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  1. #1
    Tio is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    Personal Trainer and related careers advice


    This is a general inquiry to all who have any experience in personal training or related careers. I love health, exercise, the gym, and everything that goes along with it. Thinking responsibly is personal training a smart career choice and are there opportunities for advancement? Do they make decent enough money to support a family and have security? Can anyone offer any tips about the industry.. also i live in Canada.. probably moving to the west coast soon , i haven't started my training yet to become certified.

    If i took this route i was thinking about ISSA i believe it's called, start out with CPT as it's all i can afford right now and than study pretty much all of the other options (dieting, specialities with youth, disabled, seniors, etc.) Should i look into some sort of university degree or college diploma program?

    This is a huge decision as i've also gotten into some universities for engineering and sciences .. but honestly i think i'd be happier doing something i love for a living .. thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully reply

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Not a good career at all. Doesn't pay shit, advancement depends on the place. NASM is a must. Any legitimate place will likely require experience. I would look into physical therapy, chiropractics, or something else.

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Personal training is something you do because you love not to get rich IMO. Unless you get at least a bachelors in exercise physiology and get hired on by a professional or college level sports program chances are you're going to live paycheck to paycheck.

    Its a nice certification to fall back on and works well as a 2nd job

  4. #4
    Tio is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    Don't care about money as long as i have enough to not be broke lol

  5. #5
    Tio is offline New Member
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    probably need a bachelors degree in something to get a decent high paying job then

  6. #6
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    You can make really good money being a PT but only if you educated in some way (college or university) and are willing to work hard! I know some trainers who work for clubs that dont make a whole lot...25-30 thousand a year and I know others who are free lance that make an easy 60-90 thousand a year but this is rare and these people often have a backround in kin. or a college degree that they are able to use as leverage.

    A budy of mine charges $65 an hour free lance and he also does boot camps in the summer with groups of about 10 people...I think he charges around 20 a person. He went to college for fitness and health promo I beleve and I dont know how much he makes but I would estimate around 70 grand atleast! The guy works his ass off! he started at a local gym and then once he built up clients he went on his own and he now trains people at a boxing gym who charges him like 10 bux a client or somthing.

    If your good and able to get your name out you can make great money! but its not easy...

  7. #7
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Its kind of like sales if your 90% of it is selling your self to people the other 10% is what you know...if your a shy person with a kin. degree who can bench 500lbs it really wont matter you wont make it.

  8. #8
    THEROCMANCOMETH is offline New Member
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    In my exprience,its more a labor of love than a career.You can make some extra bucks at it but dont expect to make a decent living,especially if you dont live in a fairly large city.

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