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  1. #41
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    This is why marcus deserves so much respect, not only does he know what he's talking about but he has the experience to back it up...

    He works hard helping people out and works even harder behind the scenes, we are lucky to have him here....
    Thankyou Matt for your kind words, much respect back to you,

    your also a great assest to this board

  2. #42
    HitIt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I started lifting around the age of 19yrs but probably started to take it serious at 21yrs old.

    My best stats were 6% bf at 5ft 10" 245lbs, in my avy I was around 250-255lbs but my bf was up in double figures
    awesome stats, thanks

  3. #43
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    I'm 5'10" and 202 @ about 6.7% bf. So you only have like 50 more pounds of solid muscle than I do... That's not so impressive....

  4. #44
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I'm 5'10" and 202 @ about 6.7% bf. So you only have like 50 more pounds of solid muscle than I do... That's not so impressive....
    You shouldn't judge anything from the scales,ive looked bigger when ive been lighter, bodybuilding is an illusion at the best of times. Work on weak bodyparts and concentrate of building big muscle belly's and you will create huge size from every angle.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    You never said you were a freakin beefalo! I new you were big..... but damn..... you're monster size! Back to the drawing board I go..... bwahahaha

    Thanks Haz much appreciated

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post

    Good lord.....


    Unreal marcus, not sure if ur current stats are up in ur profile, do u mind sharing them with us in this thread

    And why are u not competing
    Glad you like it

  6. #46
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You shouldn't judge anything from the scales,ive looked bigger when ive been lighter, bodybuilding is an illusion at the best of times. Work on weak bodyparts and concentrate of building big muscle belly's and you will create huge size from every angle.
    I have total faith in what you are saying, BUT, not only does 50 pounds sound huge, but I am looking at a picture of you, and it turns out that you actually are huge, lol.

    By the way, I always hear people talking about "good muscle belly". Is this something attained through a certain type of training, or is it related to muscle maturity?

  7. #47
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I have total faith in what you are saying, BUT, not only does 50 pounds sound huge, but I am looking at a picture of you, and it turns out that you actually are huge, lol.

    By the way, I always hear people talking about "good muscle belly". Is this something attained through a certain type of training, or is it related to muscle maturity?
    I started training around 155lbs so guess ive done something right but thankyou your comments they are very much appreciated.

    A lot of people dont focus on their weak parts so when they start getting big they look out of shape and can actually make you look smaller, if you focus on your weaker parts and make sure everything is in proportion with each other you can create the illusion of a far bigger person, remember not all bodyparts grow at the same rate so you must listen and adapt to this.

    How your muscles form is governed by your genetic make-up but you can help them form along the way by listening to your body and understanding how you grow. I personally would concentrate on parts of my body what lacked in detail or size, I remember having huge biceps but my tri's lagged behind so my only goal was to bring my tri's up inline with my bi's, i would hit them that hard from every angle it would make me feel sick but I would eventually know what made them grow!! after ive had brought them up inline i would move onto another area but more or less i would only hit basic movements and very intense training protocols, I feel this made me very thick set and have bigger muscles bellys than I would of if i didnt train like i do.

  8. #48
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Marcus, you have clearly come a long way with your physique, no doubt diet and your training have played the major roll in getting where you are... However one would be naive to think you could have reached this level without years of AAS, GH etc. usage.

    You have been where most on this board dream of, but at what cost?

    I know you are on HRT...

    Other than the test replacement and injurys etc.. Do you have any other health issues that you think may be down to your years of use?

    Is your BW all in check?

    If you wish to 'no comment' i understand

  9. #49
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Impressive good sir... very impressive.

  10. #50
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Is this who u think the man behind the white circle is

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Marcus, you have clearly come a long way with your physique, no doubt diet and your training have played the major roll in getting where you are... However one would be naive to think you could have reached this level without years of AAS, GH etc. usage.

    You have been where most on this board dream of, but at what cost?

    I know you are on HRT...

    Other than the test replacement and injurys etc.. Do you have any other health issues that you think may be down to your years of use?

    Is your BW all in check?

    If you wish to 'no comment' i understand
    good questions baseline, I will answer them in a few hours I'm just going to bed,

  13. #53
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Impressive good sir... very impressive.

  14. #54
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Looking good mate, I see that your a great motivation to many on the site

  15. #55
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    how many cycles all up have you done marcus?

  16. #56
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Oh c'mon bro. There are 27 other poses you could have posted.

    How do we change our vote?

    More importantly, how do we change our avatars again?


  17. #57
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I'm 5'10" and 202 @ about 6.7% bf. So you only have like 50 more pounds of solid muscle than I do... That's not so impressive....
    Lol at the use of 'about'. That's pretty accurate bro.

    I just got tested. I'm right around 6.21574258%.

    Give or take .0015

  18. #58
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    lol, I say about because I got 3 different bodyfat test, with three different results, 6.7 was the highest I got, I didn't want to say 7% because I have actually gotten slightly leaner, but I didn't want to say 6% because I am already getting some arguments about people believing 6.7 lol

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    Lol at the use of 'about'. That's pretty accurate bro.

    I just got tested. I'm right around 6.21574258%.

    Give or take .0015
    judging from your avatar id say your incorrect according to my degree in broscience, id say your more 6.359684%.

  20. #60
    danielmaco is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    judging from your avatar id say your incorrect according to my degree in broscience, id say your more 6.359684%.
    What drugs are you taking? He's clearly 6.426395% bf.

  21. #61
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    judging from your avatar id say your incorrect according to my degree in broscience, id say your more 6.359684%.
    G damn. I knew I cut my diet short.

    Looks like I still have another 4.32578 days left.

    Good looking out.

  22. #62
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Dear Santa:

    I've been a pretty good boy this year.

    All I'm asking for is 25lbs of pure mass.

    Please pm Marcus and see if he will tell you where to buy the bull serum that he drinks.

    Thanks Santa,


  23. #63
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    The truth is I stopped weight training cause Marcus was getting jealous of me... last I heard he was getting really desperate and about to start his first dbol and/or deca only cycle.

    Keep hittin the Iron Marcus

  24. #64
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Marcus, you have clearly come a long way with your physique, no doubt diet and your training have played the major roll in getting where you are... However one would be naive to think you could have reached this level without years of AAS, GH etc. usage.

    You have been where most on this board dream of, but at what cost?

    I know you are on HRT...

    Other than the test replacement and injurys etc.. Do you have any other health issues that you think may be down to your years of use?

    Is your BW all in check?

    If you wish to 'no comment' i understand
    My diet and training have played a major role in building my physique and ive been very consistent over the years with living the bodybuilding lifestyle, I will state again I listened to my body and understood how it wanted to grow and I implemented this very aggressively. Of course ive used loads of AAS, GH etc over the years infact ive experimented many times with many different protocols and dosages to see which I responded best to once i learnt what whored for me I attacked it aggressively.

    You ask at what cost!! health wise ive had my fair share of complaints - once i was hospitalised due to my aas use and your correct I am on HRT due to my cycling over the years, suffering from low test and trying to get professional help is a mine field in the UK, i can honestly say i danced with demons on a daily basis's and struggled emotional when I had low test, I suffered so bad and that's why I try and push to the younger ones to be careful because low test is like walking through hell and meeting your worse nightmares.

    Ive also had my fair share of injuries one is still with to this day my lower back, doing heavy squatting/deadlifts and rows over the years as created a very fragile lower back in my older years but I work around it but again some of my lifts suffer drastically.

    Health wise I am fine and my bloodwork is 100% but I dont really cycle anymore well maybe one or two per year but nothing heavy and usually it would be just an increase in test with the odd other compound thrown in for good measure.

    The only thing I would say suffered and what cost me dearly was my personal family life, I was very driven powerful individual in many ways when I was younger and very head strong in what I wanted to achieve and this cost me dearly emotionally even to this day I have bad days what are hard to cope with but as far as health wise I am fine.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter;542***6
    Looking good mate, I see that your a great motivation to many on the site
    Thank-you Older lifter, much respect

    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    how many cycles all up have you done marcus?
    Oh wooow do you really want to know! lets say its alot I started at around 23-24yrs

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    The truth is I stopped weight training cause Marcus was getting jealous of me... last I heard he was getting really desperate and about to start his first dbol and/or deca only cycle.

    Keep hittin the Iron Marcus
    LMFAO - my first was dbol only

  27. #67
    Twist's Avatar
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    What hospitalized you?

    BTW you look great. You are a beast. I am surprised nobody has seen you at the gym and been like, "dude that's that guy from the internet."

  28. #68
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    Awsome pysique marcus.

  29. #69
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    My diet and training have played a major role in building my physique and ive been very consistent over the years with living the bodybuilding lifestyle, I will state again I listened to my body and understood how it wanted to grow and I implemented this very aggressively. Of course ive used loads of AAS, GH etc over the years infact ive experimented many times with many different protocols and dosages to see which I responded best to once i learnt what whored for me I attacked it aggressively.

    You ask at what cost!! health wise ive had my fair share of complaints - once i was hospitalised due to my aas use and your correct I am on HRT due to my cycling over the years, suffering from low test and trying to get professional help is a mine field in the UK, i can honestly say i danced with demons on a daily basis's and struggled emotional when I had low test, I suffered so bad and that's why I try and push to the younger ones to be careful because low test is like walking through hell and meeting your worse nightmares.

    Ive also had my fair share of injuries one is still with to this day my lower back, doing heavy squatting/deadlifts and rows over the years as created a very fragile lower back in my older years but I work around it but again some of my lifts suffer drastically.

    Health wise I am fine and my bloodwork is 100% but I dont really cycle anymore well maybe one or two per year but nothing heavy and usually it would be just an increase in test with the odd other compound thrown in for good measure.

    The only thing I would say suffered and what cost me dearly was my personal family life, I was very driven powerful individual in many ways when I was younger and very head strong in what I wanted to achieve and this cost me dearly emotionally even to this day I have bad days what are hard to cope with but as far as health wise I am fine.
    Thanks for sharing marcus

    What are the opportunities for guys on HRT having kids

    Would an agressive HCG protocol with SERUM's ect make somone fertile for a short period of time?

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    What hospitalized you?

    BTW you look great. You are a beast. I am surprised nobody has seen you at the gym and been like, "dude that's that guy from the internet."

    I had serious chest pains once and I was rushed into hospital, once checked over I was diagnosed with Polycythaemia which is a condition caused by raised red blood cell count. My RBC's were at a dangerous level and my bloods viscosity was causing me problems in my chest. I was monitored for a few days and I had to have a venesection a few times while in hospital to bring it down to a satisfactory level.

    This condition was brought on by staying "on" cycle for to long and not having much time off in between cycles, if you don't have enough time off cycle and let your bloodwork go back to normal after cycling this can lead to complications which can have a serious impact on your health.

    Quote Originally Posted by paddy155 View Post
    Awsome pysique marcus.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Thanks for sharing marcus

    What are the opportunities for guys on HRT having kids

    Would an agressive HCG protocol with SERUM's ect make somone fertile for a short period of time?
    It would be impossible for me to say if you would be able to have children or not because after all its down the individual but of course its possible to have children while on HRT but it is also impossible for some, but I would say its more in favour of having them than not. With the use of PCT compounds things have become alittle easier in this area but there are still a few who would differ to this opinion, your choice and risk.

    You don't want to go down the route of HRT unless you need it, that's is something I am 100% sure on!

  32. #72
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    It would be impossible for me to say if you would be able to have children or not because after all its down the individual but of course its possible to have children while on HRT but it is also impossible for some, but I would say its more in favour of having them than not. With the use of PCT compounds things have become alittle easier in this area but there are still a few who would differ to this opinion, your choice and risk.

    You don't want to go down the route of HRT unless you need it, that's is something I am 100% sure on!
    Thanks for clearing that up marcus

    The having kids thing is the one thing that worries me about the whole AAS thing, thats why im cautious about highly supressive compounds like Tren and Nandralone

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Thanks for clearing that up marcus

    The having kids thing is the one thing that worries me about the whole AAS thing, thats why im cautious about highly supressive compounds like Tren and Nandralone
    Wise choice^

    You should always cycle wisely and have adequate time "off" cycle, you should always implement a strong pct and concentrate on maintaining your muscle tissue with your diet and training rather than aas. Taking steps to prevent future complication is a wise step to make, dont use to much to soon and always listen to your body, if sides are becoming a problem its time to come off and establish normality again, having bloodwork done regular will keep you ahead of the game and prevent further complications down the road. I cant shout load enough how much diet and aggressive training is if you want to build serious tissue and always be consistent.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Thank you baseline 9 for your comments they are very nice and we need good guys like you around here.

    To the rest of you jealous fukers posting old man pictures, fuk off

    I said NO, Ive seen enough... He had to many people kissing his a$$

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I could well be the oldest swinger in town but what comes with age is priceless, anyway your older than me aren't you lol ???

    I still feel 30yr old but my back feels like 65yr old lol,
    Mate, I'm just a kid. And starting to feel younger every day since I'm more or less done with rehab.... but damm! I was feeling oooooold there for about 3 months!

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I said NO, Ive seen enough... He had to many people kissing his a$$
    I knew it would be you

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Mate, I'm just a kid. And starting to feel younger every day since I'm more or less done with rehab.... but damm! I was feeling oooooold there for about 3 months!
    In your thread history you said you was 48yrs old, so just thought I'd remind lol

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    In your thread history you said you was 48yrs old, so just thought I'd remind lol
    that is TOTALLY inaccurate!!!
    (I'm 49, just had a Bday the other day)

    You are only old when sh1t starts falling off, and last I checked, I still have all my sh1t

  39. #79
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Good to hear it,

  40. #80
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    Hey Marcus great piccy you big motherfcuka.

    Last edited by paulzane; 11-14-2010 at 12:16 PM.

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