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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Stop Plagiarizing

    This has been an on going problem on this forum that many people fail to recognize and it really bothers me. I have seen numerous instances where someone literally copies and pastes a whole paragraph, sentence, or even an entire article into one of their posts without crediting the author or source, making it seem like it came from their mouth first hand. Then, a few members will call them out by saying "sounds like something taken from an article", and some members will even find the exact article on Google, EBSCOhost, Wikipedia, or whatever and call the person out. It is VERY easy to indentify plagiarized work, especially on a forum. Then the original person will claim "Well, I didn't say that I wrote that myself or anything." WRONG. If you do not credit the source or author, you are implying that the following work was of your own. Not only is it immoral and retarded, but also ILLEGAL. This is a major pet peeve of mine because I would not want someone taking my work and passing it off as theirs. It's okay to use someone’s points or even quoted paragraphs in your posts, but start giving the credit where the credit is deserved. If you're stealing ones words, make sure to document your sources.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    I do not see any footnotes.......

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    this oughta cover it....

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Here are my thoughts on this topic... I wrote this completely in my free time and of my own opinions...

    This has been an on going problem on this forum that many people fail to recognize and it really bothers me. I have seen numerous instances where someone literally copies and pastes a whole paragraph, sentence, or even an entire article into one of their posts without crediting the author or source, making it seem like it came from their mouth first hand. Then, a few members will call them out by saying "sounds like something taken from an article", and some members will even find the exact article on Google, EBSCOhost, Wikipedia, or whatever and call the person out. It is VERY easy to indentify plagiarized work, especially on a forum. Then the original person will claim "Well, I didn't say that I wrote that myself or anything." WRONG. If you do not credit the source or author, you are implying that the following work was of your own. Not only is it immoral and retarded, but also ILLEGAL. This is a major pet peeve of mine because I would not want someone taking my work and passing it off as theirs. It's okay to use someone’s points or even quoted paragraphs in your posts, but start giving the credit where the credit is deserved. If you're stealing ones words, make sure to document your sources.

  6. #6
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I tried to make a serious thread informing others about an issue on here and this is what I get in return....

  7. #7
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    LMFAO ....nice

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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  9. #9
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I tried to make a serious thread informing others about an issue on here and this is what I get in return....
    The message has still gotten through. If you want serious replies and for this thread to get through to the people that it needs to then post it up in the q&a

  10. #10
    sixoner is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    The message has still gotten through. If you want serious replies and for this thread to get through to the people that it needs to then post it up in the q&a

    if you feel violated then handle your business..when you see something you dont like in a thread then speak up right then, right there...get it off your chest no need to come crying in the lounge princess

  11. #11
    EASTCOASTKID is offline Associate Member
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    This has been an on going problem on this forum that many people fail to recognize and it really bothers me. I have seen numerous instances where someone literally copies and pastes a whole paragraph, sentence, or even an entire article into one of their posts without crediting the author or source, making it seem like it came from their mouth first hand. Then, a few members will call them out by saying "sounds like something taken from an article", and some members will even find the exact article on Google, EBSCOhost, Wikipedia, or whatever and call the person out. It is VERY easy to indentify plagiarized work, especially on a forum. Then the original person will claim "Well, I didn't say that I wrote that myself or anything." WRONG. If you do not credit the source or author, you are implying that the following work was of your own. Not only is it immoral and retarded, but also ILLEGAL. This is a major pet peeve of mine because I would not want someone taking my work and passing it off as theirs. It's okay to use someone’s points or even quoted paragraphs in your posts, but start giving the credit where the credit is deserved. If you're stealing ones words, make sure to document your sources.

  12. #12
    EASTCOASTKID is offline Associate Member
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    OOPS did I copy and paste

  13. #13
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Here are my thoughts on this topic... I wrote this completely in my free time and of my own opinions...

    This has been an on going problem on this forum that many people fail to recognize and it really bothers me. I have seen numerous instances where someone literally copies and pastes a whole paragraph, sentence, or even an entire article into one of their posts without crediting the author or source, making it seem like it came from their mouth first hand. Then, a few members will call them out by saying "sounds like something taken from an article", and some members will even find the exact article on Google, EBSCOhost, Wikipedia, or whatever and call the person out. It is VERY easy to indentify plagiarized work, especially on a forum. Then the original person will claim "Well, I didn't say that I wrote that myself or anything." WRONG. If you do not credit the source or author, you are implying that the following work was of your own. Not only is it immoral and retarded, but also ILLEGAL. This is a major pet peeve of mine because I would not want someone taking my work and passing it off as theirs. It's okay to use someone’s points or even quoted paragraphs in your posts, but start giving the credit where the credit is deserved. If you're stealing ones words, make sure to document your sources.

  14. #14
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I tried to make a serious thread informing others about an issue on here and this is what I get in return....
    welcome to lounge

  15. #15
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Here are my thoughts on this topic... I wrote this completely in my free time and of my own opinions...

    This has been an on going problem on this forum that many people fail to recognize and it really bothers me. I have seen numerous instances where someone literally copies and pastes a whole paragraph, sentence, or even an entire article into one of their posts without crediting the author or source, making it seem like it came from their mouth first hand. Then, a few members will call them out by saying "sounds like something taken from an article", and some members will even find the exact article on Google, EBSCOhost, Wikipedia, or whatever and call the person out. It is VERY easy to indentify plagiarized work, especially on a forum. Then the original person will claim "Well, I didn't say that I wrote that myself or anything." WRONG. If you do not credit the source or author, you are implying that the following work was of your own. Not only is it immoral and retarded, but also ILLEGAL. This is a major pet peeve of mine because I would not want someone taking my work and passing it off as theirs. It's okay to use someone’s points or even quoted paragraphs in your posts, but start giving the credit where the credit is deserved. If you're stealing ones words, make sure to document your sources.

  16. #16
    X83's Avatar
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    This has been an on going problem on this forum that many people fail to recognize and it really bothers me. I have seen numerous instances where someone literally copies and pastes a whole paragraph, sentence, or even an entire article into one of their posts without crediting the author or source, making it seem like it came from their mouth first hand. Then, a few members will call them out by saying "sounds like something taken from an article", and some members will even find the exact article on Google, EBSCOhost, Wikipedia, or whatever and call the person out. It is VERY easy to indentify plagiarized work, especially on a forum. Then the original person will claim "Well, I didn't say that I wrote that myself or anything." WRONG. If you do not credit the source or author, you are implying that the following work was of your own. Not only is it immoral and retarded, but also ILLEGAL. This is a major pet peeve of mine because I would not want someone taking my work and passing it off as theirs. It's okay to use someone’s points or even quoted paragraphs in your posts, but start giving the credit where the credit is deserved. If you're stealing ones words, make sure to document your sources.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Here's my source but I'm not too sure about his credibility.

  17. #17
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    This is why I try and include the links when I copy stuff. I am sure I miss it from time to time though.

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