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Thread: My new toy

  1. #1
    Little1's Avatar
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    My new toy

    I had an ESP for a few months. Made a trade on CL and got ripped off. I wanted an acoustic. Anyway, I got depressed and stopped trying for a month because this guitar was shitty...

    I am teaching myself and realized that after a month off, and only 3 months practice, I didn't miss a beat. So I went on a website and got this little guy for $498

    Any tips to learn? I know all open chords, and am starting barre chords

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1st lesson is learn where to and where not to take pictures. I the bathroom with the toilet in the back ground, especially with the lid up is not the best choice. LOL

    I took lessons for about a month, LONG time ago. I dont remember a thing. LOL Never had the rhythm either. I took piano lessons for 3 years and can barely play. Sounds like it is a passion for you so you will probably catch on quickly. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Love the guitar
    Wish I had the determination to learn myself.
    Bought my guitar on TV-shop one drunken morning, but never got started.
    Good luck.

    Over to something more important..
    Both toilet lids open tells me you STAND and pi...?!?!
    Do you realize you splash a lot doing that? Nomatter where in the bowl you direct the hose.
    Once I realized this 10 years ago, I´ve been sitting.
    I´m here to tell you, sitting is not gay! It´s sanitary.
    Let me know how it´s working out for you.

  4. #4
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    ^ Funny Lovbyts

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little1 View Post
    I had an ESP for a few months. Made a trade on CL and got ripped off. I wanted an acoustic. Anyway, I got depressed and stopped trying for a month because this guitar was shitty...

    I am teaching myself and realized that after a month off, and only 3 months practice, I didn't miss a beat. So I went on a website and got this little guy for $498

    Any tips to learn? I know all open chords, and am starting barre chords

    Mate, I played a horn for 8 years growing up. Really enjoyed the sounds of Glenn Miller and that big brass sound.

    If you are serious about learning and are willing to listen, then I'll give you my .02

    1) Don't ignore the scales. Get a scales book and learn them until you can play any scale, frontwards and backwards

    2) Shell out the lousy $25/week and get lessons. You should want to get feed back from a pro, so that if you are making a mistake, you can correct it early on when it is easy. Later on, when your bad habit becomes ingrained, it is more difficult to correct.

    3) Dont' get too obsessed with only playing the popular tunes you hear on the radio. Although you will get some short term gratification, it doesn't do much to improving your overall skill set.

    4) Get into a routine of trying to master the scales every day, for at least 30 minutes. This will eventually become the foundation of all your other skills, and will pay off immensely in the long term.

  6. #6
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    ^Never knew what a scale was. I will start reading on that tomorrow. Thanks.

    Right now I just do chord progression lessons off of YouTube. But I want to learn by doctrine. I don't want to go on without a foundation. And I wan't to discover what my natural sound is, so I will definately get a pro to tutor me. Thanks.


    Dude, god graced me with a pretty acurate water hose. I don't have a vagina so I will stand in piss. Then you will yell at your boyfriend for leaving the seat up when you fall in during your 2am piss.


  7. #7
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    1st lesson is learn where to and where not to take pictures. I the bathroom with the toilet in the back ground, especially with the lid up is not the best choice. LOL

    I took lessons for about a month, LONG time ago. I dont remember a thing. LOL Never had the rhythm either. I took piano lessons for 3 years and can barely play. Sounds like it is a passion for you so you will probably catch on quickly. Good luck.
    Lovb girl posted this which is why he gave the advise that he did

    BTW are those baby wipes on the counter?

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    LOL that's just nasty and the floater is just wrong. lol

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    LOL that's just nasty and the floater is just wrong. lol
    awww sh111t!? a floater!? Some people just don't seem to have any class

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little1 View Post
    ^Never knew what a scale was. I will start reading on that tomorrow. Thanks.

    Right now I just do chord progression lessons off of YouTube. But I want to learn by doctrine. I don't want to go on without a foundation. And I wan't to discover what my natural sound is, so I will definately get a pro to tutor me. Thanks.


    Dude, god graced me with a pretty acurate water hose. I don't have a vagina so I will stand in piss. Then you will yell at your boyfriend for leaving the seat up when you fall in during your 2am piss.

    if you want to see someone playing scales on a guitar, and doing it very well, check the movie "Crossroads" with Ralph Machio. Steve Vai is the Devil's man, and in the end, Machio beats him by playing some very complex classical scales.

    you could youtube it, or even better watch it on Netflix. It's really a good movie, and the end is even better, with all the Delta Blues being played. I'm a big blues fan, amongst other things, so i really got a kick out of this flick.

  11. #11
    Mythos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    1) Don't ignore the scales. Get a scales book and learn them until you can play any scale, frontwards and backwards

    I used to own an ESP as well, the action on that fretboard was awesome. Don't play anymore though, haven't for a few years, but anyway learn your scales.
    Oh, and get yourself a metronome.

  12. #12
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    This thread went to the crapper real fast..

  13. #13
    jasc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little1 View Post
    ^Never knew what a scale was. I will start reading on that tomorrow. Thanks.

    Right now I just do chord progression lessons off of YouTube. But I want to learn by doctrine. I don't want to go on without a foundation. And I wan't to discover what my natural sound is, so I will definately get a pro to tutor me. Thanks.


    Dude, god graced me with a pretty acurate water hose. I don't have a vagina so I will stand in piss. Then you will yell at your boyfriend for leaving the seat up when you fall in during your 2am piss.

    Ya better put the seat down for him then .. lol

  14. #14
    PK-V's Avatar
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    coke zero is bad for you!

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