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  1. #1
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    revolations unfolding in middle east?

    Man the news is killin me.the whole middle east is in turmoil...what do people think about this dec 21 ?2012 deal???? what about all the oil we pull out of the earth ,seems like that would eventualy lower the weight of the planet seeings how its being burned..EVERYTHING IS ONE GIANT ??????????

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    Man the news is killin me.the whole middle east is in turmoil...what do people think about this dec 21 ?2012 deal???? what about all the oil we pull out of the earth ,seems like that would eventualy lower the weight of the planet seeings how its being burned..EVERYTHING IS ONE GIANT ??????????
    Cro. Earth is in a closed system. You burn a pound of oil. It releases energy, soot, co2, h2o, and a variety of other compounds. Although the form of that pound of oil has changed, it is conserved and remains here on earth. This means that the planet did not become a pound lighter by burning a pound of oil.

    IMHO, the turmoil in the middle east may be a good thing. this may be the end of an era.... the era of the dictator? We shall see.

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
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    valid point . but it is being taken out of the core. center weight could just seems like problems would definetely arrise from this.everynow and then i start thinking about wierd shit like this..
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Cro. Earth is in a closed system. You burn a pound of oil. It releases energy, soot, co2, h2o, and a variety of other compounds. Although the form of that pound of oil has changed, it is conserved and remains here on earth. This means that the planet did not become a pound lighter by burning a pound of oil.

    IMHO, the turmoil in the middle east may be a good thing. this may be the end of an era.... the era of the dictator? We shall see.

  4. #4
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    People in Canada are complaining about having an election soon, and people are dying in the Middle East so they can have elections...

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    valid point . but it is being taken out of the core. center weight could just seems like problems would definetely arrise from this.everynow and then i start thinking about wierd shit like this..
    no worries Cro. the earth is 8,000 miles in diameter. Most oil deposits are just a mile or two down. Relatively speaking, all the oil is more or less "on" the surface, covered over with a very thin dusting of crust.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    all the oil deposits are located in the Earth's crust....

  7. #7
    cro's Avatar
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    nice research bro

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    no problem mate. always willin to share

  9. #9
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    I do not think the world will end any time soon. I do not even recycle.
    The planet has been here forever and seen the dinosaurs, early man, ice ages and even the reversal of the poles. When the Earth is done with us she will shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

  10. #10
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    There has always been wars, and famine, and natural disasters. Its the advent of social media that gives the perception that the world is ending. No worries, revelations is the ramblings of a drugged out hippies! LOL!!!

  11. #11
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    Man the news is killin me.the whole middle east is in turmoil...what do people think about this dec 21 ?2012 deal???? what about all the oil we pull out of the earth ,seems like that would eventualy lower the weight of the planet seeings how its being burned..EVERYTHING IS ONE GIANT ??????????

    Actually as the oil is removed from the resevior, its being refilled with brakash water with many different minerals mixed in it so basically the ground doesnt implode. It gets more technical than this but you get the basics.
    Last edited by wmaousley; 03-27-2011 at 04:24 AM.

  12. #12
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    Man the news is killin me.the whole middle east is in turmoil...what do people think about this dec 21 ?2012 deal???? what about all the oil we pull out of the earth ,seems like that would eventualy lower the weight of the planet seeings how its being burned..EVERYTHING IS ONE GIANT ??????????
    The middle East (GCC) is ok besides Bahrain. North Africa, Syria has become really unstable. Kuwait has had its protest over the past few months, but mostly from Bedoun or the Stateless citizens demanding rights.

  13. #13
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    Man the news is killin me.the whole middle east is in turmoil...what do [B]people think about this dec 21 [/B]?2012 deal???? what about all the oil we pull out of the earth ,seems like that would eventualy lower the weight of the planet seeings how its being burned..EVERYTHING IS ONE GIANT ??????????
    I think the day after will be the 22 and the earth has a way of taken care of itself

  14. #14
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    the only reason i bring this 2012 crap up .is because everyone on my job site talks about this daily.i personaly think its all crap.and am sick of this .

  15. #15
    Swifto's Avatar
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    This world is pretty f*cking resilient IMHO.

    Ice ages, meteor strikes, famine, you name it, we've probably had it.

    I'm also not one for global warming. Yeah the world is heating, thats obvious, but the Earth was and has been hotter than this thousands of years ago. I guess that was all the shit they ploughed into the atmosphere, likes planes and cars too right?

    I have no question a nuclear war would wipe out a large % of our race or all of it one day. You've got nutters like Al Qaeda that would just love to set a nuke off.

  16. #16
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    the sun, as predicted, will last another 4 or 5 billion years. then it will nova, incinerating the earth and all life on it.

    This is the end of the world.

    No nuclear bomb will destroy the Earth.

    All the nuclear bombs detonated all at once will not destroy the earth.

    A computer virus will not bring about the end of the world.

    Nothing in 2012 will bring about the end of the world.

    Global warming will not bring about the end of the world.

    It will not get destroyed here.

    It will not get destroyed there.

    It will not get destroyed anywhere.

    I will not eat green eggs and ham.

    I do not like them, Sam I am.

  17. #17
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Agree with what Roman said regarding the Earth... The effects of extracting fossil fuels are so miniscule that they are not even worth talking about, unless of course you're a card carrying member of Greenpeace, or some other tree hugging glue sniffing organization.

    As far as unrest in the Middle East, my question would be, why the f**k do you care? The goings on in that region of the world is quite literally, NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Iraq was an illegal, undeclared 'war', just as our actions in Libya are illegal, and contrary to the rule of law in our Constitution. No fly zones, and dropping bombs are a clear act of war, even economic 'sanctions' are considered acts of war. Only CONGRESS may declare war. After WWII, we have been marching around the globe, going to war willy nilly, without REAL Congressional oversight and declaration. Our Constitution mandates a declaration of war after the 60-90 day emergency military war powers act that the President can exercise.

    The reason that there is no declaration by Congress? Because the countries that we are intervening in, pose NO national security threat to the United States of America. The ONLY time, under the rule of law of the constitution, that war can be declared, is if a country or body is directly threatening the national security and sovreignty of the HOMELAND of the United States. We are not permitted to goto war for our allies, for our economic interests, for 'ensuring people have the right to vote in despotic countries', and any other such bullshit one can conjure up. The Constitution is quite clear about WHEN we can goto war, and WHO has the power to declare war, the WHEN being a national security threat to the United States HOMELAND, and the WHO being the Congress of the United States of America.

    There seems to be this prevailing mindset in America, that we are bringing "freedom" to people who live under brutal dictatorships. News flash to all of the uninformed stupid motherfu**ers that believe that bullshit, there are 190 countries in the world, and roughly 50%, or 95 of those countries, live under some form of totalitarian government, where they lack the right to vote in meaningful elections, and where a despotic dictator rules with absolute authority. I don't hear any of you people beating the fu**ing war drum to go invade those countries, and send our VALUABLE American soldiers to go die in those places, to "free" the people that live there. We have killed roughly ONE MILLION civilians in Iraq, as 'collateral damage'. In addition, that country is in ruins, and the AVERAGE Iraqi there, is much less safe, and in more danger of being killed NOW, than before we invaded. This is because, as much as none of you people can realise or want to admit, Saddam Hussein provided stability between two tribal regions. The people of that country have made it quite clear, they did not ask, nor do they want a democratic government. They want a religious government, and as a sovereign nation, they are competely within their rights to have whatever type of government they want, and our OPINION matters little. However, we have adopted this policy of "spreading Democracy by force." Well, if someone could kindly point out in the constitution, where it says that we are obligated, or even authorized to do such a thing, and to intervene in other countries sovereign business, and to do so by force, then I will promptly STFU.

  18. #18
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    been there killed a couple my sound like a text book.all theory no hands on.
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Agree with what Roman said regarding the Earth... The effects of extracting fossil fuels are so miniscule that they are not even worth talking about, unless of course you're a card carrying member of Greenpeace, or some other tree hugging glue sniffing organization.

    As far as unrest in the Middle East, my question would be, why the f**k do you care? The goings on in that region of the world is quite literally, NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Iraq was an illegal, undeclared 'war', just as our actions in Libya are illegal, and contrary to the rule of law in our Constitution. No fly zones, and dropping bombs are a clear act of war, even economic 'sanctions' are considered acts of war. Only CONGRESS may declare war. After WWII, we have been marching around the globe, going to war willy nilly, without REAL Congressional oversight and declaration. Our Constitution mandates a declaration of war after the 60-90 day emergency military war powers act that the President can exercise.

    The reason that there is no declaration by Congress? Because the countries that we are intervening in, pose NO national security threat to the United States of America. The ONLY time, under the rule of law of the constitution, that war can be declared, is if a country or body is directly threatening the national security and sovreignty of the HOMELAND of the United States. We are not permitted to goto war for our allies, for our economic interests, for 'ensuring people have the right to vote in despotic countries', and any other such bullshit one can conjure up. The Constitution is quite clear about WHEN we can goto war, and WHO has the power to declare war, the WHEN being a national security threat to the United States HOMELAND, and the WHO being the Congress of the United States of America.

    There seems to be this prevailing mindset in America, that we are bringing "freedom" to people who live under brutal dictatorships. News flash to all of the uninformed stupid motherfu**ers that believe that bullshit, there are 190 countries in the world, and roughly 50%, or 95 of those countries, live under some form of totalitarian government, where they lack the right to vote in meaningful elections, and where a despotic dictator rules with absolute authority. I don't hear any of you people beating the fu**ing war drum to go invade those countries, and send our VALUABLE American soldiers to go die in those places, to "free" the people that live there. We have killed roughly ONE MILLION civilians in Iraq, as 'collateral damage'. In addition, that country is in ruins, and the AVERAGE Iraqi there, is much less safe, and in more danger of being killed NOW, than before we invaded. This is because, as much as none of you people can realise or want to admit, Saddam Hussein provided stability between two tribal regions. The people of that country have made it quite clear, they did not ask, nor do they want a democratic government. They want a religious government, and as a sovereign nation, they are competely within their rights to have whatever type of government they want, and our OPINION matters little. However, we have adopted this policy of "spreading Democracy by force." Well, if someone could kindly point out in the constitution, where it says that we are obligated, or even authorized to do such a thing, and to intervene in other countries sovereign business, and to do so by force, then I will promptly STFU.
    Last edited by cro; 03-27-2011 at 01:02 PM.

  19. #19
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Dec 21 2012 and "the end will come like a thief in the night" totally contrdict each other and i believe the Lords word alot more then i would a mans word.

  20. #20
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    The earth will not "shift" in weight from unearthing so much oil. What will probably happen is that we might have permanantly altered the carbon cycle as all that locked up oil was never meant to released back into the environment.

    As for the human race, i'd be amazed if we're still around in 200 years time. We'll end up going to war over dwindling resources such as land and water in the end, in a desperate struggle to feed and provide water for an ever growing population. As of 2008, less than 40 years worth of oil and gas is actually left, with some 107 years of coal reserves left.

    The Earth will always repair itself, even we can't destroy it in it's entirety, even with Nuclear weapons.

    @CRO: though Godfather is more than capable of defending himself, I can't but help think you've completely misunderstood his point. Have a look at this article:

    This is an illegal war. This is no different at all to Bush illegally declaring war on the Middle East. Only it's the average joe footing the bill and the average joe who is sending their sons and daughters to die in this war. Still think Obama deserves that Nobel Peace Prize?
    Last edited by Flagg; 03-27-2011 at 07:13 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    the sun, as predicted, will last another 4 or 5 billion years. then it will nova, incinerating the earth and all life on it.

    This is the end of the world.

    No nuclear bomb will destroy the Earth.

    All the nuclear bombs detonated all at once will not destroy the earth.

    A computer virus will not bring about the end of the world.

    Nothing in 2012 will bring about the end of the world.

    Global warming will not bring about the end of the world.

    It will not get destroyed here.

    It will not get destroyed there.

    It will not get destroyed anywhere.

    I will not eat green eggs and ham.

    I do not like them, Sam I am.
    Nothing may destroy the earth but there are a few things that may make it unlivable for the masses. A few might survive as they may have in the past. It could be disease, war, natural disaster or a meteor strike. I vote for the meteor hit.

    We need a good cleansing sometime soon, unfortunately the VERY rich have already prepared for this and have long term shelters in place around the world. Just the people we dont want making it. LOL

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Cro. Earth is in a closed system. You burn a pound of oil. It releases energy, soot, co2, h2o, and a variety of other compounds. Although the form of that pound of oil has changed, it is conserved and remains here on earth. This means that the planet did not become a pound lighter by burning a pound of oil.

    IMHO, the turmoil in the middle east may be a good thing. this may be the end of an era.... the era of the dictator? We shall see.
    god bless ya!

  23. #23
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    Moral obligations trump the constitution IMO. I can't deal with the shit that goes on in other countries and it is a good thing for them that I am not president. I am not one of the people who can sit on the sidelines while women are raped, stoned etc and mass murder in the name of fictitious characters is carried out because some piece of paper says that its none of our business. The constitution is much like religion, it creates checks and balances for those who are too stupid to act ethically. Wow I probably just stirred a pot of shit with that one. I'll take my answer off the air...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    been there killed a couple my sound like a text book.all theory no hands on.
    x2, I love it when people that have probably never been out of the US try to push their theory as fact and first hand knowledge

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    The earth will not "shift" in weight from unearthing so much oil. What will probably happen is that we might have permanantly altered the carbon cycle as all that locked up oil was never meant to released back into the environment.

    As for the human race, i'd be amazed if we're still around in 200 years time. We'll end up going to war over dwindling resources such as land and water in the end, in a desperate struggle to feed and provide water for an ever growing population. As of 2008, less than 40 years worth of oil and gas is actually left, with some 107 years of coal reserves left.

    The Earth will always repair itself, even we can't destroy it in it's entirety, even with Nuclear weapons.

    @CRO: though Godfather is more than capable of defending himself, I can't but help think you've completely misunderstood his point. Have a look at this article:

    This is an illegal war. This is no different at all to Bush illegally declaring war on the Middle East. Only it's the average joe footing the bill and the average joe who is sending their sons and daughters to die in this war. Still think Obama deserves that Nobel Peace Prize?
    Not to be overly picky on a point, but WHO never meant for all that locked up oil to be released back into the environment? Almost sounds like locking up all that oil in the first place was a conscious decision?

    IMHO, things just happen, and we shouldn't try to personify these actions.

  26. #26
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    What do you guys mean by locked up?

  27. #27
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    locked up typically means "sealed" through the various strata of the earth's crust. There are a variety of types of strata, some like clay are almost impossible to penetrate unless with a drill. others, that are light and porous, easily let fluids flow through it. I am not a geologist, but at a very general level, this is fairly accurate.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    locked up typically means "sealed" through the various strata of the earth's crust. There are a variety of types of strata, some like clay are almost impossible to penetrate unless with a drill. others, that are light and porous, easily let fluids flow through it. I am not a geologist, but at a very general level, this is fairly accurate.
    ok well in the Oil & Gas industry "Locked up" basically means to aquire. Hydrocarbons form in the upper mantle and are transported through deep faults to shallower depths in the Earth's crust. So the Oil is never "locked up"

    For example if you look at the processing/seismic data on the Kuwait/Iraq border is will look like niagra falls under ground, the oil is basically pooring into Kuwaits territory.

    Im not trying to piss you guys off, just educate you.

  29. #29
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    no i understand completely. shit turned personal for me over there ,some of my buddys never made it back to there familys.i got very angry over there and it came home with me.tried every medicine known to man for anxiety /depression they dont help.certain things will not go away ,the brain in is dangerous.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    The earth will not "shift" in weight from unearthing so much oil. What will probably happen is that we might have permanantly altered the carbon cycle as all that locked up oil was never meant to released back into the environment.

    As for the human race, i'd be amazed if we're still around in 200 years time. We'll end up going to war over dwindling resources such as land and water in the end, in a desperate struggle to feed and provide water for an ever growing population. As of 2008, less than 40 years worth of oil and gas is actually left, with some 107 years of coal reserves left.

    The Earth will always repair itself, even we can't destroy it in it's entirety, even with Nuclear weapons.

    @CRO: though Godfather is more than capable of defending himself, I can't but help think you've completely misunderstood his point. Have a look at this article:

    This is an illegal war. This is no different at all to Bush illegally declaring war on the Middle East. Only it's the average joe footing the bill and the average joe who is sending their sons and daughters to die in this war. Still think Obama deserves that Nobel Peace Prize?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    ok well in the Oil & Gas industry "Locked up" basically means to aquire. Hydrocarbons form in the upper mantle and are transported through deep faults to shallower depths in the Earth's crust. So the Oil is never "locked up"

    For example if you look at the processing/seismic data on the Kuwait/Iraq border is will look like niagra falls under ground, the oil is basically pooring into Kuwaits territory.

    Im not trying to piss you guys off, just educate you.
    no one's pisssed off. we're just having civilized discussion. Discussion is all about point and counterpoint. It's all good!

  31. #31
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    Well get pissed off, I like it when your angry lmao. Well we all know your not gonna get raging mad, but others on this board take small things too seriously.

    Heres a point, the USGS has reported that the Bakken shelf (South, North Dakota extending into Canada) contains more oil than any other reserve on earth. I bet that will piss you off lol. Well maybe not you since you live in Afghanistan but that pisses my family off when I tell tham that.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Well get pissed off, I like it when your angry lmao. Well we all know your not gonna get raging mad, but others on this board take small things too seriously.

    Heres a point, the USGS has reported that the Bakken shelf (South, North Dakota extending into Canada) contains more oil than any other reserve on earth. I bet that will piss you off lol. Well maybe not you since you live in Afghanistan but that pisses my family off when I tell tham that.
    I Never get pissed off mate! I just start talking louder and louder....

  33. #33
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    hahaha love it

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Well get pissed off, I like it when your angry lmao. Well we all know your not gonna get raging mad, but others on this board take small things too seriously.

    Heres a point, the USGS has reported that the Bakken shelf (South, North Dakota extending into Canada) contains more oil than any other reserve on earth. I bet that will piss you off lol. Well maybe not you since you live in Afghanistan but that pisses my family off when I tell tham that.
    The future is in renewable energy. Hopefully soon, the technology will get so good, and oil will become so expensive, that it will make sense to go with renewables.

    We need to keep a little oil around though, for my Harley....

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    The future is in renewable energy. Hopefully soon, the technology will get so good, and oil will become so expensive, that it will make sense to go with renewables.

    We need to keep a little oil around though, for my Harley....
    I feel if renewable energy technology starts to dominate markets in any sector, we will see a dramatic decline in oil production to offset the demand/price dip. Hundreds of thousands of people will loose their jobs.

    Hell we need enough oil for your Harley and My salary.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I feel if renewable energy technology starts to dominate markets in any sector, we will see a dramatic decline in oil production to offset the demand/price dip. Hundreds of thousands of people will loose their jobs.

    Hell we need enough oil for your Harley and My salary.
    the jobs in the renewable sector will grow, and the jobs in the oil sector will decline

    as long as i need a quart of oil, and yer there to sell it to me....

    ....but now that I think of it, I'm running synthetic!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    the jobs in the renewable sector will grow, and the jobs in the oil sector will decline

    as long as i need a quart of oil, and yer there to sell it to me....

    ....but now that I think of it, I'm running synthetic!
    No problem synthetic still requires a petroleum base, which is where I come in. When they say synthetic I believe they mean chemically refined and mixed if I am not mistaken

  38. #38
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    What renewable energy is likely to come out ahead? I figured that after oil will come methane gas. Since many oil companies seem to have their hands in methane gas then I figured staying with the oil companies is a good idea.

  39. #39
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    oil is king! follow the money and eventually it will lead you to oil. almost everything around you requires oil in one form or another.

    as far as the middle east is concerned, i say let them figure out their own problems. they have been fighting since the beginning of time with each and not about to stop now.

  40. #40
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    the earth just needs a giant shot of tren , thats the answer for everything

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