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  1. #1
    creactiveprotein is offline New Member
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    Anyone get married under the age of 25?

    Regret your decision? How are you doing now? Advice for younger guys (21-25) who are looking to get married? I think i found the love of my life but im only 23 and know that there are lots of girls out there and things to do before i settle down.

  2. #2
    grumpee's Avatar
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    I got married when I was 20 and I'm 33 right now. We are still married but it was not a easy ride. If I had to do it over again I would probably have not got married. I would have banged as many chicks as I could and had more of a life. Since I got married all I have done is work 50-60 hours a week 6-7 days a week to support a house hold.

    You're young have fun, get a education and live a life. If you guy where meant to be you will still be together years down the road

  3. #3
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    I never plan on getting married. you dont need to marry someone to prove that you love them imo

    follow grumpee's advice

  4. #4
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your 20s are for shagging. Wedding bells in the 30s.

    You will be more content this way.

    Now 39, Married @31....and very happy.

  5. #5
    Shinalynn's Avatar
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    Marriage can wait if she is really the love of your life. I have been married before, thinking he was the love of my life, we went and eloped..4 years later the big D word. Now that I AM with the love of my life there is no real rush on getting married. Honestly I dont plan on getting married for at least another three years.
    I guess what I am tryin to say is, whats the rush?

  6. #6
    cobra305's Avatar
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    If you love her at 23 you will love her at 30 wait. I got married at 22 to the "love of my life" and was seperated within a year. I am now remarried but I waited and lived with my current wife before jumping into anything crazy.

  7. #7
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Lived with the "love of my life" when I was 21..... got married at 23 - been married 3 years.

    I have passed up soooooooooooooooooooo many things that it almost makes me cry thinking about it. It's a very tough road..... and looking back on it..... I shouldn't have jumped into it.

    Best advice I could give..... hold of as long as possible...... and in the mean time - bang as much as you can. If a day goes by that you didn't hump something..... it was a wasted day......

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  8. #8
    6ft5's Avatar
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    I was with this girl for 5 yrs on and of we had a son together, I was 22 wich I wanted to have a kid that early (not an easy thing) cuz I didn't want to be old when my kid or kids moved out. Got married at 23 got divorced at 24 lmao! It was an experience and yea she's an overbearing douch bag but I knew that before we got married. I love what I got out of it my son is 10 now I'm 32. Sence the divorce which was not a real big deal cuz I was young and didn't have shit. I have banged many chick(not real smart to many std's out there) why pass up the chance to be with the one you love for sum tail. Got a girl now for 2 years I won't marry her YET if she don't like it, then she don't have to hang around. All I do is work a lot, eat, sleep, and lift. Sooo if some hot tail come by and I wana smash it in I will, but I'm to buisy to try and chaise it down.

  9. #9
    spncr's Avatar
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    im 25 and my gf is 20, were engaged and live together. i done all my shaggin before i got with her

  10. #10
    calgarian's Avatar
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    got married when i was 22 still married and i am 35

  11. #11
    Bigdog99's Avatar
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    I am 38. Got Married when I was 28. 25-30 is about the right time to do it. You don't want to wait too long b/c you still want to be young with your kids. Don't want to do it too soon either....need to have some fun and bang a bunch of chicks, travel etc etc or you will regret it. Looking back now....I probably would not get married again. Even at 38...there is still alot of hot older women out there that I would love to bang. Banging the same women for 10 years gets REALLY old. Kids are cool though.

  12. #12
    Shawn's Avatar
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    I got married to AR at 22

  13. #13
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    I got married at 25 and she changed almost immediatly. We actually got into a fight on our wedding night. lol The institution of marriage has changed so much that its not even worth it imo. Plus I dont think deciding to marry someone these days is as big a commitment as having a child with someone. If the marriage dosent work out then you get divorced and go seperate ways, if you have a kid and seperate you have to deal with that person for a long time, and coparenting isnt an easy thing if you dont get along. That one night of unprotected sex could be the biggest commitment of your life.

  14. #14
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    I got married at 25 and she changed almost immediatly. We actually got into a fight on our wedding night. lol The institution of marriage has changed so much that its not even worth it imo. Plus I dont think deciding to marry someone these days is as big a commitment as having a child with someone. If the marriage dosent work out then you get divorced and go seperate ways, if you have a kid and seperate you have to deal with that person for a long time, and coparenting isnt an easy thing if you dont get along. That one night of unprotected sex could be the biggest commitment of your life.
    I understand what r u saying but being a Dad is such a great feeling its hard to explain. Its kind of surprising when some one try to copy every move u make kinda hard to explain sorry didnt want to hi-jack the thread but had to say this,

  15. #15
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I understand what r u saying but being a Dad is such a great feeling its hard to explain. Its kind of surprising when some one try to copy every move u make kinda hard to explain sorry didnt want to hi-jack the thread but had to say this,
    Not sure what you mean bro.

  16. #16
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    Not sure what you mean bro.
    sorry too much food in my mouth....I meant that being a father is a great feeling which is hard to explain ...thats all dont think I am disagreeing with the points u make,

  17. #17
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Just when you think you're done whoring around...... give it another 10 months. Man created monogomy...... don't know why cuz its not supposed to be that way.....

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  18. #18
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    sorry too much food in my mouth....I meant that being a father is a great feeling which is hard to explain ...thats all dont think I am disagreeing with the points u make,

    I agree totally with you. I have 2 kids. Nothing compares to the love you feel for your children. Nothing compares to the responsibility either. Im a single dad btw.

  19. #19
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by creactiveprotein View Post
    Regret your decision? How are you doing now? Advice for younger guys (21-25) who are looking to get married? I think i found the love of my life but im only 23 and know that there are lots of girls out there and things to do before i settle down.
    You have to get the first one out of the way so get it done early...

    Do not!!!! have kids with the first one or you will pay for it!!! for a very long time

    good luck

  20. #20
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Just when you think you're done whoring around...... give it another 10 months. Man created monogomy...... don't know why cuz its not supposed to be that way.....

    Agree, just one of the many ways marriage trys to mold a man into something he wasnt evolved to be.

  21. #21
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    I agree totally with you. I have 2 kids. Nothing compares to the love you feel for your children. Nothing compares to the responsibility either. Im a single dad btw.
    Good for you.....

  22. #22
    6ft5's Avatar
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    props to all single dads its not easy. If you gona get married its not easy eather. Just make shure yall don't forget who you are, and both he and she have a roll to play to be succsessfull. Its very easy to get hung up on the little stuff when the picture is to big to focus on at times. And being young with no prior experiences to learn from, you gota learn as you go.

  23. #23
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i got married at 26 after dating and ****ing my wife everyday for 5 years....we have been married for almost 12 years now(together for 17) and i am still crazy about her to this day....i got lucky and found my soulmate and cant get enough of that ass to this day...i still cant beleave after all these years that im still very much in love with her, its mind blowing....that being said, id still like to pound some strange stuff and love to look at the ladies but so far i have resisted the temptation cus id hate to **** up such a good i guess what im saying is that in the right situation marrage can be helps though if you continue to communicate, get along,share the same goals in life and of course have amazing sex frequently....

  24. #24
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    dont ask for a source thx
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  25. #25
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6ft5 View Post
    props to all single dads its not easy. If you gona get married its not easy eather. Just make shure yall don't forget who you are, and both he and she have a roll to play to be succsessfull. Its very easy to get hung up on the little stuff when the picture is to big to focus on at times. And being young with no prior experiences to learn from, you gota learn as you go.
    IMO if u have kids dont get married u want one night stands Fine but really when it comes down to it ur kids are most important thing in ur life and that how it should be....sure a Man have desires well thats y one night stands are for, dont assume some girl will take a good care of the kids that came in as a I said its just my opinion and no one have to agree with it.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    got married when i was 22 still married and i am 35
    Just wondering, How many times have you been unfaithful?

  27. #27
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    Q: Why do brides smile while they walk down the wedding aisle?

    A: They realize they've given their last blow jobs.

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    Been with the bf 4 years this December. He keeps hinting that he wants me to "get him a ring. " I told him "baby, I love and you know that. I don't need a paper to to tell me that. " His response ".......just get me a f****ing ring. "

    I love him

  29. #29
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    My parents got married at 20 and 21, my father 21.They were still maried when my mother died four years ago 24 years after they married.However my father always said he would never get married if he could do it over so I think its more to do with your connection with the woman than your age. Love her at 20 and you might still love her at 90.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shinalynn View Post
    Just wondering, How many times have you been unfaithful?
    Y u visiting Calgary for Stampede???

  31. #31
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Yes I did and it didnt work out, to young.

  32. #32
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    I agree with waiting as long as possible, in the 30's seems to be the best time for men.

  33. #33
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Got married right after turning 21, she was 19. Went through divorce at 25. I'm now 43 and have been remarried for 10 years, and it's been great!

    I wish someone would have kicked the shiat out of me when I was 20. Seriously, maybe a battery/generator, wire clamped to my nuts with threats of amputation to get me out of it would be welcomed with what I know now. It was a mistake!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Got married right after turning 21, she was 19. Went through divorce at 25. I'm now 43 and have been remarried for 10 years, and it's been great!

    I wish someone would have kicked the shiat out of me when I was 20. Seriously, maybe a battery/generator, wire clamped to my nuts with threats of amputation to get me out of it would be welcomed with what I know now. It was a mistake!
    Just like the ignorant kids we always tell not to cycle yet.....

    I should have listened to my father LOL.... wise fvckin man.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  35. #35
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    25, single, and loving it... got my own house, can do whatever I want, jerk off in peace, good times...

  36. #36
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    I got married at 20 and Im still married to the same woman at 47. Over such a long span we have both changed completely from what we were like back when we first met. I think most people also change if they stick it out. It was toughest back when we were younger and immature (20's). As we both grew up things improved. Lots of good times, lots of bad times. That's life.

    Would I do it again. Yep, better then being alone IMO.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    25, single, and loving it... got my own house, can do whatever I want, jerk off in peace, good times...
    You sir have the live. I intend on having a house by 25 too and no ties ie women on me.

  38. #38
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Not married at over 45, have no regrets that way at all, got mates, a gf when ever i want one and do the things i want to do. probally die alone but lets face it we all do really anyhow.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    25, single, and loving it... got my own house, can do whatever I want, jerk off in peace, good times...
    the simple pleasures of life are priceless aren't they you sad lonely man

  40. #40
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    I was 31 she was 23. I could have waited longer. Dating was better

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