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Thread: Outbuilding on Mars?
06-07-2011, 01:27 AM #1
Outbuilding on Mars?
Decide for your self. Interesting, to say the least
06-07-2011, 01:53 AM #2
That's cool to say the least. Like it says, if it's real it will be airbrushed out now, the news will disappear and be discredited via digital imagining or linear streak artifact produced by a cosmic rays. LOL
06-07-2011, 04:02 AM #3
Maybe. I doubt it could be a linear streak produced by a cosmic ray. Possible on a still. Was this a still? Or was it a video?
06-07-2011, 05:45 AM #4
I believe it's multiple stills just like google earth. Stills that are layerd so you can zoom in and angle shots like they did here. Yeah but you know how it is, if they dont want you/us to know about it an excuse will be made up and it will go away. It would be cool if all the talk of late is correct and this is the year a lot of truth will come out in regards to UFO/ET and such.
06-07-2011, 06:06 AM #5
I just keep remembering the face on Mars, and it turned out to be a pile of boulders with well placed shadows......
06-07-2011, 08:07 AM #6
06-07-2011, 10:17 AM #7
06-07-2011, 11:26 AM #8
06-07-2011, 12:09 PM #9
"This video has been removed by the user."
Yeah, that'll quiet down the rumors... lol
06-07-2011, 01:47 PM #10
06-07-2011, 10:08 PM #11
so assume there are ET's, and our government knows about it. what do you suppose their policy would be towards the ET's, and towards the public in general?
I looked at that structure. It almost looks like something we could build. Pretty stupid really if they want it to be a secret. why would they have painted it white so it would stand out from the rest of the background?
If this is real, then why so white, and not covered by dust? (unless it is and we just don't know about it). since we have already been to mars, the simplest explanation, if this structure is real, is that it is one of ours (earth, not ET)
06-08-2011, 01:53 AM #12
It would be nice if it's ours. That would make me feel a LOT better about the Trillion of dollars we are in debt for and have spent.
"This video has been removed by the user." yeah well there you go, that alone makes it more credible... Soon the whole page/rumors will be gone. To bad, I think for the most part any educated person would accept we are not alone in the galaxy. I just hope they are not so advanced we seem like ants to them and just as insignificant. LOL
06-08-2011, 06:00 AM #13
Anthropomorphism. Humans are always looking for patterns, faces in random things. You could look at a tree, cloud or wall paper design and will see a face eventually. I would love for evidence of an alien civilisation to be true though but I'll remain skeptical on this for now..
06-08-2011, 09:36 AM #14
you should ALWAYS maintain an attitude of skepticism
but it does look like something, wouldn't you admit?
06-10-2011, 10:02 AM #15
I'm on my phone at the moment and the link won't let me look at the video
Are there any pics someone could post please? I'm super curious now
06-10-2011, 10:14 AM #16
the video was removed
06-11-2011, 02:25 AM #17
maybe one of us should search the web and see if we can find anther video on this matter. This couldn't have been the only video source on this subject, could it?
06-11-2011, 02:26 AM #18
Last edited by Times Roman; 06-11-2011 at 02:30 AM. Reason: double post
06-11-2011, 05:27 AM #19
06-11-2011, 03:05 PM #20
Listen I am all for intelligent life out there, in fact recent calculations by astrophysicist have put a staggering number of intelligent civilizations in our OWN GALAXY alone we are talking about thousands.
Only problem is if a race is advanced enough for inter-stellar travel (we have JUST begun pre-mature anti-matter and astro-particle experiments), it will not be living in 300 foot structure on mars LOL
So if thats human made, then it could be any amount of space debris from all those rovers we have sent to mars since the 70's or it could be previously classified government space projects.
I honestly doubt humans are living on mars and the government is trying to "cover it up", the government doesn't take space travel seriously anymore. The only thing it cares about is testing its new top secret military plane that can go into "space" and re-enter earth's atmosphere repeatedly without re-fueling. Russia has began building their prototype as well.
06-12-2011, 02:29 AM #21
the narrator claims it is something like 750 feet long. seems safer to have a structure underground or in the side of a mountain or something (cosmic rays).
Anyways, the video is back. What do you folks think?
06-12-2011, 07:27 AM #22
how do we know its 750ft long exactly ?
I would love it there was a cool explanation for it but as always there will be some reasonable explanation for it, what if its old shuttle remains thats landed there ?
06-12-2011, 07:32 AM #23
do we have the grid co-ordinates to check it out ?
06-12-2011, 08:06 AM #24
uncovered here
bad pixels apparently
06-12-2011, 08:19 AM #25
it was exciting while it lasted
06-12-2011, 08:24 AM #26
lol, i even updated google earth to check it out for myself, passed an hour on i suppose.
06-12-2011, 08:28 AM #27
appreciate the effort mate!
once again, almost in the same category as the "mysterious face" on mars....
06-12-2011, 09:54 AM #28
i was watching a documentary on space travel on NGC the other day and theres this guy whos clocked the most hours in space who has built a prototype space craft that will allow humans to travel to mars in mere 39 days. his space craft is independent of fuels and has something to do with channeling all atoms together to geta steady flow of energy or somehting (had a hard time understanding it!).
many plantes out there are more than 100 times bigger than ours, which means more resources to build better crafts. the only question if how many of them are intellegent and THAT advanced.
06-12-2011, 10:02 AM #29
the type engine they were referring to is called an ion drive. nothing super advanced about it. even built a little prototype to prove that it works. But with afghan/iraq costing $100billion a year, and an annual deficit at almost one Trillion dollars a year, we just don't have reasonable financing to fund something like this anytime soon.
I'm glad I was able to decifer what you were talking about.... you weren't exactly overly clear in your presentation.
"his space craft is independent of fuels".... wrong! All engines require fuel/energy to sustain them.
Go here if you want to understand how an ion propulsion system works.... edited by Times Roman; 06-12-2011 at 10:06 AM.
06-12-2011, 03:42 PM #30
Our satellites have already detected 10-20+ Earth like planets that live in their "habitable" zone (distance from their star where liquid water can be present) using technology that is barely adequate in detecting such small planets.
So if we are already finding such planets with rudimentary telescope technology, imagine how many we will find in our galaxy once technology becomes much more advanced.
A lot of physicists including Steven Hawking believe that there are intelligent civilizations out there and he believes that there could be civilizations that have been around for MILLION years or longer. Such civilizations would probably hide their activity from our pathetic fart can telescopes even if we were to spot them.
We might as well be ants to other civilizations, they could careless about us. And any credible UFO sighting is probably...sounds tourists checking out other worlds. We are the equivalent of an extra-stellar zoo...nothing more, most humans can't accept that.
06-12-2011, 04:09 PM #31
I can't remember where I read this, but statistically there are approxiamately around 1 million earth planets in our galaxy alone, purely going by the Rare Earth Hypothesis. Even still, many of "us" would be too far apart to reach. Then factor in how many of these planets would give rise to dominate lifeforms like us? If the speed of light was possible, we'd have known it because an equally aggresive yet more advanced civilisation would have visited us by now and stripped our planet bare or resources.
06-12-2011, 04:41 PM #32
You are mistaken sir,
You are correct, speed of light is impossible (under current physics laws). But even Einstein said that (anything that travels the speed of light would have so much mass that it wouldn't be able to move), to do inter-stellar travel you would only need to reach 80-90% the speed of light. And remember anything inside the ship that is going the speed of light ages significantly less, so spending a year in a ship going 90% the speed of light translates to 10-20+ years on Earth. Crazy stuff, but is backed by physics.
Human's are an ignorant bunch, no offense you are a prime example "we would have known by now if light travel was possible"? Oh yeah coming from a civilization that 150 years ago didn't even have propeller airplanes let alone a space flight? We are not as advanced as we think we are, just because we have Ipads does not make us an advanced civilization in the universes eyes. We cannot effectively manage our own planet's health and we are using fuel technology that dates back to the dinosaurs. We will never understand the universe completely because 1) We will go extinct by that time 2) We cannot mentally comprehend that level of understanding nor could any computer alive today, even Watson.
There are physics laws that we have still not yet discovered that will greatly change how we view our universe and impact inter-stellar space travel. Theoretical physicist know that theoretically there can be multiple universes, which means theoretically we could enter those universes when this universe dies out. However, to reach that point of advancement we need to understand the basics, we still don't know why there isn't an equal of anti-matter to matter in this universe.
A ignorant human belief is that a civilization advanced enough to do inter-stellar is a civilization that also wastes resources. Just because we humans cannot efficiently manage our resources does not mean that civilizations that our thousands of years more advanced than us are the same. In fact, one can argue because they reached that level of advancement they had to be able to effectively manage resources or else they would have imploded.
It's not hard for a civilization to detect us we have been sending out radio signals for hundreds of years, we are bulls-eye. But they have technologies and resource gather options that we have still yet to understand (we are just attempting to build a fusion reactor) such as asteroid mining.
If a civilization does visit the chances they will be friendly are slim, the friendly one's do not interfere in our life and the bigger concept to understand is the "God civilizations" also known as "intelligent creation". The God civilizations would be one of the first civilizations that managed to survive to this day and be one of the most advanced in the entire universe (they may have even come from other universes), to promote growth in the galaxy these God Civilizations "aid" potential intelligent civilizations in their growth. If you look at history many scholars think the Mayans and Egyptians could not build the structures they did without advanced knowledge of architecture that was ahead of their time.
Anyway, these civilizations promote growth and may even like a "god" create life itself on other planets in order to ensure survival of life in the Universe. In order to prevent the so called "alien nations destroying other alien nations" they probably intervene if any of their creations or any competing civilizations try to declare war on a sovereign civilization.
There are a lot of factors that go into play and it would take to long to describe them all, think of it is as extra-stellar philosophy. Not everything is as simple as Civilization A becomes super advanced and attacks less advanced civilization B and C. It's more complicated than that.Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 06-12-2011 at 04:46 PM.
06-12-2011, 09:59 PM #33
My motto is always be skeptical.....
and I'm a little hesitant about waving the magic wand and proclaiming what the laws of physics are....
....I'd me much more comfortable if we were to rephrase and say.... "as best we understand the laws of physics to be...."
this sublte nuance thereby indicates and admits our knowledge is incomplete, and as best we know at present, solid matter is limited to the same speed as light.
The problem with the scientific community (I am NOT a creationist, so please don't go there), is that although the scientific principal is the backbone to all our tech, and has advanced society in leaps and bounds, it does not give us the right to become arrogant and assume our theories will sustain the test of time. Time and again our understanding of the physical universe has substantially changed with one new idea. To assume it will never happen again, and to assume our understanding of physics today is the final chapter in FTL travel, is very premature, and if you ask me, naive.
Don't be a "Flat Earther" and get caught with your shorts down when we realize the earth aint so.
When discussing things of this matter, it is better to come in humble and admit we still probably don't fully understand, than someone who thinks they know the answser, and proven wrong later on.
Even Hawkings is humble when discussing things of this nature.
06-12-2011, 11:22 PM #34
06-13-2011, 12:25 AM #35
I am not claiming that I know the answer, just to think with an OPEN MIND, which now-a-days most humans lack. And you can bet your bottom dollar that the law of physics are incomplete, several theoretical physicists will tell you that. There is a lot of things that our current knowledge of physics cannot explain and it would be ignorant to think we have solved even a part of the enigma that is the mathematical equations of this universe.
In my personal opinion, we will never solve them completely, though we may get close. It is too advanced for the human mind to comprehend and process.
06-13-2011, 01:39 AM #36
think of it this way
the physical universe, and all matter/energy contained within will behave according to it's nature. Us simple minded humans, in an attempt to understand, will create algorithems that simplify sufficiently to a point where we are able to understand at a general level.
Right now, we have a set of algorithems that attempt to explain how matter/energy behaves when it manifests itself in one particular way. We have another set of algorithems that attempt to explain how matter/energy behaves when it manifests itself in another particular way.
But these algorithems are inadequate. It makes an attempt to explain now matter/energy behaves in all it's manifestations, but does nothing to explain the very nature of matter / energy itself. And it requires multiple algorithems to even to do this.
We have made many attempts to explain the very essense of matter/energy, but it requires (rightfully so) unconventional, unproven theories to do so. And these theories are, to say the least, very shakey. for example, we need to believe, in order to do this, in one or more of the following..... parrellel universes, mulitiuniverses, extra dimensions (beyond the standard 3), "super strings", and so on.
And if any of these are right, then who can say what additional questions this will raise in the scientific community.
So, back to my original point. Our simple algorithems are simply our way of looking at the universe. We must not confuse our understanding of this, and call our simple algorithems "the laws of physics". We do NOT know what the "laws" of physics are. The essence of matter/energy is what it is. There is no requirement that we will eventually develop a proper algorithem that will describe it. The scientific community HOPES we will eventually be able to do so. That would be nice.
And now back to a previous point.
By saying matter can never exceed the speed at which light travels, and to justify that by saying it violates the "Laws" of physics, seems a little arrogant on our part. Once we have written the final chapter in the book of knowledge, then I will tell you if matter can ever travel FTL. But until then, it is probably better to admit we really dont' know for sure.
06-13-2011, 10:07 AM #37
Thanks for refering to me as ignorant, I'm not. You totally misunderstood what I said. When I said that the speed of light is impossible because we'd have known about it by now, I wasn't refering to our technological prowess, but other races. Itslike time travel, impossible in my opinion otherwise there'd be thousands of time travellers existing everywhen.
Of course its plausable to believe other alien races are as aggresive as us, its naïve to assume only we are. Upto 1000 species are dying a year currently because of us, what would stop a far more technologically advanced race from taking what they like from us because they see us as unimportant and because nothing could stop them.
As far as we know, all life requires water to live. Our planet is over 50% water.
You seem to think its like Star Trek out there and maybe it is. And perhaps there are ways of getting around the ftl barrier, but what do i know? I'm just igmorant after all.Last edited by Flagg; 06-13-2011 at 10:10 AM.
06-13-2011, 10:38 AM #38
In order for life to exist in a somewhat physical form that is dependent on atoms somewhat more complex than hydrogen/helium, then the planet that life evolves on would have to revolve around a second generation sun (one that is composed of matter, partially from other stellar mass that has went nova). There are some stellar objects, due to massive size, that can go nova as early as 1B years, some even sooner. Considering our universe, based on what we belive, is somewhere in the area of 14.7B (or is it 13.7b?) years old. Now subttract out the first 1B so that a second generation star may evolve, and another 4 to 5 billion years for intelligent life to evolve to a sophisticated tech level. So that gives us what? 14b minus 6b = 8 billion years, give or take, for intelligent life to have existed.
Assume this intelligent life to be peaceful enough, and benevolent enough to not destroy itself or the planet it is dependent on. How advanced could this alien intelligence be? To have evolved, grown, and advanced it's tech for billions of years? Would we even be able to recognize it as a life form? It could have evolved to the point that this life form no longer requires a physical body as we know it.
During this huge span of time, this society's ability to harness almost unlimited energy would be substantial, and probably easily achieved. Energy levels measured in terms of stellar equivalence. Imagine an intelligence that could harness and focus the power of a sun! The ability to create black holes or even sustainable worm holes. Or even the ability to traverse amongst the multiverses!
Imagine an intelligence that has evolved beyond it's physical body, and has become a light based entity, possessing the ability of traveling at the speed of light, which in essense from the POV of the entity, is the same as the speed of thought.
It's almost time to light us up a bon fire and pass that bottle of wine around! =)
06-13-2011, 10:52 AM #39
There are many ways to critically approach someone's comments without having to make it seem you are calling them a dumb shiit. Dude, no one is doubting your intellect. You seem an intelligent sort. But the perception of your comment to me, is that it is degrading, and uncalled for. You can make your point without rubbing someone's nose in it.
I certainly have had ample opportunities, yet choose not to do so.
But of course, it is always up to you.
06-13-2011, 11:24 AM #40
There is something else to think about. With respect to alien intelligence, those entities that are overly aggressive may not even survive the nuclear era. Think about it. If Kennedy was a little bit more aggressive, and actually launched preemptively, and considering the retaliatory nature of the Russians, it could have been the end for us. We seemed to have survived this era so far. But there will be other era's. For example, the fusion era. Developing other exotic energy based weapons will pose a challange as well.
NOw imagine an alien intelligence that has survived all that. It would seem to me that this intelligence could not be overly aggressive. So I'm really not worrried about the extremely advanced ET's. The one's I worry about are the ones only a few hundred to a couple of thousand years more advanced than us. Those cochroaches could pose a problem!
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