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  1. #41
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Well like they say... It's better to be pi$$ed off than pi$$ed on, except for the few who are into golden showers, but I'd pi$$ on her if I were you. May not make you feel any better but it would at least empty your bladder.

  2. #42
    calgarian's Avatar
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    ATM her...and blow ur load into her mouth and then say..oh i gtg friends waiting. Make sure u get back to her otherise she will walk all over you. Other reason i fuking hate facebook crap. unsoial basterd created it and making million off of it

  3. #43
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    My girlfriend and I get back to my place after going to the mall. We pull up and I ask her if she wants to come in and watch a movie. She says yes and we go inside. Right when we get inside she gets on facebook as usual and then texts her friend. She finds out some of her friends are hanging out tonight and gets up and says shes leaving! To me that hella pissed me off and seemed so ****ed up. I have so many friends that hit me up when were together and I just neglect them all to be with her and give her all my time I have except for when I'm in the gym ofcourse. Would this piss you guys off?
    Sorry Gymhero, I had no idea that she was supposed to watch a movie at your house..Now I feel bad....

  4. #44
    19DELTA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    The golden rule applies to me period. I got fvcked over by my wife hardcore, I wish all she did was blow me off for a night with the girls. Look up my thread "getting a divorce". BUT, I know I was still the better person of the two of us, because I would have never done her like that. Nor am I going to change my life and the way I view all females because of her actions. If I have nothing else, I have my respect and my morals.

    I am not out to be rude or bash anyone, nor did I equate your post count to intelligence. You made a comment to a member about not being bright and I asked you if you were. Now you are saying his post was ignorant. I don't personally see where his post was ignorant, I guess that's a matter of opinion. It's just the fact you're new and you come in bashing it appears. I understand you may want a training plan and have to get to 50 posts - but I would give it some time before I started bashing members. That's all.
    GODDAMMIT ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! How can you possibly not understand the logic behind him stating the golden rule. It ****ING OBVIOUSLY does not apply here.

    Go back
    Punch self in eye repeatedly
    Post apology

    Im gonna go ahead and say apology not excepted for making me type unnecessarily
    I told you so

  5. #45
    19DELTA's Avatar
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    Sorry to everyone else that has to bear witness to this "bashing"... but im in the army... im surrounded by stupid all day, i shouldnt have to come to this badass forum and give lessons in basic logic.

  6. #46
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 19DELTA View Post
    GODDAMMIT ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! How can you possibly not understand the logic behind him stating the golden rule. It ****ING OBVIOUSLY does not apply here.

    Go back
    Punch self in eye repeatedly
    Post apology

    Im gonna go ahead and say apology not excepted for making me type unnecessarily
    I told you so
    I can see you have the brain the size of a fvcking tic tac.

    It's simple logic really - don't sign up and bash a long standing member. I dont give a damn what he said to be honest with you. You don't come on this board begging and pleading for someone to teach you how to get "huge"...and gain your 50 posts by bashing a longstanding member.

    Try shutting your dick target, and researching yourself instead of wanting someone to hold your hand from the start.

    Oh and damn an apology, you need to apologize for your actions. And I really wish you were close enough that I could punch you in the eye repeatedly.
    Last edited by D3m3nt3d; 11-27-2010 at 11:50 AM.

  7. #47
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 19DELTA View Post
    Sorry to everyone else that has to bear witness to this "bashing"... but im in the army... im surrounded by stupid all day, i shouldnt have to come to this badass forum and give lessons in basic logic.
    I have respect for a lot of our military, but you're one of the typical jarheads that think they are tough shit I can tell that already. As for teaching lessons in basic logic; as I already stated - you're coming on board asking someone to hold your hand from the very start. I think I have proved my intelligence to this board over the years. My IQ is fvckinbg astounding compared to yours kid, accept it.

    I would probably just hush now and try to stay on peoples good side until you get to know the members.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    I can see you have the brain the size of a fvcking tic tac.

    What makes you see this? Are you still mad because i called you out on being ignorant, and your too stubborn to re-read and admit "wow, sorry bro, he really did use that out of context"?

    It's simple logic really - don't sign up and bash a long standing member. I dont give a damn what he said to be honest with you. You don't come on this board begging and pleading for someone to teach you how to get "huge"...and gain your 50 posts by bashing a longstanding member.

    If he called YOU a stubborn ignorant prick he would be right too, right? Apparently we measure our dicks with postcount here. BTW, id hardly call what i orignally said bashing... more like "not-so-constructive critiscism." Oh and please define begging and pleading? I simply asked for help, and in exactly 10 minutes i recieved an offer from a trainer...

    Try shutting your dick target, and researching yourself instead of wanting someone to hold your hand from the start.

    This is not my first rodeo. I may not be the biggest dude, and i may have been extremely inconsistent over the years, but i do know a thing or two about getting in shape/working out. Diet, not so much. Is it wrong to want an experts opinion? And obviously i was researching for myself as i stumbled upon this forum. My first click wasnt "register"....

    Oh and damn an apology, you need to apologize for your actions. And I really wish you were close enough that I could punch you in the eye repeatedly.

    Lol. Il play your games. Im sorry. Sorry i have to share this earth with mongraloids like you. Dont get close to me son, im 5"6', 145 lbs im not gonna stand toe to toe with ya - i stay strapped ]

    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    I have respect for a lot of our military, but you're one of the typical jarheads that think they are tough shit I can tell that already. As for teaching lessons in basic logic; as I already stated - you're coming on board asking someone to hold your hand from the very start. I think I have proved my intelligence to this board over the years. (AHAHAHAHAHA GREAT LESSON IN LOGIC RIGHT THERE PAL, BRAVO!!!!)My IQ is fvckinbg astounding compared to yours kid, accept it.

    Reallly!???? I mean REALLY dude!????? What is this 6th grade? That sounds like a line from the movie "The Ringer".

    I would probably just hush now and try to stay on peoples good side until you get to know the members.

    I dont think theres anyone as blatantly defensive and insecure as you on these forums, so i shouldnt have any other problems. Unless of course you get the ol' "post count always wins" guys to come back u up. And seeing how anyone with half a brain cell can see your ignorance, i dont think anyone is coming to rescue you.

    You brought this upon yourself

  9. #49
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    And for the record Basic Logic (thats your new nickname), im not sure what my IQ is, but my ASVAB GT score is 130. I know a high GT score usually means a high IQ, and that GT score is very very high.

  10. #50
    Pkk is offline Junior Member
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    yeah but dont pay her back for it, tell het

  11. #51
    Matt Rock is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    I think you should rape her man.. I put all things in perspective and I really tried to find another solution but all conclusions seem to point to rape. So go for it.
    Holy shit, ^---- this made me LOL!!

    To the OP, it's normal to be pissed by that behavior as you were sidelined by your girl and it doesn't feel good to take the back seat to her friends. If she's young, she'll still want to party with the girls regularily (and that's ok) but she shouldn't brush you off to do so.

    Most guys have been hurt to the point that they have to front to protect themselves and their egos... She may not have thought it was a big deal, but it was for you. Just be up front with her and let her know how it made you feel. If she's really into you it will work to your benefit.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Rock View Post
    Holy shit, ^---- this made me LOL!!

    To the OP, it's normal to be pissed by that behavior as you were sidelined by your girl and it doesn't feel good to take the back seat to her friends. If she's young, she'll still want to party with the girls regularily (and that's ok) but she shouldn't brush you off to do so.

    Most guys have been hurt to the point that they have to front to protect themselves and their egos... She may not have thought it was a big deal, but it was for you. Just be up front with her and let her know how it made you feel. If she's really into you it will work to your benefit.
    Don't do that. Don't show a girl that you have emotions. She'll put her 4" heel right through your heart. Only emotions you're allowed are horny, happy and not giving a ****.

  13. #53
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 19DELTA View Post
    And for the record Basic Logic (thats your new nickname), im not sure what my IQ is, but my ASVAB GT score is 130. I know a high GT score usually means a high IQ, and that GT score is very very high. obviously took half of your Saturday to write a response back. It appears I left out part of what i was wanting to say with the basic logic thing, way to analyze my post all day and catch on to that. Congratulations!

    It's simple really; don't sign up and flame veterans of the board, then ask members for help. Doesn't work that way.

    As for me showing ignorance, hardly the case. Ignorant is when someone registers and starts off talking shit while wanting someone else to tell them how to "get huge". I figured that someone with such as amazing ASVAB score would know that burgers, beer and liquor is not the way, especially since this isn't your first rodeo as you say.

  14. #54
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    K guys seriously you can just stop the fight. Nobody cares.

    Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win you're still a retard.

    Just let it go. Nobody wins nothing if they prove their point anyways.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    K guys seriously you can just stop the fight. Nobody cares.

    Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win you're still a retard.

    Just let it go. Nobody wins nothing if they prove their point anyways.
    I am done. Of course it's pointless, but why come to a place seeking advice and start talking trash

  16. #56
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    Ah yes, and Rex you are the toughest and best looking guy around here.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbran23 View Post
    ^this. Preferably in the ass.

  18. #58
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Lmao this was the best adice! KP coming through as always.
    Always glad to help...

    cant believe how this thread went... not sure how this stuff gets so out of hand sometimes. Thank god we are all mature adults in here... aside from me that is

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    Ah yes, and Rex you are the toughest and best looking guy around here.
    And don't you forget it

  20. #60
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    K guys seriously you can just stop the fight. Nobody cares.

    Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win you're still a retard.

    Just let it go. Nobody wins nothing if they prove their point anyways.

    of all ppl my boy d3m3nt3d.......holy chromosomes getting to ur head??

    dont bash me please i am being an ass as always

  21. #61
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Wow man.... I can't even imagine a girl doing sh!t like this to me. What is she... 18?

    She basically sh!t all over you.

  22. #62
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    K guys seriously you can just stop the fight. Nobody cares.

    Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you win you're still a retard.

    Just let it go. Nobody wins nothing if they prove their point anyways.
    Wait... your or you're? Now I'm just excpessialy confused.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post

    of all ppl my boy d3m3nt3d.......holy chromosomes getting to ur head??

    dont bash me please i am being an ass as always
    You are allowed to bash Cal - but I would have done the same for you

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Wait... your or you're? Now I'm just excpessialy confused.

    you're = you are

    as in

    "... even if you win, you are still a retard".

  25. #65
    HitIt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post

    you're = you are

    as in

    "... even if you win, you are still a retard".
    As you can see, using proper contractions in the place of possesive pronouns just confuses people. But kudos to you for trying.

  26. #66
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    K I'm lost here. I did get that right, right? (I'm french and I'm doubting myself at the moment)

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    K I'm lost here. I did get that right, right? (I'm french and I'm doubting myself at the moment)

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Wait... your or you're? Now I'm just excpessialy confused.
    is this like especially?

    I wanted to get in on the spelling corrections too...

    Me are be the smarterest

  29. #69
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    is this like especially?

    I wanted to get in on the spelling corrections too...

    Me are be the smarterest
    Sarcasm is lost on you guys.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Sarcasm is lost on you guys.
    that sounded sarcastic

  31. #71
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    knock her up then she can't go out...

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    nor can he...duh
    hahahaha, and it costs so damn much

  33. #73
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    Can someone tell me how the post I just made quoting Cals post # 73 just got placed into post # 72 so essentially Ive quoted Cal before he even wrote anything?

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Can someone tell me how the post I just made quoting Cals post # 73 just got placed into post # 72 so essentially Ive quoted Cal before he even wrote anything?
    you discovered time travel and didnt tell us!!!!

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Can someone tell me how the post I just made quoting Cals post # 73 just got placed into post # 72 so essentially Ive quoted Cal before he even wrote anything?
    you discovered time travel and didnt tell us!!!!

  36. #76
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marine2000 View Post
    knock her up then she can't go out...
    nor can he...duh

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