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  1. #1
    xxocapxx is offline Banned
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    Oct 2001

    rookie need help

    hey i been working out for about 2years already and havent seen no results i started when i was 19 and now i am 22.untill i took 9 shots of ganobol and a cicle of test 200. before i took any of the roids i was weithing 124 and ended at 138.

    now here is my ? i have a cicle of neuralon 200 i dont now if i should take it.i actually havent heard of this roid that mutch.
    i really dont now what to do.also they are offering me deca 200
    to take.but i heard here that .if i take deca i have to stack it with something.and thats what i also get stuck with u now . can u guys help me out.

  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    bro, how many times are we going to have to tell you that you do not need to take any gear.

    Let's take this to PM. Check your PMs soon.

  3. #3
    xxocapxx is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    no...! is that i am not the guy thats allways on is his friend

  4. #4
    xxocapxx is offline Banned
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    Oct 2001
    whats PMs i am new here...

  5. #5
    GenuinePL's Avatar
    GenuinePL is offline Senior Member
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    United States of America
    Man you got to EEEAAATTT!!!!
    Do you know what that means.
    It means that after you eat good and you are not hungry anymore, you EAT MORE and MORE till your body can't take it.
    before I went to the gym for the first time I was 154 lbs at 6ft tall.
    after being there for 4 months of intensive training, lots of eating, and creatine I was 185. what the hell do you need gear for at that weight. Believe it, put all you got into it and you will succeed

  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest

  7. #7
    GenuinePL's Avatar
    GenuinePL is offline Senior Member
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    United States of America
    PM = private message it's like nt messanger

    after everyones reply there is pm button. click on the persons pm button that you want to message

  8. #8
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    Aug 2001
    Eat 5-6 meals/day, and I don't mean appetizers. Your calories have to increase to gain weight. Workout 4-5 days/week and get plenty of rest (you grow when you sleep). You will gain weight if you work hard.

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