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  1. #1
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
    Anabolic_Minds is offline Associate Member
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    Laptop battery not charging fully

    i have a gateway laptop with windows 7 64 bit. recently when i noticed my battery is not charging passed 83 or 84 %
    its about 7 months old, and its happened before. i googled it and found an answer in a forum but i cant find it and i cant remember what i did.
    the problem i had before was that it was charging up to 10%, and no more, so it turned out to be a software issue, since i just disabled something as that forum instructions told me to and it worked.
    Can anyone tell me what could i do to fix this, before going to the store.

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    batteries are pretty cheap aren't they.. can't you get one on ebay for like 40 bucks and just keep that one as a spare?

  3. #3
    zabster151's Avatar
    zabster151 is offline Member
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    i highly doubt it was a software issue. cheapest way to test is find someone with the the same laptop and switch batteries and let charge,

    like machine said get a new battery the bigger cell battery the better, never hurts to have two the best trick to saving your batteries life is taking it out when you are plugged in. only put your battery in when you are truly needing to be wireless. because that constant energy going through the battery when its fully charged kills it. its a design flaw/scam so you buy more batteries.. but good things come from smart countries like Singapore who are now the leaders in battery technology. they are coming out with all kinds of batteries that last for years without needing a charge. i am very excited for this "stock watchers pay attention" they are leaders in cell technology so its no wonder they want a longer battery. lol imagine a cell phone that you have to charge once a year depending on use. all you phone movie viewers will love it.

  4. #4
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Your battery is starting to go bad bro and batteries are about 120 bucks from the manufacter.

    If you get one from bay it will be old and most likely a piece of crap...

  5. #5
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
    Anabolic_Minds is offline Associate Member
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    thanks guys i'm still under warranty i think i just thought i could do something before going to the store, i dont like dealing with the guys there. I'm would like to buy one from thos guys at singapore, as zabster said. that sounds really cool. i'm a really cheap guy though so i'll just deal with the shop and have them give me a new one

  6. #6
    Techguy30's Avatar
    Techguy30 is offline Junior Member
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    I would give eBay a shot.... I've ordered tons of pcparts and have had good luck. Just check feedback

  7. #7
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    Try removing any battery programs on your computer and let windows manage it. If that doesn't work then you can try removing the battery from the lappy and just plug it in and see if it runs without the battery to make sure there is no problems with the charger itself. If it works fine for a few hours then there is another way; On Device Manager, browser to Batteries > Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery , right click on it and click “Uninstall”. After this restart the laptop and the battery charging should start. If none of the above work let me know

  8. #8
    Anabolic_Minds's Avatar
    Anabolic_Minds is offline Associate Member
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    thanks necrosaro but its still not working, i reinstalled windows cause i had too much crap and still have the problem
    i'll just get a new. thanks

  9. #9
    dior001 is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    If your laptop works fine while plugged in but stops working while unplugged it's likely that either your laptop batteries is bad or your laptop
    dell laptop battery
    laptop adapter
    laptop products
    Last edited by dior001; 09-16-2011 at 10:25 AM.

  10. #10
    ace2006's Avatar
    ace2006 is offline New Member
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    Its always better to get a name brand battery cause cheap batteries will end up failing pretty quick too. Something i learned the hard way lol

  11. #11
    JBlue's Avatar
    JBlue is offline New Member
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    Get a replacement OP. If under warranty manufacturer should take care of it.. if not it is the nature of batteries if you leave it plugged in most of the time. Buy a new one and replace it.

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