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  1. #41
    ModelInProgress's Avatar
    ModelInProgress is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    Modelinprogress, if we want your opinion , I'll give it too you....LMAO i'm so getting hit for that

    back to OP...
    I don't think there would be any good or bad rule, you will always have trolls and losers.. .. but i will say i spent years in the powerlifting forum before moving other places. the whole site isn't about ASS, so you couldn't make ideas directly connected to steroids .

    but, i think admin should use the power to ban people more when they are moody or are caught lying like many many many people have about their pictures or stats.
    Kiss my a$$ punk [email protected] guess you enjoy sleeping on the sofa!!

    And it's AAS not ASS genius!!

  2. #42
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    And it's AAS not ASS genius!![/I][/B][/QUOTE] comment on the thread.

  3. #43
    quarry206's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ModelInProgress View Post
    Kiss my a$$ punk [email protected] guess you enjoy sleeping on the sofa!!

    And it's AAS not ASS genius!!

  4. #44
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Jesus - You guys are warping the shit out of the initial post lol.

    What I dont understand is how someone could be sooo embaressed, that not only are they making an anonymous user name, that they cant even say that the issue is about them.
    But even further, my issue is more specifically people like ferocious bubble.

    He is 31 , 29, 25, 21, and now I think he is 19 and 3 or 4 threads he has made was about him initally, and then suddenly about his friend.

    Thats what my rule is necessarily against.

  5. #45
    quarry206's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Jesus - You guys are warping the shit out of the initial post lol.

    What I dont understand is how someone could be sooo embaressed, that not only are they making an anonymous user name, that they cant even say that the issue is about them.
    But even further, my issue is more specifically people like ferocious bubble.

    He is 31 , 29, 25, 21, and now I think he is 19 and 3 or 4 threads he has made was about him initally, and then suddenly about his friend.

    Thats what my rule is necessarily against.
    i think if people are caught lying over and over and over about their age, stats or pictures... especially people using famous peoples pictures as their own should be banned. it ruins the advice people can give.

  6. #46
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    I wish this guy couldnt post. Hes more annoying than noobs wanting to run tren on thier first cycle.
    WHAT?? I think DSM's posts are fckin hilarious... when I saw the one you are referring to about guys junk on their avatar I literally Laughed out loud. Its so refreshing to see an openly gay men on a Steroid website....

    Pure comedy...... Don't hate Alpha.... You need to learn how to LOVE

  7. #47
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    I wish this guy couldnt post. Hes more annoying than noobs wanting to run tren on thier first cycle.

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