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  1. #41
    scorpion62's Avatar
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    The scale of this is mind blowing 10,000 missing and 1300 dead confirmed

  2. #42
    cro's Avatar
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    thats no were near accurate yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by scorpion62 View Post
    The scale of this is mind blowing 10,000 missing and 1300 dead confirmed

  3. #43
    scorpion62's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    thats no were near accurate yet.
    Thats what the news was reporting at the time I was writing I should have said so far either way its still mind bending

  4. #44
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    its up in the 10s of thousands
    Quote Originally Posted by scorpion62 View Post
    Thats what the news was reporting at the time I was writing I should have said so far either way its still mind bending

  5. #45
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    edgar casey was very accurate . the earth recycles itself .water/ice/thaw/evaporation/land over and over .you dont need to be a prophet to see whats going on.coming down to the wire.ive got 4 kids who wants to think about this shit.
    I agree with Cro... the earth does have it's cycles, and we, the insignificant ants that we are, are basically powerless to stop the earth from doing what she wants to do.... it's like a flea trying to control a dog... the dog may stop and scratch for a moment, but that dog WILL get that damm bone it sees every time!

  6. #46
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    Why does everyone need a reason for why things happen ? What of they just happen.

  7. #47
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    While many weather patterns and climate is mostly cyclical, Earthquakes ARE NOT. They are the result of two tectonic plates moving against each other.

    I know some of you love to jump all over the 2012 theory of doomsday, etc, but earthquakes are the results of billions of years of geology and plates moving. Every land mass on the planet is moving right now, at approxiamately the same speed as your nails grow. As land masses move, tectonic plates will invariably collide.

    Here is what the earth looked like 120 million years ago:

    Here is what it will look like, 120 million years from now:

    There will be many earthquakes and many volcanoes. All of this is part of a natural process but earthquakes themselves are NOT cyclical. To say Earthquakes are cyclical is like saying the formation of mountains is cyclical. Earthquakes are not the result of climate change, though earthquakes themselves can influence climate change, with Super Volcanoes and so on.

    On another note, building nuclear facilities in areas where earthquake activity is higher than anywhere on earth is NOT a good idea, as has been apparant over the last few days.
    Last edited by Flagg; 03-13-2011 at 09:35 AM.

  8. #48
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    ^ i agree with your analysis generally. The reality is we do not know if earthquakes are cyclical. If they are, it is not by any cycle we understand yet, since we have only really been recording earthquakes for 100+ years.... I think it would be safe to say that if earth quakes are cyclical, then the cycle is probably longer than we've been recording earthquakes.

    Many scientists believe the ice age is probably a result of volcanoes spewing out ash and debris, blocking the sun, and triggering an ice age. We also know that there is a link between volcanic activity, earthquakes and seismic plate drift. We also know (I seem to be repeating those three words too much) that ice ages have occurred many times, not just once, and we suspect that ice ages are cyclical. Is it improper to suspect there is some correlation between the cycles of ice ages and earthquakes? The correct answer should be, NO it is NOT improper to SUSPECT a correlation. I'm not suggesting there is a correlation. I am suggesting it is waaay too early to rule it out. We simply have insufficient data.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ^ i agree with your analysis generally. The reality is we do not know if earthquakes are cyclical. If they are, it is not by any cycle we understand yet, since we have only really been recording earthquakes for 100+ years.... I think it would be safe to say that if earth quakes are cyclical, then the cycle is probably longer than we've been recording earthquakes.

    Many scientists believe the ice age is probably a result of volcanoes spewing out ash and debris, blocking the sun, and triggering an ice age. We also know that there is a link between volcanic activity, earthquakes and seismic plate drift. We also know (I seem to be repeating those three words too much) that ice ages have occurred many times, not just once, and we suspect that ice ages are cyclical. Is it improper to suspect there is some correlation between the cycles of ice ages and earthquakes? The correct answer should be, NO it is NOT improper to SUSPECT a correlation. I'm not suggesting there is a correlation. I am suggesting it is waaay too early to rule it out. We simply have insufficient data.


    Earthquakes are not cyclical. Land masses dont colide according to a schedule. The iceages began as a result of the himalayan mountain formation and when the continent known we know of today as Antartica drifted over the South Pole and became covered in ice and snow. Snow has a massive albedo effect and reflects sunlight back into space. The Himalayas exert a similiar effect due to tons of snow and ice forming on the tops of the mountains. Ten ice ages have occured over the last 1 million years and generally on cue. 80,000 years of cold followed by 15-20,000 years of cold. This is known as the Milankovitch Cycles and they are also intertwined with what kind of orbit we are in around the sun. The last ice age ended 15,000 years ago. Between now and the next couple of thousand years, a new ice age WILL occur.

    Volcanoes can cause nuclear winters but these are extremely varied over time and do not plunge the earth into thousands of years of freezing cold.

  10. #50
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    any one ever heard of the book (worlds biggest secret) by david icke. STRANGE STUFF

  11. #51
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    cro mate this is what getting reported in the uk check what its saying about death toll

  12. #52
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    ours says over 10000

  13. #53
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    I cut this from twigtheskyedog youtube account, props to her for the links and the mind****.

    "Not to alarm but please be aware of haarp cloud signatures/bird and fish die offs. Whales/dolphins beaching themselves on the west coast or potentially new madrid fault zone. On or around March 19th. Be prepared to move away from the coast on short notice if you see any of these phenomena taking place. The combined effects of the sun, plus moon perigree (extreme supermoon) and comet elenin (planet X, Nibiru) make for strong seismic activity potential. Potential for directed seismic weapons being used on already unstable areas." <~ H o l y S h i t...
    Last edited by Voice of Reason; 03-18-2011 at 01:38 AM. Reason: ...

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