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  1. #1
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Everquest or WoW

    Woundering how many fellow nerds are here...
    theres no compitition IMO (hehehe gbrice)

    whats your pick ~ WoW or Everquest?your fav toon? and a pix of or of one similar to your fav...

    *heres mine: blood elf Hunter
    and my fav pet Ghost Sabor
    and my FAV mount that my main man got as a gift to me Celestal Steed, the perfect gurly ride lol

    i haven't played in soooo long....Im getting a craving for some Alli*ance, medium rear.

  2. #2
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    I played WoW for a bit during college, gave it up though because of the cost. Enjoyed it very much, but so much more has come out that I enjoy more like Fallout 3.

  3. #3
    amnkeefe is offline New Member
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    Starcraft all the way

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Lmao Sexy, I love that you started this thread! We'll see how many others have the balls (well, not in your case lol) to admit they're closet nerds. I'm an open book!

    I'm willing to bet the older people who have played both (by older, I mean my age, early to mid 30's, UGH) will go with EQ. How can you not give props to the game that really put MMO's on the map? No it wasn't the first. There was Meridian59 and Ultima Online before it. But when EQ came on the scene in late 98', it blew the MMO genre WIDE OPEN.

    A HUGE world (by the standards of the time), extremely deep and engaging content, a complete social class environment, economy, etc (I have seen the EQ economy change based on certain factors, it's very real)... hey, it didn't earn the name 'Evercrack' for nothing!

    WoW will always be the one remembered, because it eventually far surpassed EQ in popularity and still thrives today. But c'mon - you have to admit that WoW did absolutely NOTHING new - it was a complete EQ clone with better graphics, less content, and designed with super easy, virtually risk free gameplay in mind.

    When you played EQ (i'm talking original EQ, pre Luclin expansion), you were in for a serious adventure. Want to venture off to a far away land? Better not die - because you had to do a corpse run - completely naked as all your gear dropped with your corpse. Fail to retrieve your corpse in time (days, mind you) and it 'rotted' - and all your gear disappeared. It happened to me - at fvcking level 57 which was extremely painful.

    You can look up Youtube links, but to anybody who wasn't part of the 'scene' back in EQ's golden era (late 90's / very early 2000's), it will just appear to be a very outdated archaic game. But for the people who played and were part of that magical community, we will always remember the good ol' days. I made friends in that game who I am still in touch with today. I'll be attending a wedding of one of my old guild mates in a few months... and he lives in MI (i'm in NJ). That's how tight we all were!

    Look up any vid of the original EQ on youtube and read the comments - you'll see pure nostalgia, people talking about how it was the best game EVER made!!!

  5. #5
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    Eq ran at 1 gram should do the trick lol, me personally waiting for Diablo 3 and Skyrim

  6. #6
    jasc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    Starcraft all the way
    Agreed! Starcraft back in the day was great.. Quake was awesome in the late 90's.. Counterstrike was the sh*t when I had the munchies and wasn't partying my first 2 yrs of college

  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    ^^^ Half Life was the best FPS of all time IMO (loved all the classics - Doom, Quake, and my fav TFC!) but we're talking MMO's here guys!!

  8. #8
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    3,373 such a dork that theres no hiding it, so I to have just embrased my idiotness and nerdisum at laugh at myself OFTEN.

    @hoggage...yea, we stopped playing WoW like 6months ago cuz it was getting expesive, esp with all the account hacking and having to buy the stupid code stick too block all the account hacking.
    I didnt realize how much I loved the game untill my toon and pet disapeared...I was freaking out and after 2 day I felt like I was actualy grieving.....lmfao, over a game. lol

    ...have you all seen the new STAR WARS one comming out?

    or the TV spoof of MMO gamers? (the guild) its a hillarious show, heres an episode where they sing about avatars
    Last edited by SexySweetheart; 08-20-2011 at 01:00 PM.

  9. #9
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Everquest by far.

    Would only opt for a classic type server, like the mac one or project 1999 though. Modern day Everquest is shite.

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    My favorite MMO was City of Heroes. Total comic book nerd's wet dream. Second favorite is WOW.

  11. #11
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I loved the city of heros first, but than got I bored of it realy fast and would just log in to change my toons outfits

  12. #12
    King Pin is offline New Member
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    I think uo was my fav hunting down and taming dragons to ues to kill blacksmiths and loot them or what ever you felt like. buying a guild houe or waring with other guilds. didnt care for it when they tried to go 3d with it. Uo and starcraft

  13. #13
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Everquest by far.

    Would only opt for a classic type server, like the mac one or project 1999 though. Modern day Everquest is shite.
    OJ, you were already cool but you just went up like 100 notches in my book. I agree with you 100% - have you played on project 1999 servers? I've been thinking of doing it, but with the baby coming my wife might divorce me (she still remembers how EQ consumed my life)!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    My favorite MMO was City of Heroes. Total comic book nerd's wet dream. Second favorite is WOW.
    CoH was pretty cool. Your 2nd fav sux!

    Anybody remember some of the others? Asheron's Call? Shadowbane? SW Galaxies? Vanguard (supposed to be like the old EQ, epic fail though)? Dark Age of Camelot? Planetside?

    Rift is the latest one i'm aware of, it's supposed to be awesome.

  14. #14
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    OJ, you were already cool but you just went up like 100 notches in my book. I agree with you 100% - have you played on project 1999 servers? I've been thinking of doing it, but with the baby coming my wife might divorce me (she still remembers how EQ consumed my life)!

    Haha I hear you! Best way is to get her addicted too! Yeah I've played on P99, but I don't have an active account anymore in my book since I have no time as well...

    They did an awesome job restoring the original content and the community pretty much mirrors that of a regular server. Fairly large with promise of new content, I did enjoy playing on the Mac server though. They go up to PoP expansion, and it stops there. Apparently they won't get any more expansions so it's real laid back and there's no need to race to the end.

    Either way they are worth checking out if not for casual fun for a couple hours a night!

  15. #15
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    " Anybody remember some of the others? Asheron's Call? Shadowbane? SW Galaxies? Vanguard (supposed to be like the old EQ , epic fail though)? Dark Age of Camelot? Planetside? "

    ok, gbrice is officially awarded the BIGGEST geek award

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Haha I hear you! Best way is to get her addicted too! Yeah I've played on P99, but I don't have an active account anymore in my book since I have no time as well...

    They did an awesome job restoring the original content and the community pretty much mirrors that of a regular server. Fairly large with promise of new content, I did enjoy playing on the Mac server though. They go up to PoP expansion, and it stops there. Apparently they won't get any more expansions so it's real laid back and there's no need to race to the end.

    Either way they are worth checking out if not for casual fun for a couple hours a night!
    Awesome, I might just have to 'sneak' on there and see what's up! I know it'd be a small world by today's standards, but I wish they'd just stop at the Velious expansion. Luclin was the beginning of the end, and PoP completely ruined the game IMO. Nothing like the old Verant days, before SOE got their grimy hands on the product and fvcked it all up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    " Anybody remember some of the others? Asheron's Call? Shadowbane? SW Galaxies? Vanguard (supposed to be like the old EQ , epic fail though)? Dark Age of Camelot? Planetside? "

    ok, gbrice is officially awarded the BIGGEST geek award
    Lmao!!! I graciously accept my award... and let me thank Sexy4 for sending me down nostalgia lane.... lol!

    Yea, I was way into MMO's back in the day. FPS will always be my first love, but MMO's were so damn immersive...

  17. #17
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Awesome, I might just have to 'sneak' on there and see what's up! I know it'd be a small world by today's standards, but I wish they'd just stop at the Velious expansion. Luclin was the beginning of the end, and PoP completely ruined the game IMO. Nothing like the old Verant days, before SOE got their grimy hands on the product and fvcked it all up.
    Exactly. SOE ****ed everything. I think P99 goes to Kunark or Velious and mac to POP, but P99 has it's own team of coders and GMs, it's like a private server, and mac is technically still part of SOE. Not sure which is better.

    I do believe Velious was the best expansion and Verant did an amazing job with everything up until Luclin. Now, if only you had AAs in Velious that'd be amazing!

  18. #18
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I tried playing EvE seems cool but theres way too much going on and I don't have that kind of time to put into a video game. I'll stick with my console FPS' and Gran Turismo 5.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Exactly. SOE ****ed everything. I think P99 goes to Kunark or Velious and mac to POP, but P99 has it's own team of coders and GMs, it's like a private server, and mac is technically still part of SOE. Not sure which is better.

    I do believe Velious was the best expansion and Verant did an amazing job with everything up until Luclin. Now, if only you had AAs in Velious that'd be amazing!
    Agreed about Velious. Kunark was a great expansion but Velious was amazing and introduced so much more - the whole Coldain vs. CoV faction, Of course CoV was the way to go! I remember dreaming of raiding ToV one day... when I finally got there it was fvcking awesome!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I tried playing EvE seems cool but theres way too much going on and I don't have that kind of time to put into a video game. I'll stick with my console FPS' and Gran Turismo 5.
    lol true bro, those games definitely consume you!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Agreed about Velious. Kunark was a great expansion but Velious was amazing and introduced so much more - the whole Coldain vs. CoV faction, Of course CoV was the way to go! I remember dreaming of raiding ToV one day... when I finally got there it was fvcking awesome!!

    lol true bro, those games definitely consume you!
    I would get into Dust 514, which is the PS3 FPS that is tied into the persistent EvE Online universe. Thats a cool concept...however there is no release I'm not holding my breath for such an ambitious project to show up any time soon.

  21. #21
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    I`m waiting for Diablo 3 to come out I`ll need to set something up where I have to do cardio to keep playing lol.

  22. #22
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    ^Hey redz let me know if you like to multiplayer it up if it ever comes out lol

  23. #23
    Standby's Avatar
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    i played wow today for the first time since 2010 im not into it anymore i got bored quick i migh tjump on everynow and then when im bored who knows

  24. #24
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    Only playing Mortal Kombat 9 at the moment.

  25. #25
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    ***No source checks!!!***

  26. #26
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Agreed about Velious. Kunark was a great expansion but Velious was amazing and introduced so much more - the whole Coldain vs. CoV faction, Of course CoV was the way to go! I remember dreaming of raiding ToV one day... when I finally got there it was fvcking awesome!!

    Yeah that was the best ****ing zone and it was a real challenge too! Vulak had amazing drops for his era and I'd love to have another go at progressing through the content with a powerful raid force. *nerd alert* I must go.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    i played wow today for the first time since 2010 im not into it anymore i got bored quick i migh tjump on everynow and then when im bored who knows
    Because it's a sucky game lacking in truly immersive content!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Only playing Mortal Kombat 9 at the moment.
    Wow, now THAT game was my jam - MK2 was the shit, I was in my early 20's, high outta my mind and playing into the night! Those were the days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfaust View Post
    ??? Do we have an old EQ guy amongst our staff? My server (Vallon Zek) had a HUGE Euro population - and alot of them had names like Panzerfaust, lol! 2 come right to mind - Schattenlurch, and Gurgelfisk. Great names!

    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Yeah that was the best ****ing zone and it was a real challenge too! Vulak had amazing drops for his era and I'd love to have another go at progressing through the content with a powerful raid force. *nerd alert* I must go.
    Dude, my main was an Iksar SK and I DROOLED over Pallidus Axe of Slaughter - the stats were INSANE for the time - pretty sure Vulak dropped it.

  28. #28
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Dude, my main was an Iksar SK and I DROOLED over Pallidus Axe of Slaughter - the stats were INSANE for the time - pretty sure Vulak dropped it.
    Awesome, that's a great class/race combo. Got regen and super cool look. The gear is unique for them, yeah Vulak drops the shite. His gloves were always something I wanted. 100+hp or something, 45ac or some insane shit for Velious.

  29. #29
    yungone501's Avatar
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    The original Starcraft ftw! Hands down! End of thread! Goodnight! Everyone leave! Bye!
    Last edited by yungone501; 08-23-2011 at 06:55 PM. Reason: Starcrafy...lmao.

  30. #30
    RaZr is offline Member
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    I dont play subscription games because its lame. The same reason I only play ps3 games online over xbox. but the games I play are, Starcraft 1 and 2, Diablo 2, Fallout 3, Mass effect 2 (Greatest game ever created), and Oblivion.

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