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  1. #1
    gettingthere's Avatar
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    Ever get sick of telling newbies they are too young for steroids?

    Guess the title kinda sums this thread question up!!

    Let me just get something straight here, im not bashing anyone, definatly not and wouldnt!!

    Just looking though a load of thread this evening i see the same occruing theme, guys coming on here looking for advice on cycle etc bla bla and the same response comes up constantly!! Now i agree with the response been given a lot of the time, dont get me wrong but its kinda annoying!! Ya i know we dont have to read it if we dont want too!!

    This is also an acknowledgement to you guys who keep around and are available to keep giving advice all year round!! but do you get sick of having to say the same thing?

    Maybe this is a pointless thread, just wanted to get your thoughts on this?

  2. #2
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    Yes, and i've stopped due to the realization that:

    A. If they are already past a certain point in their minds about doing it, there is nothing you can do to stop them

    B. Trying to scare the shit out of them about what they are going to do to their bodies most of the time will not work

    C. The BEST way to get these people on the right track is to convince them that they really can gain naturally in their current age and make great gains by doing things properly concerning nutrition and training. Attempting to scare people doesn't work.

    D. Often times experience is the best teacher. But she's the toughest teacher, because she gives the test first, and then the lesson afterwards.

  3. #3
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    My first post here was when I was 18, you guys didn't get through to me lololol!

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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Mine or someone elses? sorry if its mine

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    Ther gonna take it regardless if there mind is set on the whole "look im on gear, im a hard bstd"...I say FVkem! Sik of tellin em off... leavit to sum1 else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    Mine or someone elses? sorry if its mine
    double repost...

  9. #9
    Standby's Avatar
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    im 19 and ive done enough reading here to know not to lol so gratz to me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    im 19 and ive done enough reading here to know not to lol so gratz to me
    u liar i just sold u fake gear and u r going to use it cause paid lot of money for it

  11. #11
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    u liar i just sold u fake gear and u r going to use it cause paid lot of money for it
    Dont ya just love those 65% markups on dbol ? lol

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    u liar i just sold u fake gear and u r going to use it cause paid lot of money for it
    you told me everything you sell me would be confidential!

  13. #13
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Dont ya just love those 65% markups on dbol? lol
    i made it 75%

  14. #14
    o-lineman60's Avatar
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    well how old is old enough then. I see people saying at least 21 but even then they oughta wait and lift for a few more years. I'm 22 and have decided to take a cycle. i havent done it yet, but i've lifted since i was 15 yrs old. it seems now i have hit a wall in liftin. I literally cannot get my bench up anymore weight it seems. I'm 6'6'' and 310lbs. Do you think i'm too young?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    well how old is old enough then. I see people saying at least 21 but even then they oughta wait and lift for a few more years. I'm 22 and have decided to take a cycle. i havent done it yet, but i've lifted since i was 15 yrs old. it seems now i have hit a wall in liftin. I literally cannot get my bench up anymore weight it seems. I'm 6'6'' and 310lbs. Do you think i'm too young?
    yep 24 is an ideal age...310lbs whats ur body fat%?

  16. #16
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    19%. That was two weeks ago i checked it. Been cutting down a bit since then. But its still pretty high

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    19%. That was two weeks ago i checked it. Been cutting down a bit since then. But its still pretty high
    When you have BF% that high steroids will have more side effect on you. so it will do more bad then good plus you are 2-3 yrs young to be in the AAS. Post ur diet in the diet section and let ppl critique on your diet. You can reduce body fat% easily by watching what you eat. Lifting the heaviest doesn't count doing it right does.

  18. #18
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    Yea thats why I am still deciding whether or not even to take them. Becuase I'm so heavy is the reason why I almost do not want to take them. I need to get strong as hell tho for the up coming season. Dont get me wrong, i am really strong, but the amount of shit that is asked of me is pretty insane. I just want to walk out on that field knowing no one can hang with me. I was workin up a diet, but tossed it away cuz it was shit. i figured to real reason in trying to fix something thats pretty much FUBAR as it is. Monday I am sittin down and starting at the drawing boards. I looked at alotta stuff on this website and did my homework. The problem is, cuz i play offensive line, i gotta stay somewhat heavy otherwise these D-ends we see will push me around.

    You said I am 2-3 yrs young, i understand that. If i did take steroids , what would be the long term effects. I understand the gyno n sides from taking them, i'm talkin like down the road.

    Btw, i am thinkin of doing an hdrol or nasty mass cycle. Do you think they would hurt me too much if i did take it. Right now i'm on the fence of takin shit n what you guys say hold more water than anyone else cuz u guys know your shit. Just looking for help I guess. i got the knowledge, but no real idea i guess

  19. #19
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    cal if you dont mind me asking what was your stats when you turned dark side

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    i read that limp d*ck in your 20's could be a side. turned me away real quick lol

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    cal if you dont mind me asking what was your stats when you turned dark side
    i was 220 reduced from 280, 6 feet tall and i dont remember my BF% . but I was already on TRT and knew test is my best friend so i switched it with prop and tren A. ppl say run forst cycle of test the reason i didnt do it cause i was already using test plus I want to test tren every one was saying the have horrible sides...for me they werent that bad.....

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    Yea thats why I am still deciding whether or not even to take them. Becuase I'm so heavy is the reason why I almost do not want to take them. I need to get strong as hell tho for the up coming season. Dont get me wrong, i am really strong, but the amount of shit that is asked of me is pretty insane. I just want to walk out on that field knowing no one can hang with me. I was workin up a diet, but tossed it away cuz it was shit. i figured to real reason in trying to fix something thats pretty much FUBAR as it is. Monday I am sittin down and starting at the drawing boards. I looked at alotta stuff on this website and did my homework. The problem is, cuz i play offensive line, i gotta stay somewhat heavy otherwise these D-ends we see will push me around.

    You said I am 2-3 yrs young, i understand that. If i did take steroids , what would be the long term effects. I understand the gyno n sides from taking them, i'm talkin like down the road.

    Btw, i am thinkin of doing an hdrol or nasty mass cycle. Do you think they would hurt me too much if i did take it. Right now i'm on the fence of takin shit n what you guys say hold more water than anyone else cuz u guys know your shit. Just looking for help I guess. i got the knowledge, but no real idea i guess
    If you got ur diet on the spot and workout properly u wont loose weight u will loose only fat yeah i know i sound like an old drum but its true i had done it in the past. Steriods will help you but it has to be right time.....side effects u ask besides the one u mentioned it can also shut down properly ur test production that happen naturally in ur body, sex related problem rest if ur life. Ask urself tdoes this worth it? risking all of that.....dont look for short cut not every short cut is good if u know what i mean.

  23. #23
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    Cal, how old were you when you first started AAS?

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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i was 220 reduced from 280, 6 feet tall and i dont remember my BF% . but I was already on TRT and knew test is my best friend so i switched it with prop and tren A. ppl say run forst cycle of test the reason i didnt do it cause i was already using test plus I want to test tren every one was saying the have horrible sides...for me they werent that bad.....
    Yeah everyone reacts differently from tren ..

    If im running it for 10/12 weeks i can honestly say im glad when its over....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Yeah everyone reacts differently from tren ..

    If im running it for 10/12 weeks i can honestly say im glad when its over....
    which one u r running E or A? what dosages?

  26. #26
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    I get that and understand it. like i said, i play O-line so i gotta be a heavier guy to begin with. I would like to lose some weight, but my biggest concern or better said desire for the upcoming season is to become stornger. I know i'm chunky n can afford to lose weight, but my main goal is to become stronger and then lose weight. I know i cannot really do both at the same time. Its not so much a short cut in my eyes, i have busted my ass day n night in the gym the past 3 years up here at college, but its to the point where i cannot do much more.

    My biggest fear with taking one of these PH's is that I will end up hurting myself in the long run. I hear about fballers that take it and end up tearing ligaments because their tendons cannot deal with the muscle size and power exerted upon them. Have you guys heard anything liek that?

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    Another question, now i have never taken any steriods , but i plan to either soon or later in life, but you all know the possible side effects and the awful things that will happen when your older, yet eveyrone takes them. Why is that? I know my reasons, but what are yours?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    Another question, now i have never taken any steriods, but i plan to either soon or later in life, but you all know the possible side effects and the awful things that will happen when your older, yet eveyrone takes them. Why is that? I know my reasons, but what are yours?
    Mine...well I was on test replacement therapy already something happened in my childhood that my body stop making test the natural way. and when i did my first cycle i was 32.
    If you dont abuse steroids they wont abuse u. have a blood check up regularly know what PCT is when to run it how to run it.
    My main reason was i was really really close to become diabetic so doctor told me if i dont reduce sugar i will become one when i was not taking any sugar. Next morning I woke up and said this gotta change and I will do anything to do it thats when i started and never looked back since. if u look at my picture it will tell u the whole story....

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    which one u r running E or A? what dosages?

    None at the moment but ive only run tren e...

    I have tri tren for my next cycle and after that im convinced tren a will the the furtue for me...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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    Yea i have done hours upon hours of research on everything having to do with AAS. If, and that is IF i run this cycle, I already have clomid and nolva lined up with enough nolva to take during cycle to combat any gyno sides. I posted my cycle awhile ago but i def did my research on it all. Now even if I dont abuse steriods , and I do it a very safe very smart way, is there still a possiblity that i could get hurt from them cuz there seems to be very differing ideas on this entire subject. I figure no one would know better than you guys

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    Yea i have done hours upon hours of research on everything having to do with AAS. If, and that is IF i run this cycle, I already have clomid and nolva lined up with enough nolva to take during cycle to combat any gyno sides. I posted my cycle awhile ago but i def did my research on it all. Now even if I dont abuse steriods, and I do it a very safe very smart way, is there still a possiblity that i could get hurt from them cuz there seems to be very differing ideas on this entire subject. I figure no one would know better than you guys
    hard to say every one reacts differently . Like ppl get horrible temper problem when on tren I am opposite i become calm. masteron they say bad for ur temper and yeah it is, test gives u god like feeling and yes it is true too, so there is no way of knowing how ur body will react except u will find out urself. The cycle u are polanning to run I have never ran it to be honest so I cant tell you what effect it will have on u or on me for that matter.

    PCT i am not the best person to ask ...reason I never ran it I am on TRT so as soon as cycle finishes i go back on TRT.
    My ur diet make sure u state ur GOALS clearly and ppl will help u in this regard.and it can be achieved without using AAS at ur age.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    None at the moment but ive only run tren e...

    I have tri tren for my next cycle and after that im convinced tren a will the the furtue for me...
    personally speaking tren e doesnt do much for me unless i run it at 700mg i ran it at that dosage and then hoped tht I shuold have ran tren A cause my BP was off the next i am thinking of running tren A 1g per week so if the sides are bad i will stop...but for me 500mg I will use tren.

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    Gotcha. Well i think i'm leaning more toward doing that then any PH just yet. I dont know yet i figure i will just play it by ear. Thanks for the help cal

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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    Gotcha. Well i think i'm leaning more toward doing that then any PH just yet. I dont know yet i figure i will just play it by ear. Thanks for the help cal
    no worries.....we dont have isues using steroid u just have to be right age and know what u r doing and then every one will help u.

    Good luck to u

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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    no worries.....we dont have isues using steroid u just have to be right age and know what u r doing and then every one will help u.

    Good luck to u
    Gotcha, well i will keep you guys posted as to what i will be doing. Thanks for all your help cal. Its greatly appreciated. anyway, what are your curerent stats?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    Gotcha, well i will keep you guys posted as to what i will be doing. Thanks for all your help cal. Its greatly appreciated. anyway, what are your curerent stats?
    i havent weigh myself yet but i was 240 from 220 i think 10 lbs are water weight and i can only fir into XXL and I hate measuring my arms....all the bitches complain that I am getting too big.

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    haha thats a good thing tho right? If a bitch is going to complain it might as well be about your guns being to big right

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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    haha thats a good thing tho right? If a bitch is going to complain it might as well be about your guns being to big right
    oh thats not the only thing they complain about

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i was 220 reduced from 280, 6 feet tall and i dont remember my BF% . but I was already on TRT and knew test is my best friend so i switched it with prop and tren A. ppl say run forst cycle of test the reason i didnt do it cause i was already using test plus I want to test tren every one was saying the have horrible sides...for me they werent that bad.....
    i was afraid also to try it, but now i have i've had no probs, sweat a bit more during training, but thts it. get the feelin tht the sides are alittle over hyped on here

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