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  1. #1
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Only one month. DAMN!!!

    For the last 2 years one of my main goals has been getting in shape for my 30th reunion. Yes I'm that old.
    Now it's not like a goal and I'm done, far from it. It was more like one of the mile stones and I knew where I wanted to be at physically at that point.

    Everything was pretty much on track even with life throwing it's typical ups, downs and segways until last November when I had the detached Retina and could not life weights, train or anything until last March. of course I had to start SLOWLY to make sure I didnt over stress the eye and have it come loose again. That would not be good.

    Well last I had heard my reunion was set for July and they where even talking about August maybe. They just decided it's set. May 20th.
    That does not exactly give me the time to get where I need to be. I figured in another month I would be back to where I could bump up my HRT a little but now it's time to step up the cardio and tweak the diet a little to start some cutting.

    Oh well, I guess there is always the 40th... Well Ill probably still be in better shape than 99% of the guys if not and although most of the guys use to tease me in high school that I was going to go bald before I was 20 but at our 10 year reunion most of the guys who teased me where 1/2 bald or more and my hairline was exactly the same. 20 year reunion everyone who teased me was completely bald. Karma... hehehehe I'm on my way now thinning pretty good but still have a ways to go.

    I'm sure I will still get some talk especially in regards to my significant other who will be attending was born the same year we graduated.

    Well lest see, I could always jump on a test 600mg, tren 400 Dbol kicker and maybe some synathol to top it off. hahahaha Yes total joke. Only have 5 weeks. I will just keep on the track I'm on. Muscle memory has been doing great and just got the intensity back up to where it was for the workouts so I should be able to gain a little more while cutting.

    OK enough whining for now. Ill bitch again in another 10 years.

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Make sure to bring your best walker.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I got my oxygen tank already. LOL
    I got my walker also, she will be holding me up.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    the guys that matured quickly seem to be the ones that grew old quckly too.

    I was a very late bloomer, physically, which was really a drag when I was a young man, but now it aint so bad. sh1t, i don't even think i have a receding hairline yet. but i do have a touch of the gray.

    never went to ANY renunion! I think my 30th was a couple of years ago.

    have fun dude! I think youi'll find the high school hottie probably has half a dozen grandkids by now. Nothing hot about her anymore. My point is that things don't stay the same.

    Went to my woman's reunion many years ago. Some dude from the football team showed up, big as ever. But now he was sporting his new tits, Angelina Joline "pouty" lips, and white high heel boots.

    Don't know how low his hammer was hanging, or even if he still had a hammer.... didn't check.

  5. #5
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Carb cycle and test...the weight falls off. High super high fat! high protein, low carb for 5 days and on day 5 carb this for a month and you will shed fat like crazy! add a little test/anavar /a-dex and you will look like gold!

  6. #6
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    and if you want to shed some water weight take 1.25mg of letro eod the week before and drink water like its going out a style!

  7. #7
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    A big smile is your best bet. Happiness is the best revenge. Plus having your eye candy on your arm will help with the guys but not the girls. Just a warning. They will not be impressed one bit and WILL hold that against you so be prepared.

    and ps: females could care less about a guy who is balding. This bothers men but not us. Not the females I know. We care about other things~ Balding is not on the list.

  8. #8
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I'm sure I will still get some talk especially in regards to my significant other who will be attending was born the same year we graduated.
    Nice man.... dating women in their 50s is a hobby of mine too.

  9. #9
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    a bald head is just a solar panel for a sex machine

  10. #10
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    tren and test is A+

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    A big smile is your best bet. Happiness is the best revenge. Plus having your eye candy on your arm will help with the guys but not the girls. Just a warning. They will not be impressed one bit and WILL hold that against you so be prepared.

    and ps: females could care less about a guy who is balding. This bothers men but not us. Not the females I know. We care about other things~ Balding is not on the list.
    How true that is but I already know from seeing them at the 10 & 20 year there is no one there I would give a 2nd look at. Even in high school we only had a couple of hotties; or so my opinion was. I also still know several of the normal girls who I went to school with and they kinow all about my significant other and are more than good with it.

    There are only a few friends I'm looking forward to seeing and thanks to the social networks of today I am in touch with most of them and it will be a good time. LOL one of the girls just messaged me saying cant wait to see me again and how happy I look in my pics, with my girl. lol

    I was never one of the popular kids or a social light. I was a pretty strange mixed bag, not sure what you would call it now days. lol I looked clean cut, wore outdated clothes, 2 dollar hair cuts, ate lunch with the geeks although I wasn't a brainiac. Only time I got GOOD grades I made honor role because I had skipped 0ver 100 full days of school and I didnt want to fail so I did some homework and got near perfect scored. LOL I never played any sports since track looked like it was for sissy's (no it's not) and I was to short for anything else. Senior year during our gym testing I made out school pull-ups record (30) palms out all perfectly locked out/down each time. The biggest change/surprise was 1/2 way through my senior year when I stopped selling. I had a lot of people get upset and many had no idea where else to go to find Booze, I use to see 4-5 fifths a week, black beauties when they where still real speed and about 100 home rolled a day until I got the GOOD stuff only sold in the bud. lol

    Ohhh the good old days of yesteryear. LOL I wouldn't do it again if I had the choice or at least not the same way. I got lucky 100x over in many ways.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Nice man.... dating women in their 50s is a hobby of mine too.
    Ill keep that in minds so you can hook me up with the grand kids when they are old enough. LOL

    BTW the reunion committee just contacted me saying they screwed up. It's not May 20th. it is going to be in August. Test/Tren here I com. hehehehe

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I hear you about the smiles and just plain looking good via attitude/confidence. It's not really the girls I'm trying to impress, actually I'm not trying to impress anyone really it's more for me but it's been a good goal for the last few years. Instead of being one of those guys who diet/workout for 3 or 4 months before the reunion I set out 3 years ago. Next goal 2021. I try not to look for short term goals.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    A big smile is your best bet. Happiness is the best revenge. Plus having your eye candy on your arm will help with the guys but not the girls. Just a warning. They will not be impressed one bit and WILL hold that against you so be prepared.

    and ps: females could care less about a guy who is balding. This bothers men but not us. Not the females I know. We care about other things~ Balding is not on the list.

  14. #14
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Why people go to reunions I don't know. I couldn't give a $hit about anyone who I went to HS with.

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Because some of us had/have friends who will be there. Some I have not seen for a year or two, some for even longer. You dont have to see someone all the time for them to be friends and it gives you an excuse to catch up a little.

    I have never been one to socialize much in school or even much now and it gives me an excuse to force myself to get out. There was no one I really hated. School was not a disaster for me like some people, it was just part of my life. I also want to see if i can recognize anyone. LOL

    Why do people go to any social gathering? It's just an excuse to go out and socialize be it reunion, work party, sporting event or the Emerald Cup bodybuilding competition I went to Saturday. It was my first but it wont be my last.

    BTW its also fun to see how the guys who where the bullies are all FAT and look like they are ready for the old folks home.

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