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Thread: How big?

  1. #41
    LGM's Avatar
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    I could easily hit 300 pounds if I just went carb crazy for a month... I love the size, but I love the mobility and ability to jog and ride a bike more. I'd probably say 245 pounds, at 8%. I'm 6'4".

  2. #42
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    I'm 6ft and tipping the scale at 200. I'd like to put 20 more pnds on.

  3. #43
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I'm 170 and I won't leave the house without my cooler haha!
    Your right, doesnt matter how big you are !!!!!!

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  4. #44
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    The way some of you much smaller guys talk, you eat WAY more than I do! I probably eat around 4-5K/calories a day. I know my 195lb son eats much more than I do. So it's actually easier to be this big for someone like me.

    As far as staying athletic, not a problem here. I can still dunk a basketball, run a 1.5 mile in 13minutes, etc. I play 4-5 pickup basketball games a week. I play in a flag football league once a week. So I can do all the things a skinny guy can do. But at the same time, I've always been bigger than most and more athletic.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 06-12-2011 at 05:55 PM.

  5. #45
    buffgator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    You would have to live in the kitchen and probably eat 3 chickens and a bison everyday lol
    He makes a thing he calls the poundstone shake its 40oz water and 2lbs chicken blended
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    How clean is your diet?? Do you do cardio, it helps. Im 5'7" btween 210-215 and I feel like you too. You should work on slowly getting your bf down to 12-13%, that a nice happy medium. Must be nice being a monster, sometimes I think how nice it must be to look down to everybody.....I didnt know we had a 300lb'r here !!!!
    For years and years I have eaten anything I want minus soda deserts etc. I went through a phase for the last 2 years where I ate fast food about twice a day. Then in december I got a really bad intestinal infection and the doctor said its from eating all that fast food. Im in the process now of learning to eat healthier and and 3 weeks ago i started doing 30min of cardio a day at a heart rate of 120-130.
    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    That's a picture of Derek Poundstone and he's barely 6' tall. His weight does fluctuate between 320-340 and he's ripped now. Just youtube his posedown with some bodybuilder/powerlifter.

    I'm 6'4 and just over 300lbs at about 18-20%, I would love to be in the 12-15% range and continue to get stronger. If you're naturally a big guy already, joint issues aren't an issue (unless you've had previous injuries). Bigger guys have the joints to handle larger weight and body mass.
    Yea Im obsessed with strongman and how large all the guys are! Ive met most all of the american pros.

  6. #46
    buffgator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    The way some of you much smaller guys talk, you eat WAY more than I do! I probably eat around 4-5K/calories a day. I know my 195lb son eats much more than I do. So it's actually easier to be this big for someone like me.

    As far as staying athletic, not a problem here. I can still dunk a basketball, run a 1.5 mile in 13minutes, etc. I play 4-5 pickup basketball games a week. I play in a flag football league once a week. So I can do all the things a skinny guy can do. But at the same time, I've always been bigger than most and more athletic.
    Yea i eat 4500-5500 calories a day. Im trying to change my mentality and become more athletic seeing that in strongman im not ever going to be the strongest guy but I can make up for that with some athletic ability (which I have very little of now)

  7. #47
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Buffgator, you must be young to strongman. Never neglect your powerlifts in an effort to get more athletic. Dan Harrison is a really good friend of mind and so is Nick Best (we used to train together). Both for a period of time neglected their powerlifts in order to get better at the events. While they did well at small shows, they always got their asses handed to them in larger shows. But once they switched their training to emphasize strength over events, they began winning a whole lot more.

    Those Poundstone shakes are all the rage now, but they have been used by powerlifting greats for years. Steve Goggins and Robert Patterson used to do the same thing with either beef broth or chicken broth to aid in the taste.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Buffgator, you must be young to strongman. Never neglect your powerlifts in an effort to get more athletic. Dan Harrison is a really good friend of mind and so is Nick Best (we used to train together). Both for a period of time neglected their powerlifts in order to get better at the events. While they did well at small shows, they always got their asses handed to them in larger shows. But once they switched their training to emphasize strength over events, they began winning a whole lot more.

    Those Poundstone shakes are all the rage now, but they have been used by powerlifting greats for years. Steve Goggins and Robert Patterson used to do the same thing with either beef broth or chicken broth to aid in the taste.
    Marcus we are sorry we hijacked your thread.
    Yea I know Nick and He-Dan!

  9. #49
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    5' 10" 240lbs 12-15%BF

  10. #50
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    5' 8" 185 now, 12% bf. Basically looking to get like my avatar but a little bigger arms. I think it's reachable in the next 1-2 years.

  11. #51
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    What kind of size and mass are you looking to achieve from bodybuilding?
    just enough to make you look like a girlie man!

    seeings that's not going to happen anytime soon,

    given my age, not really going for all out bulk. it would be nice to be about 240 with 10% bf. should be very dooable for me. I've been dropping bf%, guessing (without calipers) now around 14%, but now only 215 or so. I've hit this target before. And the bummer thing is I was around 225 or so right before vacation....

    I'm between 6 and 6 1", depending on if a pretty nurse is walking by when they are measuring =)

  12. #52
    Braveone is offline Junior Member
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    For me being a little under 5'7" with small joints and very thin skin I would look beastly at 185-190 . I'm a competitive bencher so the strength aspect of using gear is also important to me. I started this cycle at about 173, up to 179 in two weeks, got a meet in Aug can't wait to see where I'll end up weight and strength wise. Just popped 275 for 8 so something is going on.
    Last edited by Braveone; 06-13-2011 at 02:47 AM.

  13. #53
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    now 5'9 210 10% bf love to get to 220.

  14. #54
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    Contest time puts me right about 190lbs @5%. (5'10). It would be nice to get close to the top of the LightHeavy Class at 198 1/4. Any more than that would make me a Heavyweight which means walking around at 250lbs off season. No thank you.

  15. #55
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    I wanna look like Frank Mcgrath in my avi.... Im not gonna lie

    But seriously I wanna take my physique as far as I can possibly take it.... I know what that is going to involve and I know it is going to take a long time

    I would eventually like to sit easily in single digit BF levels with plenty on size, but TBH that is not going to happen unless I decide that I want to compete in a few years
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  16. #56
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    185 @ 8% without using much gear. I wanna be able to maintain that without constantly having to think about eating and working out. It's only 15lbs but less bodyfat.

    Mostly its a look and I think that look will be achieved at those stats.
    This is what I want. Right now I am at 155lbm and weight 195. Would love to get to 185-180 with 6-8% bf.

  17. #57
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I wanna look like Frank Mcgrath in my avi.... Im not gonna lie

    But seriously I wanna take my physique as far as I can possibly take it.... I know what that is going to involve and I know it is going to take a long time

    I would eventually like to sit easily in single digit BF levels with plenty on size, but TBH that is not going to happen unless I decide that I want to compete in a few years
    My question to all those who compete out there, could we the average bodybuilder build a body like Frank Mcgrath but smaller by lets say -30lbs and still have a life? Or would we be tied to the gym and the fridge like a slave?

  18. #58
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    I'm 229lb's now but wanna get more defined for some reason I don't think I look that weight personally. It's been a long road to this weight though. over 4 years of training im at about 15% BF too which I am happy about.

  19. #59
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i want to be 5'11 225 and 9%. but i'm 5'6 about 170 now i want to get back to 185 and 10%

  20. #60
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    i want to gain about 20lbs of muscle. My collarbones stick out way bad and i hate it.

    im gonna do a actual diet plan and such for a year then maybe next summer do a cycle.

    so i guess...

    6 foot 5
    less than 10%bf
    but still maintain my athleticism. speed, hops, shiftiness
    if im huge but cant play pickup ball as well, not worth it IMO :P

  21. #61
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    My question to all those who compete out there, could we the average bodybuilder build a body like Frank Mcgrath but smaller by lets say -30lbs and still have a life? Or would we be tied to the gym and the fridge like a slave?
    I am not sure what McGrath weighs but I doubt in contest shape he is more than 30-40lbs more than me. I workout out 5 times a week with my sessions under 45 minutes and do 3 thirty minute cardio sessions per week (precontest this increases) as well. I eat right around 2800-3000 calories per day. I am able to sustain 10% bodyfat or less at well over 200lbs. (and I have worse than average genetics) Far from being tied to the gym or the fridge like a slave. I go on vacations every year, go out to eat quite often and do wine tastings with the Mrs on a frequent basis. Point being you can have a fairly normal life and still compete in bodybuilding.

  22. #62
    38jumper38's Avatar
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    I love to be 175lbs with less then 10%BF,
    Really need help on that.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    I am not sure what McGrath weighs but I doubt in contest shape he is more than 30-40lbs more than me. I workout out 5 times a week with my sessions under 45 minutes and do 3 thirty minute cardio sessions per week (precontest this increases) as well. I eat right around 2800-3000 calories per day. I am able to sustain 10% bodyfat or less at well over 200lbs. (and I have worse than average genetics) Far from being tied to the gym or the fridge like a slave. I go on vacations every year, go out to eat quite often and do wine tastings with the Mrs on a frequent basis. Point being you can have a fairly normal life and still compete in bodybuilding.
    Except for the trips to Winco to buy 20 cartons of Egg whites, that's not normal. hahahahaha
    Yeah there is no reason to sacrifice life/living and thinking to reach your goals you have to give up all social activities. Everything in moderation... I'm still working on getting to the 10% bf though. LOL

  24. #64
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    190? bro you are 1 big 190. what are the weight classes? theres a show at my gym july 17th pro/ ameture /and ive been thinking.
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    Contest time puts me right about 190lbs @5%. (5'10). It would be nice to get close to the top of the LightHeavy Class at 198 1/4. Any more than that would make me a Heavyweight which means walking around at 250lbs off season. No thank you.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    190? bro you are 1 big 190. what are the weight classes? theres a show at my gym july 17th pro/ ameture /and ive been thinking.
    Ive seen him in person. He honestly looks betting in person than the pictures he has posted here, very impressive and inspiring but also intimidating and humbling realizing how much hard work and time he puts into it. It makes you/me realize how little I really do in comparison.

  26. #66
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    im 5 7 right now, hoping to get up to 185-190 area, at around my current BF% of anywhere from 10-13% may sound stupid i dont really like the reallly ripped looked idk why, hoping maybe ill gain and inch or two on my height before im 21....(fingers crossed)

  27. #67
    PK-V's Avatar
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    This big!

    Here's the way I look at it
    Aim for the top of the mountain and you might in fact make it half way up the mountain, aim for the base of the mountain and you might not even be lucky to even make it there

    It is the mind that decides what the body will look like

    If you put all of your energy in one direction towards a goal you think is worth your time and anything is possible

    Best of luck everyone with achieving your goals

    Which I know you will!

  28. #68
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    I am really surprised looking through this thread and other peoples threads when they post stats, i would have never guessed that the majority of guys on here are under 6' & under 210lbs or so.

  29. #69
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    my bodybuilding goal is 5' 10" 205- 210ish at 10% im currently in a cut and weigh 190 at 12%...

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    I am not sure what McGrath weighs but I doubt in contest shape he is more than 30-40lbs more than me. I workout out 5 times a week with my sessions under 45 minutes and do 3 thirty minute cardio sessions per week (precontest this increases) as well. I eat right around 2800-3000 calories per day. I am able to sustain 10% bodyfat or less at well over 200lbs. (and I have worse than average genetics) Far from being tied to the gym or the fridge like a slave. I go on vacations every year, go out to eat quite often and do wine tastings with the Mrs on a frequent basis. Point being you can have a fairly normal life and still compete in bodybuilding.
    For example in that default, he is pre-contest shape. So If I was lets say 20lbs less than that I think I would be happy. That body is perfect IMO, only bad thing is his arms are a little too big so if they were a tad bit smaller, that would be my ideal look.

  31. #71
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    The bigger I get..... the more compliments I get. I got up to 255lns @ 6'1" about 12%bf...... I was getting compliments everywhere...... the grocery store..... at work..... movies...... etc. I got burnt out and had a ton of stress and life issues so i've dropped about 10lbs.

    I'm taking this week off and then hiting it ahrd again. I'm starting to feel refreshed finally.....

    Anyways..... I used to think 225 would be perfect..... then 240..... then 250. The more weight I put on..... the more I like it. I guess i'd hafta say 280lbs at 12% would be nice for me..... then again..... when I hit that i'm sure I'll wanna make a push for 300 LOL.

    That pic of Mcgrath is PERFECTION imo..... I want that look at my height!

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  32. #72
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    Well Just trim down a lil more.I like 230 at 5ft 9 be at 12 to 14 %bf

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    The bigger I get..... the more compliments I get. I got up to 255lns @ 6'1" about 12%bf...... I was getting compliments everywhere...... the grocery store..... at work..... movies...... etc. I got burnt out and had a ton of stress and life issues so i've dropped about 10lbs.

    I'm taking this week off and then hiting it ahrd again. I'm starting to feel refreshed finally.....

    Anyways..... I used to think 225 would be perfect..... then 240..... then 250. The more weight I put on..... the more I like it. I guess i'd hafta say 280lbs at 12% would be nice for me..... then again..... when I hit that i'm sure I'll wanna make a push for 300 LOL.

    That pic of Mcgrath is PERFECTION imo..... I want that look at my height!

    I envy are the reason my self-confidence is so low

    I remember when you blew up to 255...god I wanted to jump off the nearest building. ITS NOT FAIR DAMN IT! lol
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 06-14-2011 at 05:32 PM.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    190? bro you are 1 big 190. what are the weight classes? theres a show at my gym july 17th pro/ ameture /and ive been thinking.
    Thanks, remember being on stage at 190 means having pretty much the same look at 200lbs 2-3 days out as you just havent cut water yet. As far as weigh classes NPC is Under 154 Light, 154-176 Middle,198-225 Heavy, Over 225 Super Heavy (all plus 1/4). Some of the really big National Shows have Welterweight and Bantamweight Class as well.

    IFBB Pro shows are Under 202 and Open. The under 202 is moving up the 212 starting next year.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ive seen him in person. He honestly looks betting in person than the pictures he has posted here, very impressive and inspiring but also intimidating and humbling realizing how much hard work and time he puts into it. It makes you/me realize how little I really do in comparison.
    Thanks P, you are too kind!

  35. #75
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post

    For years and years I have eaten anything I want minus soda deserts etc. I went through a phase for the last 2 years where I ate fast food about twice a day. Then in december I got a really bad intestinal infection and the doctor said its from eating all that fast food. Im in the process now of learning to eat healthier and and 3 weeks ago i started doing 30min of cardio a day at a heart rate of 120-130.
    There you go, sucks it took something like an infection to get you to change your eating habits but your on your way now. As time goes by and you dedicate yourself to your diet even more your body will start to transform and turn into a machine (but not a transformer) . Good luck, stick with it, it WELL worth it.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  36. #76
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    to me, mariusz pudz has the greatest physique, i wish i could look like that, thatd be my goal, if not (excuse the typical 19 year old response) but dr. dre is looking pretty good lately, id want to be that big, his traps are huge hahah

  37. #77
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    I'd kill BG to have McGrath's size.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    There you go, sucks it took something like an infection to get you to change your eating habits but your on your way now. As time goes by and you dedicate yourself to your diet even more your body will start to transform and turn into a machine (but not a transformer) . Good luck, stick with it, it WELL worth it.
    thanks bg! my big struggle is just the mind set. im scared ill drop under 300 if i eat clean.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by nguadagno View Post
    to me, mariusz pudz has the greatest physique, i wish i could look like that, thatd be my goal, if not (excuse the typical 19 year old response) but dr. dre is looking pretty good lately, id want to be that big, his traps are huge hahah
    freak of nature...mariusz was 275 his first wsm and 325 his last one

  40. #80
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    hes the man hahaha i love him, when i was like 13 i remember watching him, probably around his first year or so, and i remember saying, i like that guy im gonna root for him, well fast forward 6 years, looks like i picked the right horse hahaha i should of bet

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