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  1. #41
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    He still has a y chromosome. It's like having a real Lamborghini or a kit car. It may look like a lambo but its just a shitty fiero. I'm all for being happy and have nothing against that, but I could never get over the fact that its still a man. And I'm sure man made vag isn't that great. As far as him telling you, just google what a post op vag looks like. You should have no problem figuring it out on your own.

  2. #42
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  3. #43
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    He still has a y chromosome. It's like having a real Lamborghini or a kit car. It may look like a lambo but its just a shitty fiero. I'm all for being happy and have nothing against that, but I could never get over the fact that its still a man. And I'm sure man made vag isn't that great. As far as him telling you, just google what a post op vag looks like. You should have no problem figuring it out on your own.
    I would agree with you if I could see chromosomes. Everyone is big on science when it proves they don't like dudes! Heh. Personally, I try to look at it specifically, not generally...if I met THAT girl at a party and she was good looking, smart and funny, I would consider dating her. If she told me she used to be a guy, I would have to think about it...but it would have nothing to do with chromosomes.

    And I don't think she qualifies as a shitty Fiero, but I understand your analogy.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 02-17-2011 at 06:54 PM.

  4. #44
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I have no issues with transgender but I am definitely missing the "huge" transformation people are talking about here.

    The only change I saw was the change from a beard and curly hair to no beard, straight hair and a bit of make up. I mean wtf this took 14 months?
    I could have made my own "transformation" vid in 1 day with the same results.
    Maybe theres other things I'm missing but I still don't get it.

  5. #45
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I would agree with you if I could see chromosomes. Everyone is big on science when it proves they don't like dudes! Heh. Personally, I try to look at it specifically, not generally...if I met THAT girl at a party and she was good looking, smart and funny, I would consider dating her. If she told me she used to be a guy, I would have to think about it...but it would have nothing to do with chromosomes.

    And I don't think she qualifies as a shitty Fiero, but I understand your analogy.
    I'm not saying theres anything wrong with that. I personally couldn't get over the fact that it was once a man. If someone was fine with that and wanted to date them then awesome. If you googled post op vag you make think twice about that though. They look pretty gnarly man.

  6. #46
    quarry206's Avatar
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    The world in my head.
    I think anybody can do whatever it is that makes them happy. It is and always has been their life, so just as I don't live my life for others, nor should anybody live their life just to please the opinions of others.

  7. #47
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    i still prefer zyzz.

  8. #48
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    People can do what they want. i just dont understand it

  9. #49
    bushido3374's Avatar
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    I agree that disclosure would be fair. Besides the gender change, all of the baggage that goes along with growing up with the wrong gender assignment would play a big role in any relationship past a fling.

    I'm curious what all went into that sex change. Hormone therapy, of course. Were the reproductive parts swapped out? Cosmetic surgery? slimming of the eyebrows, losing the adam's apple... what are all of the hurdles these people face when they make the switch?

  10. #50
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bushido3374 View Post
    I agree that disclosure would be fair. Besides the gender change, all of the baggage that goes along with growing up with the wrong gender assignment would play a big role in any relationship past a fling.

    I'm curious what all went into that sex change. Hormone therapy, of course. Were the reproductive parts swapped out? Cosmetic surgery? slimming of the eyebrows, losing the adam's apple... what are all of the hurdles these people face when they make the switch?
    I actually did my final project for Psych on gender reassignment. For male to female: In addition to hormone therapy there are voicebox/adam's apple surgeries, facial feminization surgeries, breast augmentation, hip/butt augmentation, laser hair removal or electrolysis, chemical skin peels, and of course the genital reconstruction. Really anything you can imagine!

  11. #51
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=DSM4Life;5532657]I agree that deception is wrong but if he feels he is a women trapped in a mans body to him thats deceiving. After the change he is finally a women in a womens body and is whole. Now that he feels and looks whole as a female is it really deceptive to not tell people ?[/QUOTE]

    Casual Acquaintences - NO.... none of their business
    Close friends you have made after post of - I think if truly close friend it should come out some time
    Significant others - ABSOLUTELY!! any sexual partner that loves you has a right to know.... post op is a serious major life changing event and your partner needs to know. Hiding is same as lying. If your partner finds out and is not emotionally prepared, there could be some mental damage. I do not think something that significant could be hidden forever. It would be seriously crossing the line by not disclosing.

    It would be up to your loved one to decide if this is something he/she can accept. It is not up to post op to decide on behalf of their loved one.

    These are things pre "post op" needs to think through prior to post op, and accept that they will probably get their heart broken many times by getting attached to people that will not accept them as they wish to be accepted.

    It's a big decision, and these are part of the consequences of that decision.

    If I buy a cigar expecting it to be a monte cristo from havanna, and pay a price to match, and it smokes good, would I later be upset if I found out the cigar was actually made in Virginia? Hell ya!

    Would I buy the same cigar knowing it was made in virginia and smoked good? Well, that would be a decision I would have to make, but it would be an informed decision, now wouldn't it? And once I made that decision, then I would think no more of it and enjoy my smoke.

    So let me ask you DSM, why would you even suggest a thing as concealment?

    That's a little disturbing!

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    Well my problem with it is if I wanted to sleep with a guy, I would do so. But I don't want to. I don't have a problem with gay people but I'm straight and that's my choice. Now if something like that happened, somebody would of basicaly forced me to be gay without my consent. I would have a hard time living with myself knowing I did something like that. And my policy is: If you're gonna ruin my life, I'm gonna ruin yours or end it.
    Totally agree.

  13. #53
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    [WARNING TO ALL GUYS: You might want to stop reading here. The ensuing conversation I am about to recount prevented me from sleeping for a full two days, and has permanently and irreversibly scarred me. Save your psyche while you still can. Females have nothing to fear.]

    At one point during a lull in the conversation, a random gay guy got involved in our conversation, and figured out that I was straight and they were trying to get me to have a homosexual experience. He dropped possibly the biggest, most disturbing conversation bomb EVER DROPPED ON ANYONE EVER:

    Him "I bet you've already slept with a man."
    Tucker "Alright, come on man--I invented Tucker Max Drunk, but not even Tucker Max Drunk makes you switch teams."
    Him "How many women have you been with?"
    Tucker "I don't know, about [number]."
    Him "Oh yeah, I bet you've ****ed a man."
    Tucker [Getting obviously frustrated] "How??"
    Him "I have three words for you: Post Op Transsexual."

    It took three seconds for the full meaning and significance of that statement to filter through my drunken brain. Then came the first stage of loss: Denial.

    Tucker "What? Get the **** out of here. I've never ****ed one of those."
    Him "You wouldn't know."
    Tucker "Man, give me some credit."
    Him "Have you ever slept with a woman who told you she couldn't naturally lubricate, that she had to use KY?"

    Oh no.

    Tucker "Well...yeah...two, actually."
    Him "Uh-huh."
    Tucker "No. No way. Stacey was one, I went to college with her, she was definitely a woman. Everything about her was woman. And she was like 17 when we ****ed. You can't be post-op that young."
    Him "Probably not. What about the other one?"

    Please no…

    Tucker "Uhhh, I met her in Miami..."
    Him "What did she do?"
    Tucker "She was a stripper."
    Him "Did she have fake tits?"
    Tucker "Yes."

    This isn’t happening. He is ****ing with me.

    Tucker "No, man, she was not a ****ing man. She didn't have an Adams apple."
    Him "That is a two hour outpatient surgery. Easily done. Cheap too."
    Tucker "But it was...she had a *****. IT FELT LIKE A *****."
    Him "Surgery is amazing these days. She probably even had a clit.”

    WHAT THE ****??

    Tucker "But she was soft. Her skin I mean. She felt like a girl."
    Him "You're smart. You know what large amounts of estrogen do to the male body, don't you?"
    Tucker “But what about her voice? She didn’t sound like those absurd trannies on Springer.”
    Him “Estrogen. And maybe even vocal chord surgery. It would make sense if she has a lucrative stripping or escorting gig to protect.”

    I just stood there, too shocked to move, trying to recall every detail about her to refute his argument.

    Tucker “Wait, wait, wait…”
    Him “She gave great head, didn’t she?”
    Tucker “She was a stripper! They give head for a living!”


    Him "Was she tall? Taller than you?”
    Tucker "Yeah, but I’ve dated lots of girls who were taller than me.”
    Him "But I bet none of them had hands as big as hers."


    Him "Did you have anal sex with her?"
    Tucker "Yeah."
    Him "You ever had anal sex with other girls?"
    Tucker "Yeah."
    Him "Felt a little different with her, didn't it?"

    Oh dear merciful Jesus.

    He was right. I distinctly remember that.

    Tucker "**** THIS!! NO ****ING WAY THAT I ****ED A MAN!!"
    Him "I think you did."
    Him "Don't feel bad, this happens to lots of guys. You'd be shocked."


    Myself...I know a few trannies from back in the days of bouncing in a gay club, you would never know to look at them, they looked smoking hot and I have seen them pull and do straight guys who had no idea....drunk yes, but no idea.
    Last edited by terraj; 02-18-2011 at 06:48 AM.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I'm not saying theres anything wrong with that. I personally couldn't get over the fact that it was once a man. If someone was fine with that and wanted to date them then awesome. If you googled post op vag you make think twice about that though. They look pretty gnarly man.

    Lol.....why is a 19 year old dude searching that

  15. #55
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    I thought non-self lubricating meant not mucus membrane... but I thought they had this one concequered now? just another skin graft from another area?

    three clues:
    hat size
    hand size
    no need for BC pills....

  16. #56
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Lol.....why is a 19 year old dude searching that
    lol I kinda wish I didnt.

  17. #57
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    I've searched MTF videos on porn sites out of curiosity and trust me, if you can't tell the difference your retarded.

  18. #58
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    That's not your mother baybeeh that's a man!

  19. #59
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    The thought of someone's ball sack turned into a labia makes me what to hurl.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by X83 View Post
    The thought of someone's ball sack turned into a labia makes me what to hurl.
    taste the same

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    I actually did my final project for Psych on gender reassignment. For male to female: In addition to hormone therapy there are voicebox/adam's apple surgeries, facial feminization surgeries, breast augmentation, hip/butt augmentation, laser hair removal or electrolysis, chemical skin peels, and of course the genital reconstruction. Really anything you can imagine!
    Wow, thanks for the info. I can't help but wonder how much all of that would cost. I'm guessing that this isn't a series of procedures that third parties would cover. How do people finance such an expense?

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by bushido3374 View Post
    Wow, thanks for the info. I can't help but wonder how much all of that would cost. I'm guessing that this isn't a series of procedures that third parties would cover. How do people finance such an expense?
    Many choose to go overseas to save money.

  23. #63
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    I can't help but wonder how difficult it would be to live some of your most vulnerable years in life as a gender that you couldn't relate to. I really don't know if I could have adapted to being female, had I been born into that gender. If I had all of the female hormones and brain structure, would I be able to deny my masculine tendencies? Would I be able to cope with being a "tomboy"? Can't help but believe that I'd have to really be in that situation to truly know how I'd react.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by bushido3374 View Post
    I can't help but wonder how difficult it would be to live some of your most vulnerable years in life as a gender that you couldn't relate to. I really don't know if I could have adapted to being female, had I been born into that gender. If I had all of the female hormones and brain structure, would I be able to deny my masculine tendencies? Would I be able to cope with being a "tomboy"? Can't help but believe that I'd have to really be in that situation to truly know how I'd react.
    Ask times roman, he is a women trapped in a manly body.

  25. #65
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    Good for her. I agree with eveyone else, be who you want to be to be happy.

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