Thread: Marcus300 Interviews 007
05-22-2010, 10:09 AM #1marcus300 interview 007
marcus300:Ive been waiting to interview you, at last!! well lets start then: Where abouts do you live and how do you like living in that part of the world?
007: Thanks marcus, let me just turn this steak over...I live in Manchester, England and i love it here, its by far the best city in the world..
marcus300: What are your current stats and what are you aiming for?
007: My current stats are 190lbs, 5'10, 14/16% bf. Im 38 years old... Although if there are any women reading this im 21
marcus300: Do you have a girlfriend and do you have any children?
007: I have no children that i know of. I have a girlfriend that i've been with for about 6 years..
marcus300: What was it like growing up for you and do you have a big family?
007: I have a big family however i havnt seen any of them for 15 years. My childhood wasnt the best.
My parents were upper/middle class and strict catholics.. Im not going to go into detail here but as a child i was abused and put into foster care at the age of 14. Things didnt get much better as i was again abused by a samaritan who the authorities gave me as a mentor..
So all in all instead being the best days of my life my childhood was abit crap...
marcus300: Sorry to hear about your childhood, does it still effect your life today and how did you cope with the abuse growing up?
007: No i don't believe it still effects my life today, im at peace with myself. Yes there were times in the past when the abuse overwhelmed me and i turned to drink. The consequences of my drinking were violence towards anyone who'd take up the challenge, thus meaning time in jail.. Drinking seemed to me at the time the only why out, the only way to get peace of mind..I still drink today but it doesn't effect me in the same way. I just went through a rebellious faze but like most i grew out of it...
marcus300: What do you do for a living past and present and what would be you ideal profession?
007: At 16 i joined the armed forces, (Cheshire regiment), thats infantry. I left after 3 years and believe its one of the biggest mistakes i've made. I then went on to work for British Rail as a signalman..
This job lasted for approx 6/7 years and only ended because i did a very stupid thing and ended up in jail for almost three years.. Since then ive not had a real job, and ive never claimed benefits...
marcus300: A signalman is a good job and if your in charge of the right signal box it can be quite lucrative, why did you take the path of easy money when you had a good job?
007: Just to clear this up, i didn't willingly give that job up, money was never an issue at that time. I was the signalman at Winsford which is a class c singnalbox. Everyone starts as a class a and works their way up to a class f. So i had worked hard at that time to gain promotion from an a to a c and at that time i was the youngest class c signalman in the northwest. However my drinking was becoming a serious problem and one night a doorman, who by the way was only doing his job, upset me. I stabbed him in the throat and the rest is history. I went straight to prison, convicted of a section 18 assault. I spent almost three years inside and it was then that i decided my future was in crime and there were more than enough people inside to teach me what i needed to know..
marcus300: Can you name all the multi -spad signals that MP control lol?
007: There are or were only ten reasons why a train could pass a signal at danger. These reasons would be found in the signalman's general instructions, there basic. However each area may have amendments that pertain to that location, these would come under local instructions. So when you say MP i presume you mean Manchester Piccadilly, if so then other than what is in the general instructions i wouldn't know..A couple that i remember are: When instructed to do so by the signalman. When the signal is damaged and the line ahead is clear. When there is work being carried out on the line. When a train has failed you can proceed to investigate.. That's all i can remember, and on every occasion the train would continue with caution...Not sure if this is the question your asking but its been along time lol..
marcus300: Tell our readers what as been the highest and lowest moments in your life?
007: Being abused amounts to the lowest points of my life thus far.. Ive had many highs in my life, but to some this may sound abit shallow. The high that sticks in my memory most was when i walked into an Audi show room, saw a brand new RS4 and bought it there and then. It cost £52.500.00 And i had enough money at the time to buy 3 of them.. Not only is this alittle shollow because its materialistic but also because the money came from crime.
marcus300: Where all your proceedings from crime taken away from you when you got caught or do you still have a stash?
007: No my proceeds case is still on going, i was infact due to be in court tomorrow but its been put off again..
The law over here states that you can only pay back what you still have, they call this, "realisable assets". I have no realisable assets. I was shocked however when my solicitor first turned up with my proceeds papers, she had to bring them in on a trolly. She looked at me and said "you have been busy havnt you".. The starting figure which is what the state want back off you was 1.5 million, this figure will stay with me for the rest of my life so if i ever win the lottery i have to pay back 1.5million. This is what they say i have earnt from crime in the last 6 years. It is then my job to prove that i have spent it all, whatever i cant account for becomes my realisable figure and i must pay that back within 12 months.. I have to date £5.000 to account for, its taken a massive amount of work including sleepless nights but im almost there.
marcus300: What was jail like for you and what lessons did you learn?
007: Jail can be what you make of it. Im an easy going person now and i get on with most people, i also knew a lot of people inside, this helped me settle quickly. You do make friends inside and theres a number of people id like to see when they get out, these particular guy's arnt going back they've made a one off mistake and have learnt from it. But i have to say most the guy's there will spend the rest of their lives going in and out. What going to jail has taught me this time is that i dont want to be one of those guy's. I have a girlfriend that i love to bits and very good friends around me, that really was my last time, besides im getting to old..
marcus300: I wont go into what crime you committed because I know you only told a few of us, but have you ever been in trouble with the law before or was this the first time?
007: Sadly ive been in trouble a few times and this was by no means the first time ive been inside, im not proud. That was the last time..
marcus300: Name the biggest 3 things you missed the most being locked up?
007: The gym.Food.Girlfriend.
marcus300: What advice would you give to someone younger who is tempted for the easy money route in life?
007: Dont waste your life because that's what it is, a complete waste..I would gladly give all the money i have earnt back if it ment i could have those days/years back that ive spent stagnant in jail...Make something of your life..
Members question: Did it cross your mind when you was doing time inside that your girlfriend would cheat on you?
007: Never, not once..
marcus300: Name on thing you would change about your past if you could?
007:My parents
marcus300: I sense a little resentment towards your parents, is your door closed for good to your parents?
007: The door will never open. I have come to terms with that, i never wish to see my parents again....
marcus300: When did you first start bodybuilding and what is your AAS history?
007:I started weight training/ bbing whilst i was in the armed forces but stopped when i came out.. I started again about 8 years ago, however ive had a few small breaks. Its a passion now. As for my aas history, well ive run numerous cycles. Ive used test e, test c, sustanon, tren e, dbol infact more than i care to mention. My first few cycles were without pct which i regret and at the begining my diet wasnt always good so alot of my first cycles were a complete waste...
marcus300: What frustrates you about life?
007: I hate some of our laws, some of the worst drugs known to man are legal when some of the least harmfull arnt. But what frustrates me most at the moment is watching young kids go into jail only to come out in a worse state of mind to when they went in.. Im not sure if its the same in the U.S but young guy's over here go to jail for short sentences. Locked up with older men only to learn how commit crime in a better or more violent way. They never recieve any rehabilitation and its rare for them to be educated. Yet the politicians keep rambling on about sending more and more of these kids to jail.. One day they'll wake up and realise jail doesnt always work..
Dont get me wrong, there are those that truely deserve to be there, im talking about petty crime..
marcus300: Where in the world would you most like to visit?
007: I would love to go to the U.S.
Maybe one day we can have a big AR get together in the States..
marcus300: What are your future plans?
007: I have no solid plans at the moment except that im going to be living in the gym and eating like a horse for the next few months. There are a number of people that would like me to get involved with some new business projects which i might get involved with, all legal btw....
Members question: Do you think you will ever do time again?
007: You can never say never but i shall never put myself in that position again..Infact as many know im currently on a tag, which means even the hint of trouble will be enough to send me back.. A couple of Sundays ago i was driving home from the gym when i noticed some guy walking in the road, i slowed down as you do. As i was just about to pass him he leapt infront of the car, he screamed "fvcking get out", before i knew what was happening he was at my window trying to get the door open. Now like most people i don't mind using my fists but i knew if i got out and hit him i could be the one who gets arrested, especially if i make a mess of him. so i kept calm and got out, i bent over to lift up my track suit bottoms to show him i was on a tag and wanted no trouble. As i was doing this he started to swinging for me, of course i made him miss and once he was out of breath i tried to reason with him again. He seemed to accept my reasoning and agreed to move on. However as i turned to get back into the car he got a second lease of life and began to swing for me again, i had to do something because this could of gone on all day so i gave him a little left jab, which cut the underneath of his right eye. This seemed to throw him completely off, i could now see the fear in his eyes, it was as if he was saying to himself, "wtf have i got myself into here". He quickly moved on but many people had seen all of this and someone had called the police..
I thought i would be going back to jail even though none of this was my fault but luckily the police and probation sided with me. The guy that started all of this was arrested and sectioned, he had a history of mental illness...
I will never intentionally put myself in the position to go back..
Members question: Was it worth it?
007: No
marcus300: Who would you most like to meet from AR?
007: I just couldn't name one person, id like to go to the states and if i was there id like to meet,Prone,Haz,Dukki, Cal, Ms, Dsm, Big, Moose, cz, Fireguy's wife, and fireguy, reed. Their just a few..
Id hope that in the not to distant future the guy's over here could meet up because id like to meet yourself, Swifto, Siggy, Goose, eb, and a few others..
marcus300: What does a typical day look like for you?
007: Im up at 6.30am to eat, il log on here for a couple of hours before i head to the gym. I will then make any appointments that i have before i return here for the rest of the day. Im alittle restricted at the moment because im still on a tag for four months, so im going to be spending most of my time on here... I love being here, i love helping people, i love learning from you guy's and this place makes me feel that im at home with my extended family...
marcus300: What as been the most productive AAS cycle you have done?
007:Test e 500mgs ew, tren e 500mgs ew, for 12 weeks, all i can say is wow...I gained more from this one cycle than i did from all my cycles put together. I will run this cycle again along with hgh in about 6 months..
marcus300: What's the biggest mistake you see newbies making on AR:
007: Rushing into cycles when their to young or have no clue what it is their putting into their bodies..I understand that theres a lot of pressure on the younger guy's to look good, more so now than when i was young. But i know that all their looking for is a quick fix, their not prepared to work hard and diet hard. I feel that we have a duty to do our best to turn them away from aas, we have a duty to teach them how to eat correctly and train hard. Then once their old enough we also have a duty to guide them and educate them as best we can on the usage of aas.
Members question: What kind of diet do you follow?
007: This is what i ate yesterday, not the best but remember ive been starved for nearly 8 months...
Meal 1. 150g Branflakes, 9 egg whites 1 whole egg..
Meal 2. Pre-workout. 5 whole eggs 150g white rice...
Meal 3. Post-workout. 5 whole eggs scrambled 150g sweat potato..
Meal 5. 200g skinless chicken breast 200 white rice...
Meal 6. 250g lean beef steak and salad.
Meal 7. 150g tuna, 50g olives..
Meal 8. Before bed 9 egg white 1 whole egg..
I also take supplements and vitamins, only two protein shakes each day....
Not the best diet by along way, more carbs and fats but its a work in progress..
marcus300: Are you religious?
007: No, however i do believe theres some kind of god..
Members question: Be honest, how much money do you have from your criminal activities (if any)
007: None
marcus300: How do you feel about being promoted to Monitor?
007: Very happy. However i do believe there are some great guy's on the board that deserve the promotion too. Its not a position that i will let go to my head, im not in anyway power crazy. But its a good feeling to be given the chance, it means i must be doing something right and to have the backing from Admin and the other members of staff means an awful lot..
Members question: What was the first three things you did when you got out?
007: Probation, sex and ate one of the biggest steaks ive ever seen...
Members question: What is your passion in life?
007: My girlfriend and training, this place is also a passion...
Members question: If you had to kiss a member on AR (male)who would it be?
007:Would sooner die...
marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
007: I could change my past. Live happily ever after with my gf. Become bigger than J Cutler..
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