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  1. #1
    trix1000's Avatar
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    Hype behind steroid use and thier side effects.

    Deaths related to anabolic steroid use is - 0

  2. #2
    PK-V's Avatar
    PK-V is offline Productive Member
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    You can't prove cause and effect with anabolic steroids that's the problem
    But you can bet your ass they have contributed to numerous deaths indirectly
    All of those risk factors will over time decrease your mortality

    Anabolic steroids are very safe with short term use, long term use is where the problems start snowballing

  3. #3
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That's a good clip... I like to watch it from time to time to remember that there are still open minded people in the US.

  4. #4
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    You can't prove cause and effect with anabolic steroids that's the problem
    But you can bet your ass they have contributed to numerous deaths indirectly
    All of those risk factors will over time decrease your mortality

    Anabolic steroids are very safe with short term use, long term use is where the problems start snowballing
    Once again... use and abuse is where you are messing up on this statement of yours above. You can link death to food and plenty other things such as work, air breathed in, etcc...the point with this clip is that the spin on how deadly it is and the reason it is illegal is a bunch of hog wash.

  5. #5
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Good video. If I have to see Biden ramble on about steroids one more time though I am going to puke.

  6. #6
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Once again... use and abuse is where you are messing up on this statement of yours above. You can link death to food and plenty other things such as work, air breathed in, etcc...the point with this clip is that the spin on how deadly it is and the reason it is illegal is a bunch of hog wash.
    Funny I was basically writing the same thing and noticed your post. Yeah our govt. is always wanting to protect us from everything out there for our own good supposedly but they cant protect us from time. And as we age we will eventually fall victim to something. They take away steroids because they might be bad for you all while they dump heavy water upstream from the nearby nuclear power plant and we drink the water.. Go figure....I feel so safe knowing big brother is protecting me...And I hear when it comes to steroids words thrown around like could be dangerous or might be or a possible link to or had a factor somewhere in, or indirectly caused or or. Yes total abuse of any med can be a detriment to ones health. It's just insane that a segment of the population whose only crime is wanting to look their best and healthiest, is always being subjected to scrutiny. I don't see this anywhere else these days. even meth use and addiction is slipping in the news over steroid stories. Listen to some of the media as they describe stories in terms of steroids, well it's like a car on steroids or it's a twister on steroids, or it's like a lawn mower on steroids. It's ok to be a meth user or obese, just don't even think about going for the healthy look. And then they go for the well kid in grade school are doing steroids routine. That's BS as they are way too busy sending nude pics of themselves to each other on their androids. They could care less about steroids and more about FB and whose posting on twitter.

  7. #7
    trix1000's Avatar
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    What I take away from that clip- america is like a giant ****ing cry baby. We lost the 88 Olympics to the Canadians and we band steroids in 1990. Meanwhile every person on the American Olympic team tested positive for steroids and claimed inadvertent use. Hypocritical shit like this is what screws it up for the rest of us though. Propaganda spewing mofo's.
    They need to stop spending 8billion dollars a year on a war there never ganna win. Legalize and regulate every drug there is. Take the criminal element out of the equation totally and and the gov't mafia. The lesser of to evils. Or I'm moving to Guam. I don't think the even have traffic laws there

  8. #8
    trix1000's Avatar
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    Alright maybe not Guam, maybe Canada or something. Thank god I don't have any DUI's. That's one of the biggest things they will not allow you to become a citizen in Canada if you have been convicted of drinking and driving.

  9. #9
    rockinred's Avatar
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    I agree trix... America = cry baby. lol

    One thing that is important to point on these links is that the emphasis on usage was for healthy adult males. Many youths or young men will use these documentaries as an excuse to take anabolic steroids prematurely... saying it is healthy. In the clip the reporters clearly showed that both young ones and females had great risk involved with doing Anabolics and that the ones that were gaining were the ones that had started to age and lose the natural production of those hormones. Sometimes I take for granted that all have researched the topic before jumping on the bandwagon. Our body produces a sufficient supply of hormones up to a certain point. That is the point where the documentary shows these guys benefiting their life from using.

    This video proves that I don't look to the US government to give me my moral or ethics to live by... but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be informed and the truth that there are risks with doing anabolics. Especially young ones and females. I take ibuprofen for pain relief. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if I took 20+ pills a day, I am at risk for doing bodily harm to my liver and kidneys etc... Also, we have "childrens tylenol", etc... because young kids and young adolescents are different and should be treated that way. Same goes for steroids. imo.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to throw in some two cents on what I meant between abuse and use.

  10. #10
    trix1000's Avatar
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    Well said red, thank you for adding that.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trix1000 View Post
    Alright maybe not Guam, maybe Canada or something. Thank god I don't have any DUI's. That's one of the biggest things they will not allow you to become a citizen in Canada if you have been convicted of drinking and driving.
    yep true, i fell foul to that one when i inquired into emigrating to Canada, and proper order, i was a cupid stunt when i was younger.

    you could always move to Ireland or the UK lol

  12. #12
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Stay tuned as I have a story to post once it gets approval on this subject and makes for a very interesting read.....Wasn't sure I could post it without getting approval as it is pretty explosive on it's accusations........

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Stay tuned as I have a story to post once it gets approval on this subject and makes for a very interesting read.....Wasn't sure I could post it without getting approval as it is pretty explosive on it's accusations........
    does this involve a penis?

  14. #14
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Well yes and no. Actually it is an article on steroids and a key player in the mess and what most of us probably don't know and this person, persons, about who did what with which and to whom, lies and deception from the real truth...Trust me you'll be surprised I know I was. But then again.....

  15. #15
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Well yes and no. Actually it is an article on steroids and a key player in the mess and what most of us probably don't know and this person, persons, about who did what with which and to whom, lies and deception from the real truth...Trust me you'll be surprised I know I was. But then again.....

  16. #16
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    It might all be common knowledge but I first wanted to make sure it was postable and not get anyone into trouble. It could be old news but I'm erring on the side of caution. Everyone here might already know this info and accusations but I doubt it.

  17. #17
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    I'll post it as soon as I get the ok..... more than likely probably tomorrow

  18. #18
    trix1000's Avatar
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    you posting it in here? I'd like to read also.

  19. #19
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    The great John Matuzak from the Oakland raiders, before his death, confessed that his steroid use greatly contributed to his deteriorating condition.

    Once you start looking into this carefully, you will find that steroids , along with everything else, if you abuse it, can cause serious health issues. Including death.
    Last edited by Times Roman; 10-22-2011 at 06:12 AM.

  20. #20
    trix1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11
    yep true, i fell foul to that one when i inquired into emigrating to Canada, and proper order, i was a cupid stunt when i was younger.

    you could always move to Ireland or the UK lol
    If I could last that long on a flight... I would.

  21. #21
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I am now a believer that you can't say steriods have caused zero deaths when they haven't studied/tested it. Steriod users us the lack of information to their favors but is it really a positive thing not knowing? Maybe we are wrong and it does cause heart damage. Fact is none of us will know until it is tested amount test subjects.

  22. #22
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Some very good posts in here across the board.
    It is so ironic to me because one thing I can say with almost 100% certainty - steroids havent caused near the # of deaths (even proportionally based on usage) as cigarettes or alcohol. Guess the arent any steroid special interest groups or lobbyists. When it comes to the US I often liken our country to a quote from Doc Holliday (val kilmer) in the movie tombstone - "It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds." This seems to not only apply toour laws in this country but often our foreign policy/affairs as well.

  23. #23
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Yes we would be remiss to think that illegal useage of steroids doesn't injure or help cause health problems or death when totally abused in the wrong hands. How could it not? If one takes enough of anything without boundaries and common sense something bad will obviously eventually happen.We should do our best to keep it out of younger ones hands but lets also be realistic. How are we doing about keeping illicit drugs out of those kids hands? But to blame it for everyone who used them for every disease including cancer only to hide how they really got their sickness is madness. IF I don't hear from system admin by later today I'll go ahead and post my story I stumbled upon explaining how all this mess got started and why. Many of you may have already heard it but for those who haven't including's an eye opener indeed if it is all true, which it more than likely is. And I agree with ya DSM above but as far as I am aware there are no long term testing going on so we will never know what if anything injectable steroids actually does to us in the long run. It reminds me of the marijuana issues over the last what 40 years or so. they found out that medical marijuana was beneficial to cancer patients, but refused to allow it usage at for decades. It was all there in black and white, by our medical experts at the time but our government who only has our very best interests at heart (load of crap) denied it use for any reasons. I'm talking medical marijuana here decades ago and not what is going on in California at the moment. Politics plays a very large role when it has no business at all in medicine. IMO Besides aren't those politicians busy enough with trying to hide their scandals?

  24. #24
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I know Bosnia is very proactive with prescribing to their athletes, trauma victims, and so forth. They have done studies, according to the "Big Bosnian", but i don't know where to access the data....

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