06-29-2011, 10:15 AM #1
Child Exploitation and Online Protection - statement
The CEOP today published the findings of a 6 month investigation into the devastating crime that is called Street grooming.
The UK’s national centre for child protection – the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre – today published the findings of a six month investigation into the devastating crime that has widely been called “on street grooming”.
CEOP announced its intention to carry out a thematic assessment in January 2011 after growing public concern of a trend whereby groups of men were reportedly grooming and sexually exploiting children across the UK.
This type of child abuse often involves rape. It is premeditated, planned and carried out systematically with a complete lack of respect or empathy for the victims, often singled out for their vulnerability, and its damage can last a lifetime.
Relevant research was reviewed, debriefings with practitioners, frontline staff and the wider safeguarding community conducted, as well as face-to-face victim consultation. This review covered 65 pieces of research literature from 1998 and 24 policy guidance documents from 2001. CEOP also requested relevant data on cases of child sexual exploitation since 1 January 2008, from all police forces, LSCBs, children’s services and voluntary service sector providers.
‘Out of Mind, Out of Sight’, published today, shows that while some areas of the UK have victim focused services with agencies effectively working together to identify victims of child sexual exploitation this is not the case in all areas.
The assessment highlights multi-agency work as essential to ensuring that the victim’s needs come first and key to tackling this crime. All agencies in contact with victims must be aware of the early signs and effects of abuse and vulnerability. Many victims often fear the police and court processes and are intimidated and threatened by offenders so a long term and coordinated approach to supporting them is needed.
It is possible that the majority of incidents of child sexual exploitation are currently unrecognised and unknown, remaining unreported or hidden in other recorded data.
Areas cannot conclude they do not have an issue with localised grooming simply because this has not been researched in the area and all agencies and the wider community must be alert to the issue to identify children at risk from ‘localised grooming’.
Victims of sexual exploitation may come into contact with agencies through a range of behaviour. Early warning signs like going missing from home or truancy may be missed by agencies. This led to inconsistent methods of data and intelligence collection of sexual exploitation.
‘Out of Mind, Out of Sight’ acknowledges the major challenges faced by agencies in identifying victims of child sexual exploitation and in gaining the trust of victims to build successful cases against offenders. The grooming process itself often means some victims don’t see themselves as victims of sexual abuse and are unwilling to disclose information to police or other authorities.
Full details of best practice around the UK are available in the assessment document. The assessment advocates similar approaches be more widely adopted, based on the needs and specific risks to children in local areas.
Each local authority has a Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). These have responsibility for coordinating the protection of children from sexual exploitation through agencies working together, under clear statutory guidance. The assessment revealed that a comparatively small number were effective in this. As a result, data on child exploitation may not be collected or easily obtainable, with no single system used to record data on child sexual exploitation.
Membership of LSCBs includes the police, the Local Probation Trusts, Youth Offending Teams, NHS Trusts, and the Connexions Service with representation from schools and involvement from voluntary and community sector organisations.
06-29-2011, 10:42 AM #2
yeah, well, don't know what to say old timer. this shit is not localized to the UK... it's all over the world.
06-29-2011, 11:01 AM #3
I wonder which country is the worse, its on the increase over in the UK for sure!
06-29-2011, 01:56 PM #4
Nick Griffin was filmed by undercover reporters years ago where he made a speech warning about the Muslim paedophiles who were grooming young white, underage girls in towns and cities all over the north of England. This video was filmed in 2004 by the BBC. Consequently, Nick Griffin was arrested and faced the prospect of prison. Had the police and the media taken note of what Nick was saying then, rather than rushing headlong into trying to jail him, they could have put their efforts into stamping out grooming all those years ago.
It is frightening to think about how many thousands of children they could have saved from these Muslim paedophiles had they had the guts to acknowledge this problem then
06-29-2011, 02:12 PM #5
A quote from the only political party in England which is persecuted for being nationalistic and Christian and loving it's country as it once was!!
The Telford British National Party group have long been highlighting the problem of Muslim paedophiles, with hard-hitting leaflets that they have been distributing to the local area for years.
Following our exposé of vile Muslim perverts drugging and raping our young girls in Telford, nine of the suspects have finally gone on trial, accused of a sickening catalogue of child prostitution offences against girls as young as 13.
Telford British National Party highlighted this very case and these very men in January, stating exactly what each man involved had been accused of. The offences include raping a child aged 13, sexual activity with a child, trafficking for sexual exploitation – arranging or facilitating child prostitution – meeting a child following sexual grooming, facilitating child prostitution and controlling a child prostitute. Of course, the mass media ignored it then.
Now, with the help of our hard-hitting February Voice of Freedom newspaper in which we told everyone that if the police did not start protecting our girls, we would, and with our continued web-page news articles, emails and update letters, the mass media have had no choice but to pay attention, and to start reporting on these Muslim paedophiles, prosecuting them and finally moving in the right directing to help protect our girls.
A mother of one of the girls interviewed in connection with an attack has told the British National Party that there are at least 60 known victims, all young white females, of the Muslim paedophile gangs operating in Shropshire, centred around Telford.
The nine that have finally been put on trial face 55 charges, including inciting child prostitution, grooming and rape between 2007 and 2009. Sickeningly, six are married, and one is a grandfather.
In the past, even when we brought it to the attention of the media, the police, the media and the local government have refused to speak out about Asian sex gangs for fear of appearing ‘institutionally racist’, a senior officer said.
Mick Gradwell, a former detective superintendent, said the targeting of underage and vulnerable girls had been going on for decades. He added: ‘You have girls being abused and raped and yet the most senior officers are refusing to comment on it. On what other subject would you get that?’
The hypocrisy of the politically correct is truly nauseating. They constantly trumpet their commitment to women’s rights, anti-racism and the protection of the vulnerable. Yet when confronted with the reality of vicious sexual exploitation of young white girls by Asian men, they drop their supposedly cherished principles.
Instead they either deny the existence of the issue or, even worse, they collude with abusers by attacking those who tell the truth. No matter what attacks are levelled at the British National Party, we will never stop telling the truth about these Muslim paedophiles and their vile crimes. We demand justice for their victims and jail and deportation for the perpetrators. Every time.
06-29-2011, 02:35 PM #6
What a mess if its not the alter boys it's the little british girls. Is no one safe anymore? Funny how al quieda says that only the west has sexual deviants and that it doesn't happen on their country where the muslim faith is strictly adhered to. All while they are getting it on with their little boys in the bath houses. in Turkey and the like. It just goes to show you that these things happen everywhere and is not limited to a certain faith or belief. We have equal opportunity molesters in every country.
06-29-2011, 09:30 PM #7
As you are probably aware, here in Afghanistan, it is culturaly acceptable for an older well to do male to form a lifetime sexual relationship with a young boy (often times prepubescent). For the life of me I can't remember what this is called, but there is a term for it. To continue, it is not uncommon in these situations, for the older male to marry his daughter to his young male concubine and thereby keeping the younger male in the family permenantly. As such, it is common for the daughter to bear children by the male concubine, and at the same time, her father maintaining sexual relations with the male concubine as well.
Additionally, here in Afghanistan, of the Muslim male population, i remember reading somewhere that at least 50% have been involved in a homosexual relationship due to a lack of access to females.
Additionally, it is "permissable" for males to have a variety of premarital sexual relations prior to marriage, yet women must remain virgin else there could be severe penalties, usually brought on by the woman's family.
06-29-2011, 11:09 PM #8
Yes Times ...... People can do what they want in their own country within their own culture. You ought to hear some of the stories that I have been told by young Arab men about what they have done to others in their youth,,,,,,,, in any civilised country they would be doing a minimum of 10-15, if not life ....... and they don't think that they have done wrong!!
However the point I was making was that this phenominen of Muslims targeting our young white, black and non Asian girls, specifically, had been pointed out to the authorities many years ago and it was ignored. This is because the disease of political correctness that has crossed the Atlantic and has infected all walks of life in the UK now-a-days.
The "thought police" will be after us soon!!
06-30-2011, 01:35 AM #9
16,864 sexual crimes against children under 16 were recorded in England and Wales in 2009/10.31% of all sexual crimes (54,509 sexual crimes in total) recorded in England and Wales in 2009/10 were sexual crimes against children under 16.
In 2009/10 the police in England and Wales recorded:
4,889 offences of rape of a female child under 16
802 offences of rape of a male child under 16
4,160 offences of sexual assault on a female child under 13
1,058 offences of sexual assault on a male child under 13
5,820 offences of sexual activity involving a child under 16
135 offences of abuse of children through prostitution and pornography.
More than one third (38%) of all rapes recorded by the police in England and Wales in 2009/10 were committed against children under 16 years of age.
Police recorded over 23,000 sex offences against children aged under 18 years in England and Wales between April 2009 and March 2010.
34,939 individuals were registered as sexual offenders in England and Wales on 31 March 2010.
70% of perpetrators of child sexual abuse had between 1 and 9 victims. However, the number of victims of sexual abuse per perpetrator is occasionally very high, with reports of up to 450 children per perpetrator in some cases.
60-70% of sex offenders against children target girls only, about 20-33% boys only, and about 10% children of either sex.
"The majority of perpetrators sexually assault children known to them, with about 80% of offences taking place in the home of either the offender or the victim."
06-30-2011, 01:42 AM #10
I do not want to start talking bad about any type of people, but i was taught in counseling that Mexico has a very very very high rate of child molestation and 9 times out of ten its with in the family.
06-30-2011, 03:26 AM #11Originally Posted by paulzane;5682***
It is unfortunate the rules we play by are not the same rules "some others" play by. But as a society, (and you are correct on this point), we feel that we should not judge others that play by different rules. Even when the actions of "some others' are extreme rights violations.
I really don't care which society "they" come from, no one should be raping or stealing children.
Shame on any society that thinks it's ok to use children as sex objects!!
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