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  1. #41
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    how far away from your first cycle?

  2. #42
    gettingthere's Avatar
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    Not sure KP...we talked about this before, its very tempting but right now i feel im doing good, more pics probably up tomorow actualy!! probably hold off for a while!!

    Still struggle with the psychological side of it, stupid things, like last night i met some friends and my mates girlfriend came to visit, dont know her that well, but i was pretending to chat her up, saying im training to be a pilot, and then i said my other chat up line was to say i was a trainee rugby which her response was 'reall? does that work because rugby players are usually....(and she kinda signalled that she meant bigger).....funny but got to me...its probably stupid but....

  3. #43
    vanduhl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    Not sure KP...we talked about this before, its very tempting but right now i feel im doing good, more pics probably up tomorow actualy!! probably hold off for a while!!

    Still struggle with the psychological side of it, stupid things, like last night i met some friends and my mates girlfriend came to visit, dont know her that well, but i was pretending to chat her up, saying im training to be a pilot, and then i said my other chat up line was to say i was a trainee rugby which her response was 'reall? does that work because rugby players are usually....(and she kinda signalled that she meant bigger).....funny but got to me...its probably stupid but....
    give her the sausage and shut her up.

  4. #44
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    Not sure KP...we talked about this before, its very tempting but right now i feel im doing good, more pics probably up tomorow actualy!! probably hold off for a while!!

    Still struggle with the psychological side of it, stupid things, like last night i met some friends and my mates girlfriend came to visit, dont know her that well, but i was pretending to chat her up, saying im training to be a pilot, and then i said my other chat up line was to say i was a trainee rugby which her response was 'reall? does that work because rugby players are usually....(and she kinda signalled that she meant bigger).....funny but got to me...its probably stupid but....
    they always look for bigger, its what women do...

    definately dont rush it... its not as great as we make it out to be sometimes... most of us regret not being educated enough when we were younger to make better use of our potential

  5. #45
    grumpee's Avatar
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    My whole family already knows. I could care less what others think to be honest. If they don't like it they can go blow a goat..

  6. #46
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpee View Post
    My whole family already knows. I could care less what others think to be honest. If they don't like it they can go blow a goat..
    exactly my point, dont judge my ass cause I dont approve of your smoking, drinking, gambling but you wont hear shit about that from me.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    they always look for bigger, its what women do...

    definately dont rush it... its not as great as we make it out to be sometimes... most of us regret not being educated enough when we were younger to make better use of our potential
    Considering her boufriend never goes to a gym and has put on a gut, i doubt she has much room for criticising lol!!

    Ya i understand, iv talked to a lot of you guys through pm about it and iv got all good responses, all made sense!!

  8. #48
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Post some pics of your sister...
    Maybe whens he does her show in november.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    x 5....
    you'll never see them.....

    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    he pm'd this one.. but i'm not happy about it..

    Post the one of her in the bikini that you rubbed one out too sicko

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    you'll never see them.....

    thanx ass.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpee View Post
    My whole family already knows. I could care less what others think to be honest. If they don't like it they can go blow a goat..
    Better edit this post and make it say "I couldn't care less....." before siggy see's it.....

    he'll write you a grammar ticket and then you'll have to face admin in AR court to explain your case.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    thanx ass.

    She's training under jenny lynn right now..... All natty too..... for now.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    he pm'd this one.. but i'm not happy about it..

    HAHAHAHAHA. I think I just peed my pants a little!!!

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Better edit this post and make it say "I couldn't care less....." before siggy see's it.....

    he'll write you a grammar ticket and then you'll have to face admin in AR court to explain your case.....


  14. #54
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    I usually smile and say REALLY? Thanks, that must mean my working out 5x a week for the last almost 3 years is paying off, how about you????

    I also say IF I was using steroids I would be HUGE like those pro body builders guys. When some reply with well you are pretty big I just say again thanks but I hope to be bigger in another year or so. It takes a long time to gain size, not overnight...... Makes them

  15. #55
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    Nothing, really. I rarely and almost never get this question asked. East Coast women love big dudes in general. Women ask me that only when I get into a semi-serious (monogamous) relationship, but bros know better asking dumb shit. The only questions I get how much to use/intake of this or that to bump up the size and etc. It's primarily based on geographical origin and people you choose to associate with. Those who do ask are trying to feel better about themselves since they look and lift like shit, but at least have an excuse, “I am natural”. Who gives a ****, you live only once so be the best as you can be.

  16. #56
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    I got asked yesturday... couldnt think of anything intelligent to say so I just replied "what do you think?"

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    LMFAO well i'm lucky cuz my father is on cycle.... my mother has used HGH and my sister is into figure competitions. My sis is naieve to steroid use amongst women and she defiantely suspects that I use them but she wont ask me directly.

    Where are my pictures of your sister

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    Where are my pictures of your sister
    If they get posted..... they'll be up around november.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  19. #59
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    "No, I take my diet serious. Diet does a lot more than steroids , its just a lot harder so no one does i."

    Always works.

  20. #60
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I always give them the Vinny The Chin speech.....

    People say steroids are no good for you, and they're right, but they're also probably virgins so fvck em. Wouldn't you rather juice and be the big guy at the beach with the muscles and live till ya like 60, but it'll be a quality 60 years..or do you wanna live till your 80 and be miserable skinny fvck who gets no pvssy...I choose the 60 route.

  21. #61
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    I say yea, then they say do you know were to get it, then I say sure.Then I make like 250.00 off some cheap ugl grade test that i payed like 40.00 bucks 4 win,win situation.

  22. #62
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    i usually say "i dont know what your talking about" or if they ask...are you on steroids ? im like what? as in (no you didnt just ask that) or sumtimes i say "yes i sprinkle them on my weaties every morning"

  23. #63
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    I can't recall anyone random ever asking me if I was on. I've had people I know that I don't trust ask me and I've just said no. I've definetely had plenty of people in the gym open up a conversation about it, in a sense "assuming" I was on and I've even talked to some people in the gym about it, but at no time ever "admitting" I was or have ever used. And if they ask, are you on something or what are you on, I just say no or nothing.

    If it were legal, I'd be happy to talk about it but its not so I stay low key and enjoy the benefits privately.

  24. #64
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    When good friends ask I tell them. When strangers ask at the gym I knock them out and stomp on their chest on my way to the row machine.

  25. #65
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    Have never done steroids myself but if and when I do this seems like a tough answer, I would prefer not to deceive someone by lying and making them think that they could achieve my physique (assuming it was great) by just eating well and working hard. But at the same time people really shouldn't be asking you that question unless you have a good relationship with that person.

  26. #66
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    I get it all the ****ing time. Its annoying.
    I actually have a friend who calls me Roids.

    "Hey Roids! Whats up?"

    .... oh here we go again...

  27. #67
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    I snap their neck and watch their limp body fall to the ground, then walk away.

  28. #68
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    ^^^ no roid rage in this guy:P

  29. #69
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Someone young and uneducated asks, I say "No, I never have. I mean, I know guys who have, but I couldn't afford it and I hate needles" then tell them in detail how hard i work for my gains.

    Someone older or intelligent asks, I say "Yep", then go from there.

  30. #70
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    I asked my roommate today why he thinks steroids are bad. He said "because they're bad for your health". He is the heir to over a million dollars, owns his own house and new car, but dates an obese girl because he has poor social skills and has never worked out in his life from what I can determine. My life is not amazingly lately.. lol my workout buddy says I should just pay to get some (I'm not into that but if you are I don't care I understand); anyway getting to a point. I would rather be poor, bad with women, but making changes like lifting and gearing, than be rich, bad with women, and not doing anything to fix the situation except bitch about how I hate dating a fatty.

  31. #71
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    Yesterday, One of the guys who works at my gym said "you're getting thick (insert name here), get any thicker and those needles won't go in". He said it in front of at least 6 people that i know heard him say it clearly.

    I have a good relationship with the guy and all, but wow. I was so thrown back at the fact he said that in public that I just laughed out loud and played it off. I know people were waiting for me to flip out over it.

    Not even 10 minutes later two kids come up and try to be my best friend and start asking me all sorts of questions. FML. lol

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I asked my roommate today why he thinks steroids are bad. He said "because they're bad for your health". He is the heir to over a million dollars, owns his own house and new car, but dates an obese girl because he has poor social skills and has never worked out in his life from what I can determine. My life is not amazingly lately.. lol my workout buddy says I should just pay to get some (I'm not into that but if you are I don't care I understand); anyway getting to a point. I would rather be poor, bad with women, but making changes like lifting and gearing, than be rich, bad with women, and not doing anything to fix the situation except bitch about how I hate dating a fatty.
    man either u have issues or u just like a woman on fvcking pms u complain complain and u getting off ur rag?

  33. #73
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    ... your moms on steroids .

  34. #74
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    Get real real serious and say in your best Russian accent: "I must break you."

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    man either u have issues or u just like a woman on fvcking pms u complain complain and u getting off ur rag?
    Yeah I have bitchy days Ill give you that. Today is a new day though.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Yeah I have bitchy days Ill give you that. Today is a new day though.
    Moved in with ur workout buddy???? how long before u realize that this life fake?and then create a thread abt it?

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by NMacFar View Post
    Yesterday, One of the guys who works at my gym said "you're getting thick (insert name here), get any thicker and those needles won't go in". He said it in front of at least 6 people that i know heard him say it clearly.

    I have a good relationship with the guy and all, but wow. I was so thrown back at the fact he said that in public that I just laughed out loud and played it off. I know people were waiting for me to flip out over it.

    Not even 10 minutes later two kids come up and try to be my best friend and start asking me all sorts of questions. FML. lol
    wtf?!?!? Wow man that is a ****ED thing to say. im not even sure what i would do in that situation! Props for not unloading on his ass for being such an ignorant fvck!

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Moved in with ur workout buddy???? how long before u realize that this life fake?and then create a thread abt it?
    Obviously I go through changes like everyone does in life. I'm about to move in a few days. My old roommate bores me to put it simply. I don't understand his world. I live my life without fear and thats the type of people I want to be around.

    I think you're wrong though about my new roommate and me. I wrote some goals down yesterday that I want out of life. I'm going to go for it all, all the good stuff in life. I'll let someone else sit on the sidelines. Thats not how I live my life. I don't live my life scared sitting at home. I live my life with big freakin cajones. "That which doesn't kill me can only make me stronger".

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by NMacFar View Post
    I've been running in to some old friends and family that I don't see on a regular basis. They remember me as a 5' 10" skinny guy at 140 lbs. Well, after some time in the gym, a decent diet and some juice I managed to get up to around 205lbs. The initial response from 65% of them is "what the ****, are you on steroids ?" followed with the "you are huge, what are you weighing/benching?".

    my first response is a laugh and a "get the the **** out of here" in a completely joking manner, (not a raged GET THE **** OUTTA HERE!!!!) or i'll say "Yea, steroids man!!!" completely sarcastic just to make light of the whole situation. I feel if you make a big stink about it then they really will think you are on steroids.

    I know some of you guys have had this question thrown at you. So, tell your experiences and your responses!

    If they ask they're not sure.
    When they ignore how big you are they know.

  40. #80
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    No one ever asks me about steroid use , they are always more interested if I'm on drugs instead. Go figure.

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