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  1. #1
    RP7's Avatar
    RP7 is offline Member
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    Postcycle & creatine

    I'm on dbol only cycle right now (spare me the "dont only do dbol").

    I'm wondering how effective creatine is post cycle - in terms of fighting off loss of water retention, and preserving gear built muscle?

    And should I start creatine loading when I start clomid??

  2. #2
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2001
    I started creatine with my clomid and it seemed to work pretty damn well for me. Kept me getting good pumps and decent workouts. Also key, of course, is keeping calories high and being willing to put on a little fat for a little while to keep the hard-earned muscle.

  3. #3
    mammoth's Avatar
    mammoth is offline Member
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    Why would you want to prevent the loss of water that you retained during your cycle? Makes no sense to me unless you like the puffy look. You could start the creatine at any time. It shouldn't affect any aspect of your cycle. I personally have found very little benefit from using creatine but everyone is different.

    Also, you posted this in the wrong forum. You might get better responses if you post this in the correct forum next time.

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