOMEN !!!! Really not worth the trouble. I have a friend now doing 50years because he helped his friends girlfriend from being harrassed. Got jumped by the guys who were harrasing her and almost killed. Came back and killed two of them. All this over a woman. A woman who I mite add was actually a Hoe like they were calling her. How do I know? Well I never knew the full story of why my boy got jumped. Only know he was hurt bad. I've never seen eye balls filled with blood b4. Either way, once I learned the whole story and who the girl was, least to say I was astonished. Not only did myself and 6 other guys run up in her (on film mind u) like a quikie mart but I know for a fact she slept wit 20 other dudes during this weekend in philly.
    Sorry about that, I just hate to hear guys getting into problems over a woman. Especially if she is not ur woman or she is keeping secrets and is the reason for the drama.

    Godfather gave great advice. Follow thru with ur plans. Just hope everything works out.

  16. #16
    vpchill's Avatar
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    Btw, it also depends where u live. My Wife got cut in New Orleans and their suck ass legal system took over a year just 2 give the 2 girls probation. I mean judge bday delays. Prosecutor fishing delays. No bullshit. Defense lawyer on vacation delays. I swear it seemed like they didn't really wanna prosecute at all.

  17. #17
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Godfather gave good advise if they have money...if they're broke losers which is what I suspect, you'll be lucky to get out of pocket medical bills. You can't get blood from a turnip.

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