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Thread: 50 cent body
04-26-2003, 11:26 AM #41
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He isn't lean. He has love handles. His abs are so blocky they pop through the fat a little, but that doesn't make him lean. His bodyfat is between 10-15%. He is somewhat muscular and if he got below 10%, he would look ok.
04-26-2003, 06:11 PM #42
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Supposedy he survived 9 gunshots... had it been me firing at him he would be dead. Rap just ain't my type of music.. everywhere I go I hear this same old fuckin shit song... well enough venting.
04-27-2003, 08:41 AM #43
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Originally posted by BLOOD
Supposedy he survived 9 gunshots... had it been me firing at him he would be dead. Rap just ain't my type of music.. everywhere I go I hear this same old fuckin shit song... well enough venting.
04-27-2003, 02:21 PM #44
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I'm just being a sarcastic, cynical, asshole.
04-27-2003, 04:27 PM #45
blood i feel ya bro !!!!!for sure !
04-27-2003, 04:44 PM #46
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04-27-2003, 07:49 PM #47
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Originally posted by SwoleDiesel662
Haha, I agree with Abstrack, something must be wrong! Maybe I should go buy his CD!?!
here's the lyrics he wrote before dre & eminem got a hold of him...
Go Sho-tee issya birfday
We Be Retarded like Issya Birfday
We even act retarded when it's not your birfday
And you know we don't know how to pronounce birfday!
You know me cause I'm dumb
I should really be a bum
My mommy shouldn't have sex & taken so many drugs
I'm into having sex with a spaulding catchers glove
so please give me a buck so i can go get drunk
whenever I want I give mens good love
When I see 20 dudes thats 20 dudes gettin fucked
Ni***s heard Im fuckin gay they don't wanna show me love
i got M&M's for little kids cause I'm a punk
god, I could go on
04-28-2003, 09:59 AM #48
I dont like rap. Its for people who hate the world and wish they lived a hard life. Im sick of little 100 lbs white suburban kids driving their moms honda civics and listening to this 'rap' generation music bobbing their heads like theyre sucking an invisible cock.
Hes not buff at all, he works out at my ex-gf's gym in pennsylvania she sees him all the time in there. I personally hate all rap, so my opinions biased. Put 50 cents, feminem or some other big time rapper in the same room as me and id tare his head off. These guys arent tuff physically, or emotionally, theyre entertainers, not musicians, and they are all skinny.
No offense to those of you whod suck these rappers cocks to be seen with them in public... lol sorry but mandy moore is far cooler than 50 cents to me.
04-28-2003, 11:17 AM #49
Talent comes in many forms! AND remember its what ever floats YOUR boat SO...... listen to what you like ignor the rest! 50 is talented and hes in the lime light, ALSO far from a ONE HIT WONDER! I Love his shit! Rap is more than words its style, body language, attiudue, And for those that think its just a bunch of garble if you listen to SOME of the artist and what there gettin across its REALLY DEEP!!!!!!! Not just Uh , Ya , YO, Bitches and HOs, PIMPS AND GATS (sp)!!!!! ITS rags to riches, Lifes trials and tribulations, Love and Hate , Honor and betrail !!!!!! EVERYTHING we all deal with! Just Expressed in there Own STYLE! If your not feelin it well You might like county! HA HA , by the way which I like and is also very deep!
AND as far as for his shape and body, well I do think if hes loaded and has all the time in the world like most of us dont, he should be in shape espesially being in the publics EYE! 24/ 7 !!!!!!! He did make a great accomplishment with a very successful recovery from near death situation ( HE PUT HIMSELF INTO) ! Life style!!!!!!!!!
Finally I think he looks better Than many I see here on this board SO, if your pointing a finger of critisim..... WHERE DO YOU stand in your Personal journy of BODY BUILDING !!!!!!!
The road to SUCCESS is path less followed and even less Acheived, while many of your so called frinds and family pull at you from beneth to keep you from ACCOMPLISHING somthing they never will or could............ IMO....... PHATCAT
04-28-2003, 02:01 PM #50
Thank you PHATCAT! There are two many closed minded people who only here NI#@ this bit$# that. It's not what rap is about. Like any other form of music it is expression of ones self. Sure there are the songs and rappers that are full of hate and have the I'M TOP dog of the world lyrics but you can't generalize all of rap from those songs. Take the time to buy eminem, 50 cent, NAS, or JayZ and sit down with an open mind and listen to the words on every track and you may feel differently.
04-28-2003, 04:35 PM #51
dont get me started... please.
04-28-2003, 05:35 PM #52
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hip hops in a critical state and shit is being produced
only decent hip hop out there is underground now
04-28-2003, 06:02 PM #53
hip hop is what wrong with this country evey where u go ull se a skinny 100lb punk that think hes a gangster just becuase he just bought the new 50 cnt cd.givin hard looks walkin like they got someting in there ass rude as all hell pants down to teh ankles like they just got prison raped!and im sooo sick of it !id like to grabb everyone of those little punk bitches and ripp ther fuckingeyes outt athe sockets,and crakc tehre fuckin g skull!
04-28-2003, 06:18 PM #54Originally posted by big N
hip hop is what wrong with this country evey where u go ull se a skinny 100lb punk that think hes a gangster just becuase he just bought the new 50 cnt cd.givin hard looks walkin like they got someting in there ass rude as all hell pants down to teh ankles like they just got prison raped!and im sooo sick of it !id like to grabb everyone of those little punk bitches and ripp ther fuckingeyes outt athe sockets,and crakc tehre fuckin g skull!
couldnt have put it ANY better myself than that bro. Amen.
04-28-2003, 07:04 PM #55
ITS NOT hip Hop ITS URBAN LIFE things are changing!!!!!!!!
04-28-2003, 07:05 PM #56
Hey your right about that, the way these kids are acting but the key word here is KIDS Not MATURE adults and when they do grow up they see what they were doin! Its amazing I look at these younger kids and See exactally the same DUMB shit I did pants sagin boxers out rude as hell and thinkin your SOOOOOOOO....IT........ then you grow up, espesially after havin a kid of your own and realize......just what you were doin and what you really looked like. AND its not just RAP!
LOOK at these GRUNGE kids black hair black nails or how about LONG HAIR THRASH HEAVY METAL AND please these REAL dumb ass REDNECK kids in there trucks! YOU guys its in every segment of the nation and we all feel into one of those CATAGORIES. Its part of finding your self!
Theres just as much VIOLENCE at a PANTARA concert as a 50 cent show! Its just different!
04-28-2003, 07:15 PM #57
Eminem, 50 cent, NAS, or JayZ .......BiosThornton ya thats the shit how about BIG and 2pac theres some real life there! EMINEM is hands down the king right now! HIS new stuff not the first stuff kill your wife slip her off the dock........ Now hes talkin about his life not using SHOCK value to sell him self!
Last edited by PHATCAT; 04-28-2003 at 07:22 PM.
04-28-2003, 07:58 PM #58
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It's spelt PANTERA. Heavy metal music isn't popular and it never will be. Thank god. It's music that's true to itself and it's not prefabricated bullshit made for all the masses. Grunge isn't about wearing black nail polish and lipstick those people are goths. Heavy Metal isn't just reserved for white trash same as how rap isn't reserved for black people. But the difference between the white people you stereotype listening to metal/grunge/punk and the white people that listen to rap is that white people listening to rap are being something that their not. If your going to stereotype people who listen to metal you might as well stereoype those who listen to rap, regardless of Eminem being a white rapper.
04-28-2003, 08:36 PM #59
I like rap & I can see that 50 cent has no talent...ever see him live? it's a discrace. 2pac, Nas, Biggie, eminem, they're talented amoung others. Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Snoop, DJ Quik, etc. 50 cent is awful, anyone could have done the up in the club song, it was his gangsta style that dre knew people would eat up that got him that opportunity. That being said, rap has absolutely nothing on classic rock like Boston, Bad Co. etc.
04-28-2003, 08:38 PM #60
Bro I dont fall into any category you mentioned.
04-28-2003, 10:37 PM #61
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It's alright if you don't fall into a category, I hate categories myself, problem is people like to categorize each other, don't think your in a category? Someone will try to stick you in one.
04-29-2003, 12:30 PM #62
I wasnt tring to put everyone into 1 of those Few catagories! Simply makin an Analogy! People above were sayin rap was the ROOT of all eveil fuckin up the whole world! Its every where in every click!!! There will always be those dumb ass SOME dumb ER than others!!!!
I personally like 50 cent !!! Look him up on the net like on KAZAA down load his older and unreleased stuff its pretty good! HE raps over alot of Artist music and its PHAT !!!!!!!! Talented!!! .......IMO .......he did it to create contriversy(sp)!!!!
You cant tell me the first time you heard INTHE CLUB you werent BUMPIN it and BOUNCIN you head to it !!!! NOW that we here it 15 x in 4 hrs Ya it sucks !!!!!!!!! MAIN STREAM always kills a song!!!!!!!!!!
OH ya PANTERA is pretty awsome Im not downin Thrash because I LOVE it ! Espesially when im workin out, surfin, skatin, snowboardin, Bikin ......... GETS THE BLOOD PUMPIN ........all music has its place!
HIP HOP , RAP is ride music and clubin music to me !!!!!!!!!
Nothin better than hearin My 10s slamin in the trunk of my ride!
04-29-2003, 08:49 PM #63
"hip hops in a critical state and shit is being produced
only decent hip hop out there is underground now"
Atleast im not the only one that knows this... MTV is death.I think some people need to sit down and listen to some NWA,Oldschool wu Big L ...etc then maybe they would realize how shitty rap on the radio is. Go find cd guy on the street and buy some underground . im not even into rap and can tell the shit on the radio and tv today is junk.Last edited by RageControl; 04-29-2003 at 08:55 PM.
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