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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Public Nudity.....

    ....ever had the occassion?

    Mine was confined to a lone summer in Germany at a particular rock quarry. The quarry was full of water, and had a sandy beach. We'd swim in the buff, get out and sun dry. There were other chics and even families in the buff there. Much more open and free society in this regard.

  2. #2
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I grew up with an actual hippy for an aunt (my cuisins name is Star Mellow lol) and grew up on Cape Cods nuddie beaches ~ no big whoop, mostly old wrinkley dudes coming out of water that appearently could have been warmer. people that go reg kinda dont give a fvck, altho as a teen my friends were mortified to go with but curiosity would get the best of them...we'd just end up whispering/making fun a people. teenagers are evil lol

  3. #3
    PitMaster's Avatar
    PitMaster is offline Associate Member
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    I use to always be down for skinny dip,,day or night. Things have changed, you have to be careful now or you will get charged with a sex offense. Then you will be labeled a sex offender and have to register with the town u live in. People will see that your a sex offender and not see what the charge was. You will be classified right up there with pedofiles, rapists and molesters.
    I don't bother skinny dippin anymore, unless it's real private.

  4. #4
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Yep the Germans love their nudity, I was in Berlin, the big park right near the Brandenberg gates, minding my own business I headed over to the park. It was nice and sunny day. All of a sudden I get in there and there was probably about 1000 people full starkers. Gotta love the Germans.

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Public sex is the best sex.

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