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  1. #1
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Divorce help from my bro's - Consultation tomorrow


    What I am going for is obviously to have my ex pegged for adultry. I am wanting to also get full custody of my daughter, however I will discuss this with my lawyer as I really have no hard evidence to prove her unfit. I will settle for half custody, but since my ex and her whole family are unstable, I want to be in her life as much as humanly possible. Both my wife and her mother have bounced their children home to home, man to man, county to county. That is no life for a child, and is the reason I feel my wife is so whacked out in the head, and can never be happy with anyone.

    Also, since I put her thru school and she did not work, nor did her son receive any child support, I am wanting some type of reimbursement for everything I've done. She has already walked out with all the furniture and half of everything in the house. I would like to see how this fares in court. Since I went bankrupt doing all of this and we were married, I hope half my debt becomes hers as well...because it came from her.

    I have the facebook conversation with her and the guy that was very very sexually explicit, which is why I gave her the divorce. I have all the text message records, the phone calls, I have texts from an ex the month before that she deleted from her phone completely and lied to me about.

    I also have a conversation with her ex's sister about our problems, and her plans to stay until she starts work because she has nowhere to go. I know she is with her ex now, atleast hanging out but I can not prove it.

    Anything else I am overlooking, or by chance some opinions on what I should put in the separation agreement? I know that I am putting that she will live with no man until she is married. I told her back in February I was going to put that in there. I know I want my wedding ring back, the shady ass way I got done I deserve it back. Basically I want to prove I was used for school and support, which is all it boils down to. We only got back together 4 months before we got married, which was beyond stupid on my part. Lesson learned.

    Any other ideas?

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    bring up any mental instabilites and previous fleeing of the country, this will help in deciding custody or at least will have measures in place so that the child cannot leave the country without expressed written authority by yourself.

    Just get as much in writing as possible.

    Trying to make the facebook stuff stick will be next to impossible and only makes you look like a physho suppressive husband "forcing" her to do what she did, dont go there... act the victim.

    Hope it all goes well for ya bud, hate when this shit happens and children are involved.

  3. #3
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    if she's a flight risk, unemployed, financially unstable, no REAL home - then bring that up in the REAL interest of the child. not as an attack tactic, but to truly protect the kid....

    tough call, i've never been down that road, but i hope everything somehow works out for the better or improves for you down the road.

  4. #4
    Hazard's Avatar
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    If her name is on the mortgage and she left the house without being legally seperated then you can nail her for abandonment.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  5. #5
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Well we are renting, and both of our names are on the lease.

    As for the facebook thing, I agree it doesn't make me look the best because I was logged in under her, however it's hard concrete evidence of her emotional cheating, as well as plans to leave me etc.

    She does have a job now as of last week, before that she was on an EMS roster, but only pulled a handful of part time shifts. As for her mental instability, she does in fact have well as a past history of alot of drug use, which is something I can not prove though.

    She has moved home to home, and has in fact left and went across the country and married a guy in CA because he got her pregnant...and she was back in 2 months, where she aborted the baby.

    So, there is alot of instability there.

  6. #6
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Seems like a lawyer will know their business in this realm, just bring up whatever you think might be relevant. Also, beware that lawyers, if paid by the hour, are incentivised to make a case become complex and drawn out, you don't necessarily want that, unless for some reason your wife is going to foot the bill. Don't forget the financial cost of the lawyer to you as a factor, the lawyer will act in your interest, but is acting in their own interest first and foremost. Doesn't make them a bad person, just saying keep that in mind.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    they are going to look at what is best for the child. Being a cheater doesnt effect how good of mom she is. I would document any temper issues. Threats anything showing she is unstable and not fit to be a mother. That your daughter would be in a mentally unstable and safe home if she is with her

  8. #8
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    they are going to look at what is best for the child. Being a cheater doesnt effect how good of mom she is. I would document any temper issues. Threats anything showing she is unstable and not fit to be a mother. That your daughter would be in a mentally unstable and safe home if she is with her
    I would never say she was a bad mom, she spends alot of time with her kids and she is loving. However, she does put herself way before anyone. Such as when she hands them off to go out and party, or moves from man to man living with them with no concern on how it will affect her children. She just has some deep disturbing issues bro.

    Just in case you guys get bored, here is my whole story

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    If her name is on the mortgage and she left the house without being legally seperated then you can nail her for abandonment.....

    Is there anything i can nail you for ?

  10. #10
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Is there anything i can nail you for ?
    I'm going to have to ask that you have your gayness checked at the door haha...not literally DSM

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    I'm going to have to ask that you have your gayness checked at the door haha...not literally DSM
    Im sorry, i don't know what came over me. I like i drank some old spanish fly by mistake thinking it was my ice tea.

    My advice, just ask your lawyer, he has been through this kind of thing 1000 times.

  12. #12
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    sucks bro hope things go your way.. good luck.

  13. #13
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Sorry bro nothing I can contribute to you that wouldn't get you 30 to life.

  14. #14
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Looks like I might be dicked financially, but I have a really good shot of atleast 50/50 custody.

    Getting the custody handled is my #1 priority, the financials can come later.

  15. #15
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Well she didn't agree to my terms, so now she is keeping my child from me until there is a custody agreement. Which my lawyer said that would be end of August at the earliest. Are you kidding me? I turned my fvcking world upside down for her, HER son, and my family to prove they were # 1 to me...and then you use me for what you can, snatch every fvcking thing thats ever mattered from me away, I haven't seen my child but one night in 3 WEEKS, and I have been there since day fvcking one. This is the thanks that I get? Bitch didn't ever even apologize for what she did in the first place.

    God I pray when this is all over, she burns in absolute hell...I don't mean front row seats, I mean that whore sitting right on TOP of the devils dick!

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