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Thread: facebook

  1. #41
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    Yeah but then he will hav 2 deal with dsm & shol'va!
    Then he'll have people commenting on his pics too, saying things like "sexy" n "rawr" n have 2 more friends.. its a win - win
    Last edited by jasc; 11-04-2011 at 10:01 AM.

  2. #42
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    I may think batsh*t crazy girls are hot, but I was smart enough not to marry one.
    Isn't it weird how that works out?

  3. #43
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    Wut hav I sed that makes u believe I would b 1 of "those guys" that tells other guys gf's how hot they r on their facebook page? That accusation has no foundation & holds no weight. IMO, if ur that insecure & jealous, its bcuz u know u couldn't keep her if someone else wanted her.
    What? How am I insecure and jealous when I have never said or done anything about it? I said it gets annoying to me because I feel like I'm getting disrespected? Can you read? Obviously you can't spell...

  4. #44
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw
    Id just write on my girls wall...

    "Honey... only 4 more days till Im off of parole for that violent crime I committed on that guy who hit on you in that bar.
    Thank you for helping pay for the lawyer. I still have to pay the medical bills for the guy though. Who would of thought surgically removing a pool stick from a guys ass would be so expensive?! Oh and p.s. <3 you."
    Lol that would be good.

  5. #45
    scorpion62's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Situation View Post
    Does anyone else get a little irritated when your girl is clearly in a relationship with you and it shows that, however some guys still comment your gfs pictures saying dumb shit like ohhh sexy, or gorgeous damn, or constantly like all of her pictures? Or am I just being immature? Because we all know wtf there all thinking.
    I think you should post some pics then we could give you the correct answers on this subject

  6. #46
    spiketannin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    Id just write on my girls wall...

    "Honey... only 4 more days till Im off of parole for that violent crime I committed on that guy who hit on you in that bar.
    Thank you for helping pay for the lawyer. I still have to pay the medical bills for the guy though. Who would of thought surgically removing a pool stick from a guys ass would be so expensive?! Oh and p.s. <3 you."
    speaking of facebook there should be a like button to press. lol like this comment funy as hell

  7. #47
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Situation View Post
    What? How am I insecure and jealous when I have never said or done anything about it? I said it gets annoying to me because I feel like I'm getting disrespected? Can you read? Obviously you can't spell...
    You'll never admit it cuz ur afraid u would lose face if u did, but it's VERY obvious ur insecure & jealous. Get over it, if she wants u & only u, then those other guys comments don't matter.

  8. #48
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Your jealousy will ultimately end your relationship.....

  9. #49
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    Wow your both not getting it. Thanks for the input though

  10. #50
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i think the only way to get it is if you put a link to yours girl page so we can see what is exactly going on

  11. #51
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Dude as much of a pain in the ass as it is dont do or say anything! All it will do it make you look needy and really does it matter? As long as shes not sneaking around behind your back you should be happy...I mean altleast your gf is hot!

    When guys tell my gf she is hot in front of my I just laugh and say thank you because to me its a complement and at the end of the night she coming home with me not them. Unless your gf is a whore or your a shitty bf? shes not going to throw away what you two have because some guy says she hot lol some girls will yes but lifes to short to worry about those things and if she ever did cheat just kick her to the curb!

    You know what women find sex? men with confidence who are not bothered by little things like guys hitting on their gf...the only time imo it is ok to say somthing is if A. a guy touches my gf in any way! or B. If a guy says somthing negative about me...other then that no need to stress it.

  12. #52
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Chill out, let them comment on her and post stuff. The point that matter is if your chick goes off or encourages it. If she does then its her you need to be speaking too, man up and either tell her to F*ck off or explain how you feel and hopefully she sorts it. Love is a wonderful thing but its short lived in todays society, very few have respect or morales and people become much braver behind the keyboard.

    Oh and Facebook is the DEVIl........... I have a group of very close friends who all left the site due to relationship problems, been fine ever since.

    Good luck with it, this is unfortunately today's society we live in.

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