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  1. #1
    learnerdriver's Avatar
    learnerdriver is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2009

    the danger of misinformation

    Came across this ridiculous news print. There are so many errors and lack of research it amazes me. I would not call myself pro-steroid as I think they have a place in society for pro's etc but not for the general masses. The information they provide in the story will just confuse and endanger people more than it helps.

    I understand that parents like Taylor Hooten's want to make a difference but only help to put people in more danger through manipulation of information. To me intelligent steroid users provide better evidence for why you should not take steroids while the anti campaigns just help to confuse the less informed therefore increasing the dangers they wish to stop.

    A bit of a waffle but it pi**ed me off.

  2. #2
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    It was a slow day in the news center so they ran with a story to get the subscription rate up. Steroids are pretty much on the back burner right now in the US as we have so many more important stories running like weinergate. Just elect yourselves a bunch of idiots over there like we do over here and they will keep the steroid news off the pages.

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