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  1. #1
    GZA's Avatar
    GZA is offline Junior Member
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    Problem with Oral Syringe markings rubbing off...

    I primarily use (and reuse) oral syringes for the purpose of:

    Measuring out my lions liquid based liquidex, t3 etc..

    Measuring out quantities of either Olive Oil or Flax seed oil for the purposes of my Diet.

    I have found for either one of these uses the oral syringes lettering rubs off eventually, particularly if I get any liquid on the side of the syringe.

    I sometimes scrape along the side of the syringe certain measurements I use so the syringe will be stil somewhat useable even after the letters rub off but this still isn't as good as if I was able to find an oral syringe that didn't do this.

    I have been looking into purchasing some glass syringes, has anyone had any luck with these in solving this problem? Because every plastic syringe I have tried has lettering that doesn't hold up to repeated use.

    Have others shared the same problem that I am experiencing? how have you solved it? Will a glass syringe be any better or in your experience do these letters rub off easily as well?

    Thanks for your responces

  2. #2
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Just buy some more, they are dirt cheap

  3. #3
    GZA's Avatar
    GZA is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Just buy some more, they are dirt cheap
    is this what everybody does? Just seems weird to me. I have even bought "reuseable" ones but they were again plastic and again the letters wore off. I would imagine these things are just screen printed or something like that. I mean the lettering on any of my measuring cups doesn't wear off so easily so why is it so common with oral syringes that so far I haven't found any that won't rub off? (it's like the liquid dissolves the ink or something) (I mean that makes sence with single use hypodermic syringes but oral ones that claim to be "reuseable"? If that's the only solution then I'll buy a bunch but it just seems like It'd be easier to only have to buy some good ones that aren't so "disposeable". If they even exist... I would imagine some of that ink that gets dissolved gets into the liquids I ingest as well..

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    buy a new one and wrap the barrel in celotape
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    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

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  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    buy a new one and wrap the barrel in celotape
    I'll have to remember that when I start with my clen

  6. #6
    GZA's Avatar
    GZA is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds like a plan

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i just use a reg. syringe barrel

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I usually wrap tape or mark with a Sharpie.

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