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  1. #1
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    Florida now requires recipients of welfare to be drug tested!!!!!!!!!!

    Its about damn time. This will save the state millions a year!

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Really???? OMG that's GREAT!!! I cant believe someone had the balls to push that through. Now I also want to see them prove legal residency.

  3. #3
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Wow, a policy that makes sense. Is this some kind of joke???

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I do not want my tax dollars going to welfare reciepents in the first place, unless very temporary, and under extreme conditions.

    I am more inclined to believe Workfare is better for the individual.

  5. #5
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    This is a victory for tax payers everywhere. What is interesting, is that during my time as an undergraduate in college, I was part of a mock Congress, and I was the minority Speaker of the House. Our mock Congress reflected the actual seats and ratios in Congress at the time, which was an overwhelming Democratic majority. I was able to pass an almost identical bill that required drug testing of welfare recipients, as a Republcian representative, when the Democrats had a fillibuster proof majority. It was a bill that I had actually authored myself, if I can dig it up I will post it.

    The point of my post however, is that I support this measure overwhelmingly. Ideally, I would not require ANYONE to be drug tested for employment, and any and all drugs would be decriminalized. Truly, any principled Republican should support such a measure, since the definition of a conservative Republican is Libertarianism, and I am paraphrasing Ronald Reagan when I say that, who is by and large seen as the embodiement of conservative Republicanism. If you claim to believe in individual liberteries, then you MUST agree that free individuals, living in a free society, have the RIGHT to put any substance into their bodies that they wish, with any possible deleterious effects of such substances being the responsibility of that person. This is what should happen in a truly FREE SOCIETY, where individuals have liberty, and individuals are ACCOUNTABLE for what they do.

    However, the status quo at the present time, is that consuming certain chemical substances are illegal in our society, and pre-employment drug testing IS a common practice in our society. I disagree with this common practice as well, because it presumes that a person who uses prohibited substances, even in the privacy of their own home, and during non-working hours, is somehow unfit for a certain job, or may not be able to perform that job well. This is patently false on its face, and it is an intrusion into the personal lives of individuals. However, once again, this happens to be the status quo, and therfore this is why such a bill garners my full support.

    If in our society, a person is required to pass a pre-employment drug screen to obtain employment and provide for their families, then so should those people who presume to benefit from the tax dollars collected from those citizens who submit to pre-employment drug testing. If the people who provide you with FREE MONEY to fund social programs from which you benefit, such as HUD/Section 8, Welfare, WIC(Woman,Infant,&Children), and Medicaid, are expected to pass a urinalysis drug screen, then so should those people who are using the services of those programs for which those individual citizens provide the means by which to fund them.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I agree with you in theory but in reality it doesn't usually work that way. Ive seen to many people who let it bleed over into the work place, show up stoned, high on crack/meth or other substances and are putting other people at risk. I myself almost go crushed by a guy driving a fork lift I knew was high on coke. People who are chemically impaired tend to make poor judgment calls or have slow reaction times.

    If you can keep it out of the work place then good but some drugs just cant be used as recreational or part time IMO. Hell, even MJ, I cant think of one person I have know over 30+ years who does it on just the weekends. LOL

  7. #7
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    This is also going on in Alabama, Kentucky and soon to be Georgia. Kentucky was the first to pass this law. If I have to take a piss test to earn money, they should have to be drug tested to be given money that I provide.
    Last edited by wmaousley; 07-04-2011 at 05:06 AM.

  8. #8
    Catch is offline Junior Member
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    Win. And it's about damn time.

    I live in a state where waaaay too many people rely on welfare and I get sick of them putting their groceries that I just paid for with my tax dollars into their Lexus.

  9. #9
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catch View Post
    Win. And it's about damn time.

    I live in a state where waaaay too many people rely on welfare and I get sick of them putting their groceries that I just paid for with my tax dollars into their Lexus.
    What will piss you off is when they are buying 4 dollar bags of chips, prime steaks, beer, and murphy's gas from walmart using a welfare credit card while driving like you said a lexus or other luxury vehicle.

    Fvckin makes me mad!!! Thank god I am not in a situation where I need this type of assistance, but most of the people are abusing the system when in fact they really don't need it. Same as school lunches, I had to pay for school lunch but many rich kids parents beat the system to get them free lunches. System is flawed!!

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Should have been done a LONG time ago. And make it National!!

  11. #11
    Catch is offline Junior Member
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    I love when they buy ground beef to feed their dog because WIC won't pay for dog food. Awesome.

    And the bullshit I see them buying. Ugh. Should soda and chips be counted as "food?" I mean, Wth? So, they tax us for that junk food and then tax us for the medical bills from them being obese. Unbelievable.

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    on the other hand, i really have known people that have had rotten things happen to them (husband abandons the family for one). She was beside herself. If it weren't for food stamps, her daughter and baby really would have had to do without. She was on for a few months before moving in with her mom. she still gets the stamps, but I've known her for awhile now, and she did have a "decent' job before all this happened (the birth of her daughter). She more or less did everything she was supposed to do, but due to circumstances, needed some help.

    So there are some that abuse the system, and others that have worked and want to work again. I have no problem helping out the latter.

  13. #13
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    on the other hand, i really have known people that have had rotten things happen to them (husband abandons the family for one). She was beside herself. If it weren't for food stamps, her daughter and baby really would have had to do without. She was on for a few months before moving in with her mom. she still gets the stamps, but I've known her for awhile now, and she did have a "decent' job before all this happened (the birth of her daughter). She more or less did everything she was supposed to do, but due to circumstances, needed some help.

    So there are some that abuse the system, and others that have worked and want to work again. I have no problem helping out the latter.
    I def support what your saying 100%, and I am all for assisting those really in need. Its these other people that make me crazy.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I def support what your saying 100%, and I am all for assisting those really in need. Its these other people that make me crazy.
    Agree, and they make up the majority.

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I def support what your saying 100%, and I am all for assisting those really in need. Its these other people that make me crazy.
    I had a moment in my life where I needed to use the system. Had a drug/coke addicted wife/almost ex, got laid off from work, had my 2yr old daughter full time and all the bills that go along with divorce. Went down to sign up for food stamps/assistance and because I still owned a house and had not lost it yet they would only give me food stamps on a loan. Once I got a job again I had to pay it back 100%. They wanted payment starting at day 1. I LOL, had to give them a list of my bills vs income and after they checked it they said I dont make enough to even cover my bills. I said No Sh*t but as long as I got OT I did. I managed to pay it all back in less than 6 months but how stupid is that? If I had said there was any type of substance use or??? They would have given me anything I wanted no problem. System is fvcked and make to keep the poor poor but most of them would rather not work and get a little for free than work for more.

  16. #16
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I was in a low financial point in my life about 15 years ago. if it weren't for my family and my woman's family, we would have had to go on assistance. My woman's mom would bring over groceries, and my pops was sending me a couple of hundred $$ a month. I had a job, but it wasn't paying for shit.

    Yet another case in point that individuals coming from strong support systems (families) are more stable than those that don't. (No slight against any of you, but I think most of us would agree with this point)

  17. #17
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    And it could be worse!

    Florida could require recepients of drug tests to be on welfare!?

  18. #18
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    rick scott is a good new gov...
    very unpopular here, but fvck it, someone needs to end the free rides...

    im a fan of this guy...

  19. #19
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Its about damn time. This will save the state millions a year!
    I can see the headlines now...Florida Discontinues welfare in it's state as no one meets qualifications. lol

  20. #20
    zimmy's Avatar
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    maybe they should make the same requirement for jury members

  21. #21
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    I'm wondering with all the new processes and procedures, just how much will this save the taxpayer? Because you are essentially adding a "service" to the cost of welfare, in the hopes that those who can't/don't/appeal the results in fewer payees.

    Sorta like gambling.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post
    I'm wondering with all the new processes and procedures, just how much will this save the taxpayer? Because you are essentially adding a "service" to the cost of welfare, in the hopes that those who can't/don't/appeal the results in fewer payees.

    Sorta like gambling.
    the cost of a test isnt expensive. it does add up if everyone gets tested but i think it will kick alot of people off of benefits. I hope once they piss dirty once they cant get welfare ever again. I hope its not some loop hole were they just loose it till they test clean

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    What will piss you off is when they are buying 4 dollar bags of chips, prime steaks, beer, and murphy's gas from walmart using a welfare credit card while driving like you said a lexus or other luxury vehicle.

    Fvckin makes me mad!!! Thank god I am not in a situation where I need this type of assistance, but most of the people are abusing the system when in fact they really don't need it. Same as school lunches, I had to pay for school lunch but many rich kids parents beat the system to get them free lunches. System is flawed!!
    You may wonder how they can afford that Lexus to put those groceries into. Well that same system gives them medical benefits so they go to a crooked doctor who gives them tons of pain killers like oxycontin which they sell on the street for a few grand a script helping them bring in several thousand dollars a month. Add their monthly welfare checks to that and they are bringing in a butt load of money per month. Way more than the average union auto worker who makes around 60 grand a year but to top it off these welfare cheats are getting all this tax free. That's it I'm going on welfare.....Come on and take a free ride. All Aboard The Welfare Express..woo woo!

  24. #24
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    rick scott is a good new gov...
    very unpopular here, but fvck it, someone needs to end the free rides...

    im a fan of this guy...
    I wouldnt quite go as far as saying he is good. This is about one of the only things he has proposed or done that i agree with

  25. #25
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I wouldnt quite go as far as saying he is good. This is about one of the only things he has proposed or done that i agree with
    I liked Charley Crist, but I havent been back home since he took office so I have no idea about the new Governor.

  26. #26
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Look guys, a lot of you fail to realise a lot of key points about economics, regulations, and history. I could absolutely write a dissertation on the subject of welfare and other social entitlements and the concommitant problems that contribute to such systems. We have a saying political science, "If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it." That modicum is applicable in so many areas, if you stop to think about it. You want more people to get involved in farming? Provide farm subsidies. You want less people to drive SUV's or luxury cars that are inefficient on gas? You create a luxury car tax, or you tax gas significantly. Each method provides INCENTIVES to either participate or exclude yourself from something.

    There are so many problems with social entitlements, i.e.- welfare, that the contributing factors each in and of themselves deserve an entire book. However, there are several factors that contribute to the need and use of welfare. Deleterious economic regulations, bureaucratic red tape, government interference into the free market, the income tax(progressive taxation specifically), the artifical manipulation of interest rates by hte Federal Reserve, and INFLATION!

    All of those variables, simply scratch the surface of what contributes to the dependence on social welfare. In addition, the welfare administration itself, and its regulations are so convoluted and corrupt, they allow people to abuse the system with relative ease. We are now entering an era of second generation social welfare recepients. That is to say, there is currently an entire generation of people, who have absolutely no desire, incentive, or will power to seek gainful employment, and rather are taught how to collect social welfare benefits (or as the majority of recipients of such programs frequently call it "govament cheese yo").

    Now listen very carefully, because this is the most important part of what I am going to say about social welfare. In the past, 40 years ago or more, social welfare was a safety net, it was to be used SHORT TERM, in order for people who were experiencing a hardship (of any kind) to get back on their feet. The key difference with those programs however, was that you PAID IT BACK. Yes, once you re-established yourself, you paid back the amount of aid that you received. That is one key difference. The other, is that in times past, charitable organizations were able to provide for those people who needed financial assistance in some fashion. The reason that this is no longer possible is two fold. 1st, government decided that IT would be the provider of social welfare programs, and made it difficult for charitable organizations to participate. 2nd, the number of people requiring social welfare/financial assistance has far outstripped the capacity of those organizations to provide such assistance.

    This is somewhat of an oversimplification, and honestly, this is the abridged version of what need be a thorough analysis of the problem. Subsidizing social welfare has created a higher demand for social welfare. We have DISINCENTIVIZED the motivation for people to get jobs, by making social welfare easily accessible, poorly regulated, and quite lucrative.

    Being on social welfare is supposed to be somewhat EMBARASSING and SHAMEFUL. This is or I should say WAS, one of the key motivators which incentivized peopel to use social welfare and charitable programs for AS LITTLE TIME AS POSSIBLE, and to find gainful employment in order to avoid STAYING on social welfare/charitable assistance. We used to require FOOD STAMPS, and other EMBARASSING procedures for people on social assistance, however, thanks to progressive liberals, we now do as much as possible to make sure that people on social welfare are stigmatized as LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Instead of food stamps, they are given "Access Cards" which essentially resembles a credit card, and the number of businesses which participate in this program has expanded significantly. In addition, food stamps were traditionally only supposed to be used for NECESSARY ITEMS. The trade off is, that you are on government assistance, on tax payer money, and therefore THE PEOPLE (via the Government) have the right to dictate what items you can purchase with their money. Well, that is no longer the case in many states welfare systems. People can purchase, cigarettes, beer, and other NON-ESSENTIAL ITEMS with TAX PAYER MONEY.

    These are just a few of the multitude of problems with social welfare.

  27. #27
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    lol my parents got government cheese when we were younger....but they were not welfair...there is actual discounted cheese they sell.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I wouldnt quite go as far as saying he is good. This is about one of the only things he has proposed or done that i agree with
    cmon Noles...
    he is not popular but when u have to cut the way he does, people get affected.
    im glad he stopped that stupid light train between orlando and tampa...fvking waste of money. u have to agree there...
    time will tell, but im glad we have someone trying to operate like a business..

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    cmon Noles...
    he is not popular but when u have to cut the way he does, people get affected.
    im glad he stopped that stupid light train between orlando and tampa...fvking waste of money. u have to agree there...
    time will tell, but im glad we have someone trying to operate like a business..
    I agree with very little of what he has done. My biggest issue right now with him is his ideas on public education. He cut close to 2 billion dollars of funding along with penalizing teachers pay based on test scores. My mother has been a public school teacher for many years in the state of florida. She taught honors levels courses and had a very high percentagee of test scores. She chose to help out by taking over some of the remedial troubled classes. In turn her average test grades went down based on the level of education and attitude of the students she took over. Even though their test scores have increased, she would be penalized for how low they still are.

    His budget cuts are also affecting sports. Many schools are faced with the problem of funding them and some counties have had to cut them out all together. The town i grew up in had many highschools, some full of underprivileged students. Sports can be the only way some of those students can get out. Without them most will never make it to college and can affect their potential success in life. Having played D1 football, I was around many guys like this that played and maintained over a 3.0 gpa in college. It was their only way out of the the atmosphere they grew up in

  30. #30
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    I agree with this bill 100% - I have just one concern- the children. ie: A single mother of 4 applies for welafre - declined because she tests psoitive - rightfully so. I dont wanna give a drug addict money to buy drugs - but what about the children? The state needs to do something about the chiuldren. Innocent victims.
    Again i support this 100% - i just hate to see innocent children suffer for the irresponsibility of a drug addicted parent. They suffer enough as a result of this. I dont know the answer - just something that needs to be addressed.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I agree with this bill 100% - I have just one concern- the children. ie: A single mother of 4 applies for welafre - declined because she tests psoitive - rightfully so. I dont wanna give a drug addict money to buy drugs - but what about the children? The state needs to do something about the chiuldren. Innocent victims.
    Again i support this 100% - i just hate to see innocent children suffer for the irresponsibility of a drug addicted parent. They suffer enough as a result of this. I dont know the answer - just something that needs to be addressed.
    I agree. But chances are if they are a drug addict on welfare they probably werent really taking to good of care of their children either.

    I dont know what the solution would be though.

  32. #32
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Thats a tuff one, But I dont think being around junkies is a good environment for a child. Governments need to give family members power to take the kids away, or find a better home for them.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Thats a tuff one, But I dont think being around junkies is a good environment for a child. Governments need to give family members power to take the kids away, or find a better home for them.
    orphanage, and yes i'd support that..

    and if a person does not show up to work.. picking up trash even, they dont' get lunch or breakfast, if they work long enough, they can have dinner too..

    but that's just me.. after all they have public transportation and cell phones, they should work, keep the parks clean.. or heck i'll pay them $20 per hour all they have to do is show up every day.. not everyother day, or when they feel like it..

    but i know.. that's being racist and hateful right??
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  34. #34
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    awesome love this law.

  35. #35
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    Awesome law!!! We need same in all states.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by RussianVodka View Post
    Awesome law!!! We need same in all states.
    Seems only the southern states, Kentucky, Florida, Alabama, and soon Mississippi will be the only states to have laws like this in place. Seems history is repeating itself!!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Seems only the southern states, Kentucky, Florida, Alabama, and soon Mississippi will be the only states to have laws like this in place. Seems history is repeating itself!!
    are you saying the law is racist?

  38. #38
    brad herschel is offline Banned
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    Zimmy's suggestion that prospective jurors be drug tested makes sense. This war on drugs is
    a failure. Perhaps we will have to consider addiction as a medical problem. Cheaper in dollars and
    grief to open clinics to provide addicts with cheap drugs. Naturally, this approach would require
    extensive monitering and a medical exam/evaluation. Drug dealers kaput. Meth is an other story.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad herschel;568***3
    Zimmy's suggestion that prospective jurors be drug tested makes sense. This war on drugs is
    a failure. Perhaps we will have to consider addiction as a medical problem. Cheaper in dollars and
    grief to open clinics to provide addicts with cheap drugs. Naturally, this approach would require
    extensive monitering and a medical exam/evaluation. Drug dealers kaput. Meth is an other story.
    you mean like Europe does?? the nation with the highest heroin addition in the world ??

    I'm for it, they die early, pay some taxes, and we keep them addicted much like making smoking available to inner city folks.. you know like crack was made and produced and introduced in LA Ca in the mid 80's..

    sarcasam doesn't always translate well in the written word..

    People will argue, what about the children, refer to my earlier comment about orphanages, train them up and break the cycle, if you are on drugs, can't work or support your children the state will, but the kids become the responsibility of the state, and thus a state resource.
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    you mean like Europe does?? the nation with the highest heroin addition in the world ??
    I'm for it, they die early, pay some taxes, and we keep them addicted much like making smoking available to inner city folks.. you know like crack was made and produced and introduced in LA Ca in the mid 80's..

    sarcasam doesn't always translate well in the written word..

    People will argue, what about the children, refer to my earlier comment about orphanages, train them up and break the cycle, if you are on drugs, can't work or support your children the state will, but the kids become the responsibility of the state, and thus a state resource.
    Yeah that nation of Europe ...hell its so damn big some might even call it a continent made up of several nations..........

    *LOL* Just busting your balls Spy.....

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