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  1. #1
    Tank21's Avatar
    Tank21 is offline Associate Member
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    Asthma in military

    Guys and girls,
    any one know what the stance of the military is, particularly the army on asthma. I am thinking of OCS after college. I dont remember the docs even giving a shit when i was doing my ROTC workups and shit. I have heard conflicting stories. Thanks guys. I can give ya more info on how bad mine is and shit if ya need that info.

  2. #2
    Boxer101's Avatar
    Boxer101 is offline Junior Member
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    All I can say is I knew guys who were discharged from the military for asthma. Call a local recruiter and just ask a few questions... it wont matter whether its enlisted or officer all the regs for entrance are DOD regulations.

  3. #3
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    the military is plain NO about asthma. if you lie about it and they discover it down the line they can actually court marshal you.

    im not sure if they would, but i heard this directly from a VERY loud Major of MEPS in houston texas heh

    if you go through meps, dont lie about it. just dont.

    you can try and check out the recruiter chat, they can answer questions for you.

    it might depend on how hardcore your condition is.

    hope the best for ya!

  4. #4
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I had athsma as a kid that I outgrew as I got older. I was even given an inhaler at one point. But I kept the info to myself and still enlisted. And made it through 5 years active duty Marines with no problem.

    But if this is a current condition, your asking for trouble IMO. We had a guy in Boot Camp get dropped about a week before graduation when his asthma suddenly surfaced... go through all that and get dropped... that gotta suck! Be sure you are good to go before enlisting. If it is a childhood condition and you have no problems now... this would be something to "forget".

    You can usually bring it up to any recruiter and they can give you their .02 on the issue (especially at the end of the fiscal year for their quotas - September-October )... I did and he told me to basically keep my mouth shut about it since it was just a childhood condition...

  5. #5
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    My freind wasnt allowed in because he said he used a inhaler before felt bad for him

  6. #6
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    If you have current asthma....sorry, they won't take you. I had it as a kid and the last attack I had was when I was 5. I was honest and they took me. Just be honest, but if you have an attack while'll be discharged pretty much guaranteed on that.

  7. #7
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Give me a little more information on your condition:

    Age, severity, frequency of attacks, what are you currently be treated with, Is it excercise/stress induced, etc...

    The military policy has not changed since I was in the Marines several years ago and they take this very seriously as it can result in death during training..This does not equate to good press for the military.. Provide the info and I will give you my recommendation.

    Doc M

  8. #8
    Tank21's Avatar
    Tank21 is offline Associate Member
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    bumo for me please!

  9. #9
    Tank21's Avatar
    Tank21 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, thanks guys, i am thinking about playing the ignorant card on this one. I have not had an "attack" since i was very young. Also, mine is induced by respitory shit like pnuemonia and bronchitis. It is not exercised induced. I also just took a couple of lung tests at my docs. The one were ya blow into the computer and i tested normal. I was also please when he had to use the bigger cuff to check my bllod pressure. Awesome feeling. ha, he also looked at me and wanted to check my cholesteral and take some blood. I was like, eh, maybe next time. I think he is on to me. Thanks guys

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