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  1. #1
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    Arizona's Concealed Carry Law

    Being a former resident of the state I read about the new concealed carry law lifting restrictions and letting damned near anyone pack heat.

    Then I read this

    Sorry but that's freaking funny. For those who don't wanna click, in a nutshell, this dude couldn't quit screwing around with his gun in a Walmart and wound up shooting a hole in the ceiling. Atleast it wasn't it someone's head but I still spit my coffee reading it.

  2. #2
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    im in az and that law sucks. just wait till some drunk at a bar shoots up some people

  3. #3
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    Even weirder is on the front page of that site somebody tries to rip the writer saying since he doesn't carry a gun he's no better than anti-2nd amendment activists.

    I can't say I see logic in the argument personally

  4. #4
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    The new law simply makes carrying a concealed firearm permissible to anyone who legally owns a firearm. It eliminates the need for a permit. Having to apply for a permit to do something, implies needing PERMISSION. Why do you believe that you should need permission to exercise a Constitutionally protected right? Do you apply for a permit so that you can exercise free speech? Do you need to apply for a permit before you can refuse consent for a search of your vehicle, based on your constitutionally protected 4th amendment right?

    What others constitutionally protected rights in the constitution, require that you apply for a permit (i.e.-permission) before you can exercise those rights? None. The 2nd should be treated no different than the rest of the constitutionally protected rights.

  5. #5
    StevePJC's Avatar
    StevePJC is offline Member
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    Because I've known plenty of people when I lived in Arizona who could legally own a gun that had no business CARRYING a gun.

    Just because you're legal doesn't mean you're responsible enough.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevePJC View Post
    Because I've known plenty of people when I lived in Arizona who could legally own a gun that had no business CARRYING a gun.

    Just because you're legal doesn't mean you're responsible enough.
    True but it will always be that way even with permits. Even with lessons. But the law makes sense because if you can legally own a gun there is no reason you can not legally carry on.

    It's also stupid that anyone who does own or carry one would ever put down someone who does not. Obviously they are not comfortable with one and should not carry or own one.

    No one should own one without knowing how to use it also. In a way a required shooting class would be nice but still useless for some. I took a shooting class when i was 14? I think it was beneficial and gave me respect for guns.

  7. #7
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    Here in North Carolina they actually look more into a person's background before they issue a permit. I had two ARRESTS where there was no prosecutions and that delayed the hell out of my CCW. Both cases were misdemeanor assault where the DA found I was likely defending myself but nevertheless it sure gave me problems later on.

    In the one guy's eyes though I'm part of the problem as well. I don't carry a gun. North Carolina has a pistol purchase permit rule that's a pain in the butt. I got the CCW so I could bypass having to go to the sheriff's department everytime I wanted to buy a gun. Not putting ANYTHING between a gun owner and the right to conceal a firearm just worries me personally. While it doesn't stop all the stupid people, atleast it puts a speed bump infront of 'em.

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