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Thread: P90x

  1. #1
    383s10's Avatar
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    If I can figure out how to put the files I downloaded from a torrent to a dvd would anyone like a copy. The total file is like 40 gigs. It will take like 14 dvd's I think.

  2. #2
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    P90x sucks
    Just saying
    I thought it sounded great, and from what I could tell from the commercials, it looked like it was pretty good.
    Then I tried it.
    Lots of the movements are outdated and bad for your joints or tendons.
    Also, a lot of the stuff is done in a very high rep, high volume, high frequency way, which means you won't get big, you won't get strong, you'll just burn fat (if you are motivated enough to over train yourself the way that is recommended, and follow the diet exactly, just to find out that your body is going catabolic and eating itself)

    That's just me though. Some others may love it. All I know is that I am bigger, stronger, and leaner than anyone I know who does P90X. That, and I can do both powerlifting and bodybuilding with no problems or pain, but a single P90X work out makes my joints and tendons scream at me like they want to damage themselves just on basic principle. My Sgt lives by P90X and is still fat, can't pass a PT test, or pass the tape.

    I know that the biggest supporters of P90X talk about how good Tony Horton looks. Yeah, that's because he goes to a gym and does real workouts, he doesn't stay in his living room and work out to his own videos.

  3. #3
    383s10's Avatar
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    Right now the goal is to lose some weight. I am way overweight. I actually just started my diet yesterday. I am only 5'9 at 216lbs. Pretty high BF%. That is going to change in the very near future. I used to get 300's on every pt test about 6 years ago. I was hurt in Iraq and I had to get out. The depression from being hurt and the memories from being over there cause me to become lazy and eat out of boredom.

  4. #4
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 383s10 View Post
    Right now the goal is to lose some weight. I am way overweight. I actually just started my diet yesterday. I am only 5'9 at 216lbs. Pretty high BF%. That is going to change in the very near future. I used to get 300's on every pt test about 6 years ago. I was hurt in Iraq and I had to get out. The depression from being hurt and the memories from being over there cause me to become lazy and eat out of boredom.
    get back on the lifting train!

  5. #5
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Sorry to hear about the injury and the bad experience. I believe that losing weight is one of the easiest things to do, though, as long as whoever is trying to do it is doing the right things, and keeping up the consistency. If you want to give P90X a go, then it's your right to do so, you may like it. I would advice against it, though.
    I mean, the basic formula for weight loss is to consume less calories than you use. So if you get on a steady workout program, and do some cardio with your heart rate in the 140-145 range (ideal for burning fat, and higher you burn muscle), while also watching what you eat (I don't believe in diets, just making overall good choices with what you eat), the fat will come off, there is no way for it not to.
    Do you have access to a gym?

  6. #6
    Standby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Sorry to hear about the injury and the bad experience. I believe that losing weight is one of the easiest things to do, though, as long as whoever is trying to do it is doing the right things, and keeping up the consistency. If you want to give P90X a go, then it's your right to do so, you may like it. I would advice against it, though.
    I mean, the basic formula for weight loss is to consume less calories than you use. So if you get on a steady workout program, and do some cardio with your heart rate in the 140-145 range (ideal for burning fat, and higher you burn muscle), while also watching what you eat (I don't believe in diets, just making overall good choices with what you eat), the fat will come off, there is no way for it not to.
    Do you have access to a gym?
    hit or miss here. much easier to just go with a diet plan. especially for beginners. but he is right you dont really need p90x your choice but for me in 9 months ive dropped 40lbs a ton of bf and added alot of muscle with simple cardio nothing insanem i have an album if you want to see it

  7. #7
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    the right diet and cardio is probably just as effective

  8. #8
    livingwithdoms is offline Associate Member
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    I think its great if your looking to burn fat, but if your looking to get bigger, not the best workout.

  9. #9
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    the arm workout is awful and if you suck at pullups like me, say goodbye to back growth.

  10. #10
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    P90x sucks
    Just saying
    I thought it sounded great, and from what I could tell from the commercials, it looked like it was pretty good.
    Then I tried it.
    Lots of the movements are outdated and bad for your joints or tendons.
    Also, a lot of the stuff is done in a very high rep, high volume, high frequency way, which means you won't get big, you won't get strong, you'll just burn fat (if you are motivated enough to over train yourself the way that is recommended, and follow the diet exactly, just to find out that your body is going catabolic and eating itself)

    That's just me though. Some others may love it. All I know is that I am bigger, stronger, and leaner than anyone I know who does P90X. That, and I can do both powerlifting and bodybuilding with no problems or pain, but a single P90X work out makes my joints and tendons scream at me like they want to damage themselves just on basic principle. My Sgt lives by P90X and is still fat, can't pass a PT test, or pass the tape.

    I know that the biggest supporters of P90X talk about how good Tony Horton looks. Yeah, that's because he goes to a gym and does real workouts, he doesn't stay in his living room and work out to his own videos.
    P90X Sucks?

    P90X is not for getting big and strong. Its for getting back in shape. After that comes big and strong. If your sarge is still fat and can't pass a PAT its cuz his diet sucks and he's probably not doing it faithfully. I did almost 2 years P90X. Also,I've been on the Beachbody message boards for almost 2 years and can't remember any complaints chronic damage to joints and tendons. So I wouldn't discourage someone from running the program based on your experience, which seems well outside the typical results for someone dedicated to the program.


    Last edited by DeniZen; 12-09-2010 at 08:42 AM.

  11. #11
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeniZen View Post
    P90X Sucks?

    P90X is not for getting big and strong. Its for getting back in shape. After that comes big and strong. If your sarge is still fat and can't pass a PAT its cuz his diet sucks and he's probably not doing it faithfully. I did almost 2 years P90X. Also,I've been on the Beachbody message boards for almost 2 years and can't remember any complaints chronic damage to joints and tendons. So I wouldn't discourage someone from running the program based on your experience, which seems well outside the typical results for someone dedicated to the program.


    Wow, so because I gave a couple of quick examples that represent a lot of interaction with people who have done it, a lot of research on it, and a lot of different views on it, rather than make a response that is 10 paragraphs long, than my view is no longer valid? I was also under the crazy illusion that this was a public forum, where the entire reason why we were able to make threads, read others' threads, and respond to any thread, was so that people from all over could share in a common interest, and both read AND comment on any the the content that caught our eye. So, if I have my reasons for having opinion on a subject that this guy is asking about, than I should keep them to myself because you might be out there somewhere disagreeing with me?

    You must be something really special too, seeing as how you know my SGT better than I do, and the quite impression fact that if you personally have not heard of something, or experienced it first hand, than it must not be real or valid.

    I do admire though how you show off someone else' muscle in your avatar, rather than your own, since apparently your muscle development is beyond belief from P90X, and that dumb old Zach Kahn in your avatar was stupid enough to work out in an actual gym (what an idiot, he should talk to you about P90X).

  12. #12
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    Here is my goal. I am over weight mostly because of me eating really bad. I can not believe I am not much bigger to be honest. I want to loose all of the fat weight that I have and maybe put some muscle on but not a whole lot. I do want my abs to show however.

    I am going to ditch the p90x idea and work out like I did while in the Army. This will help me loose the weight first then I will try to gain some muscle mass. The biggest factor to help achieve my goal is my diet. I am eating nothing that is processed and no sugar drinks at all. Only water.

    I want to take some before and after pictures but honestly I am too embarrassed to take them.

  13. #13
    Standby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 383s10 View Post
    Here is my goal. I am over weight mostly because of me eating really bad. I can not believe I am not much bigger to be honest. I want to loose all of the fat weight that I have and maybe put some muscle on but not a whole lot. I do want my abs to show however.

    I am going to ditch the p90x idea and work out like I did while in the Army. This will help me loose the weight first then I will try to gain some muscle mass. The biggest factor to help achieve my goal is my diet. I am eating nothing that is processed and no sugar drinks at all. Only water.

    I want to take some before and after pictures but honestly I am too embarrassed to take them.
    nah bro dont be embarrassed i never before would have ever shown anyone my pics i took them for myself. now i have them up for all you bastards to see and make fun of lol. for the water youll read you need to be drinking around 1.5-2 gallons a day. ill suggest looking into sugar free koolaid. makes it much easier lol

  14. #14
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    P90x is not for people like me that want to increase my bench and get bigger.

    I personally think its a GREAT way for people to get in shape.

  15. #15
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    I think we can all just summarize with saying either way you'll want to rip tony hortons face off by week 5

  16. #16
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    Thanks everyone for the great info. Just the short time I have been watching my eating I actually feel better. It is weird to actually feel myself get hungry. Before I was always full and I would eat even if I was not hungry. My energy was up and down today but today I felt better than I have in a long time.

    I went grocery shopping today and I bought alot of healthy stuff. Spent almost $700 to refill my freezer because I threw all of the junk out.

    When I drink the water I add crystal lite or some real lemon juice.

  17. #17
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    P90x is not for people like me that want to increase my bench and get bigger.

    I personally think its a GREAT way for people to get in shape.

  18. #18
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeniZen View Post
    did not you notice the sarcasm?

  19. #19
    Standby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    did not you notice the sarcasm?

  20. #20
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    Hey boys my intention wasn't to necessarily critcize anyone. But the OP comes on here a few day ago looking for advice and is already interested in P90X. He is kinda lost and looking for a plan. He has downloaded the program. I don't know why he changed his mind. Its a great program for getting back in shape. Check out the contents of the 12 dvds. Its not for bodybuilding. Its all laid brainer just put in the DVD and push play. Nothing to figure out, no gym membership, hardly any equipment, no advice needed. Simply 90 days of following the program and nutrition plan and your g2g for the next level. IMHO Its perfect for anyone in a similar situation as the OP...lost without a plan. IMHO the only reasonable alternative would be a personal trainer, but thats what Tony Horton (dude is annoying though!). Bumping around message boards is OK but you have to wade thru so much information and parroting it can be overwhelming I'm sure. P90X is a very good package.
    Last edited by DeniZen; 12-10-2010 at 10:55 AM.

  21. #21
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    Well anything was better than what I have done for the past year. I would wake up eat maybe 2 bowls of high sugar cereal along with a pepsi. Then I would snack till lunch time. Heavy snaking like chips and cookies and such. Then for lunch I would eat a tv dinner (or 2) some times I would eat a tv dinner and one of those microwave pizza's.

    Then I would play games on the computer all day. (I had a full race car simulator in my bedroom) I would spend hours on it. Even going a day or two without any sleep. When I would go to bed at night I would usually have a new 2 liter of pepsi beside the bed. That would be gone by in the morning.

    My health started to get really bad. Always having heart burn and feeling down all of the time. Even though I have only been doing good for about a week I already feel alot better. More active and I actually look forward to doing stuff.

    I am sure alot of you notice I ask alot of questions. I am doing this because there are so many threads and so many of them contradict each other. So I am going to pick a plan and stick to it. No cheating.

    Plus I am going back to school in January and I want to look a little better. Also my wife is getting anew implants and a little lipo to remove some fat from the baby. lol..

  22. #22
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    The p90x does have some tough workouts, I think its great for losing some weight. Or just for changing up the routine.

  23. #23
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    If they are VSO files download Roxio and use that. If they are AVI or MOV files download ConvertX to DVD.

  24. #24
    119gold is offline Junior Member
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    i've been seeing fliers are my gym saying "P90X classes starting soon" ... idk as previously stated, i think it's more for getting in shape/6pac abs then getting huge lol

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