03-15-2012, 10:07 AM #1
Times Roman interviews Marcus300.......
Times Roman: Marcus, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. So tell the members here a little bit about growing up.
Marcus300: I was very privileged and fortunate to not want for anything when I was a child, my parents had a successful company so things were good for our family. I never really liked school because I was dyslexic and in those days it wasn't recognised as much so I had a hard time but on a whole I was a very happy child with all the normal anxieties about growing up etc.
Times Roman: What events led up to being on the path of body building that has taken up so much of your life? Was it the typical Charles Atlas, sand kicked in your face by a bully type scenario, or was it something else?
Marcus300: My first encounter with the weights was when I was 12-13yrs old when my local shop keeper gave me a set of dumbbells and I started to do exercises in my bedroom. I had no idea what I was doing and it wasn't something I did on a regular but this was my first encounter. It wasn't until around 18-19yrs old when I first really got into training, I had a lot of older friends who worked out, they were mostly powerlifters and they looked so big towards me so I decided to start going with them to the gym. I remember my dirty old gym it was so cold and hard-core place and we would write our measurements and lifts on the wall so we had something to beat next time we went, great days.
Times Roman: For the record, what are your current stats, and stats at your prime? Additionally, please tell us about your professional record and the competitions you’ve been involved in.
Marcus300: My best stats at prime were 5ft 10" 245lbs at 6% bf, those aren't internet bullsh1t stats either and it took me a lot of hardwork and few $$'s to reach them. I have been a lot heavier but in nowhere the same condition, I reached in the region of 260lbs-270lbs but at this weight I struggled with clothes especially pants and I just didn't feel right, I was very uncomfortable and didn’t feel healthy at all. My current stats are 242lbs at 14% but my bf fluctuates between 10-15% depending on how I want to look and what diet I am running.
I've never entered a show but I've been involved in a few. I use to run and organise bodybuilding shows, they were very profitable to be honest but I've never stood on stage posing, that was never my desire or intention. I did come close once and I dieted right down and I was only a few wks away but certain issues came up and I had to pull out, this was when I had my best stats. For me it was all about the size game, I wanted to be the biggest freakiest guy around and that was my desire, it was all about being big.
Times Roman: Marcus, You have a wealth of experience and knowledge. What advice would you give our newbs just starting out? Any other advice for those that want to go down the same bodybuilding path you’ve been down? Can you describe some of the sacrifices you’ve had to make?
Marcus300: The main areas what I would preach to a newbie would be 1, Diet: This is a mine field but once you understand the rewards are outstanding, eating correctly to suit your goals and being consistent with your daily requirements will produce gains and results. I see a lot of diets and many guys simply don't eat enough, how do you expect to grow when you don't feed your body, don't be afraid to eat. 2, Training: Learn how to train intensely and correctly and above all be consistent, don't waste you time in the gym use it and do some damage. 3, Don't start taking steroids before you have built a solid base and don't shut down your natural Test until its fully matured. Sounds simple but these are the areas above were most fail.
You ask about the sacrifices what I've made!
When I was younger I was obsessed with the gym and I was like a robot day in day out governed by the clock, I truly lived the lifestyle 24/7 and for many around me I was a total nightmare. The way my physique was changing just excited me so much I was obsessed and determined to get big. Everyday consisted of the same things lifting, eating and resting nothing could stop me but when your this driven you kind of don't see what is happening to yourself or to the people close to you. I was also a young powerful successful driven guy who had his own business which gave me the time and money to focus on bodybuilding and basically do anything I wanted. The lifestyle I was in coupled with my bodybuilding obsession was the main contributing factor in my personal life breaking down. I thought I was invincible but the pain of leaving my children was an unbearable emotion what cut me to the bone and still effects me to this day. I know for a fact my bodybuilding caused my family life to be ripped apart, but in a way I was young and this was the path I chose to go down. I wouldn't say I sacrificed anything because my life was moving so fast it felt like it was something I couldn’t control but it did cause a lot of pain and damage for people around me.
Times Roman: Tell us how you got involved in AAS?
Marcus300: I first got involved in AAS through a trainer called Mick Hart. When I was young I was like a sponge trying to soak up as much information as possible so I would read all the books I could find and I once I came across a steroid book and magazines by Mick Hart,. I found his no bull approach to steroids very appealing and I liked the way he explained things so I got in touch with Mick and he decided to coach me. Mick is very old school and his AAS knowledge isn't the best to today’s standards but all those years ago I didn’t know any different and to be honest no one else did either. I can't remember how long I stayed with Mick but the next step came when a friend put me in touch with a guy called Paul Borreson who was at the time training and advising a young Dorian Yates. This is when things got complicated because Paul would tell me things I had no idea about and he was confusing the hell out of me but I would listen, read his books, magazine's and experiment with what he told me. Paul was very hard-core with his training, cycles and diet's and that suited the way I liked to operate so things just developed from there. Paul was a chemical genius and rumour had it that he had one of the biggest UGL's going in the UK. But Paul had a very wild side and some say he was crazy and to be honest his chemical advice was a little to much at times and he would cross many lines but he did transform my physique and he had some very large clients indeed lol. My knowledge in AAS just grew from then on and I wanted to try everything within reason.
03-15-2012, 10:13 AM #2
Times Roman: What would you say as been the most productive AAS cycle you have done?
Marcus300: It depends on my goals, ive ran many good cycles including all the usual compounds but Ive had excellent success with short burst cycles and for me they can't be beaten for results vs sides. Ive used various compounds but I do have a liking for Test, Tren & gh this was a good solid cycle for me and I would introduce either drol,dbol , winny or masteron to suit my needs. I would also implement a pre-cycle prime's and this boosted the results and made many cycles very productive. I respond well to steroids and i'm very in tune with my own body so in time I learnt how to manipulate my diet, training and prime's to enhance many cycles into productive ones. I would take a lot of time designing cycles to make sure I had everything right. I would look back over my diary and see what compounds did what to me and design a cycle to suit my needs. I've also had great results from plain old Test & gh and an oral. There's far more than just which compounds make a productive cycle though!
Times Roman: Are you on prescribed TRT and what dosage would that be?
Marcus300: Yes I am prescribed TRT, I take Nebido 1000mgs 4ml every 12 weeks. I feel great on this medication and if I could change anything I would drop my 12 wk injection protocol to 10 weeks but it isnt a major problem and doesn't cause me any kind of issues. Nebido is the finest therapy in the world in my opinion and things haven’t been better since moving to it.. When your younger your not bothered about Testosterone therapy or the risks involved in continuous use but trust me going through low testosterone weather young or old isn’t pleasant and I can only describe it as a daily living hell. There is a huge down side to steroids and low test is it IMHO. I am also convinced that if your using steroids on a regular basis you will end up on HRT sooner that you would of.
Times Roman: What type of a diet do you adhere to?
Marcus300: I spend a small fortune on food each week to maintain my size and the diet what I normally run these days is a 40/40/20 maintenance diet in which I manipulate my cardio to suit my goals rather than using calorie restrictions, this for me maintains far more muscle tissue. I also use carb cycling/priming to create a springboard for cycling, this is usually worked off my maintenance diet and consist of 3-5 days low, 1 day high. I've ran many different diets over the years but these days I kind of stick with the above two. I don't bulk anymore but when I did I would get up a couple of times during the night to eat and force feed my body into growth, my bulking regime was 24/7 and not for the faint hearted. I've also ran a few CKD but in all honesty my body prefers to use carbs as fuel over fats and again this for me maintains far more muscle tissue. I also don't weigh my food anymore, ive been there and done that and for me I kind of know how much to eat and I go by how my body responds and not what the scale's say anymore.
Member: Most gear per week ever took in a cycle?
Marcus300: I've experimented a lot with different cycles, compounds and dosages and like many know I'm a big believer in short burst cycles and in my younger days when I was bulking I would use some large dosages. The most I've used was around 5g per wk of AAS plus 15 ius of Hgh. Newbie’s shouldn't think these types of dosages are needed because they aren't and it was just a experimental phase I was going through, honest. Around 6 years ago I took my foot of the gas with regards to cycling and I stopped. I went around 4 yrs steroid free (except HRT) and now I just do one cycle per year. I will confess I did use to use a lot of AAS and my health does concern me as I grow older and that’s why I took my foot off the gas. It’s amazing how much tissue you can maintain by intense training and diet alone, I thought I’d lose far more but I haven’t. I wouldn’t go down those extreme routes again my time building and getting bigger is over, it’s all about maintenance.
Times Roman: Are you married and do you have any children?
Marcus300: I'm not married and yes I do have children.
Times Roman: Are you a spiritual person by nature? Do you practice any particular faith or philosophy?
Marcus300: I worship the Great Architect of the Universe …. ..... I'm not really religious but at certain times in my life I've asked for help and I was answered. I've also had some strange things happen to me and I am curious about spiritualism and Buddhism but I don't practise anything.
Times Roman: What are your hobbies/interests outside of body building?
Marcus300: Photography, Property design, stocks, my lovely girlfriend, travelling, biking and eating.
Times Roman: What have been the best times of your life? The worst?
Marcus300: The best times were In my 20's I had my own thriving business and things just rolled, the lifestyle I was in gave me everything I could ever ask for and more, but my all time high was watching my children being born and being with my current partner is a wonderful time on a daily basis. Worse times have been a couple of serious relationship break-ups what didn’t end so good, but most of all not living with my children and not being a Dad like i think I should of been - but with age you learn how to deal with low times and move forward.
Times Roman: Have you ever been unfaithful?
Marcus300: Yes, wouldn't do it again
Times Roman: Who would you most like to meet from AR and why?
Marcus300: Admin would be at the top of my list because I want to have a play in Admin's cellar/dungeon . I would also love to meet all the regular posters maybe have a big meet up were we could all train and go out for a meal, that would be great fun.
Times Roman: You’ve been around the board longer than most. Looking back, any interesting or funny things you’d like to share with us? Most notable members? Most outrageous reasons for a member getting banned?
Marcus300: I laughed so much over the years, there are so many characters ranging from the mentally ill to bordering psychotic its hard to mention them all, but we've all been outrageous from time to time.
Times Roman: What motivates you to come to the board every day, year in and year out?
Marcus300:I don't need to motivate myself to come here, I come here for enjoyment, to relax, de-stress and to help people who want guiding from my experience.
Member: He's been on this site for years and has seen members come and members go. But who is the one
member still present or not that really made an impact on him?
Marcus300: I wouldn’t say any one member made an impact on my life but there are loads who I respect for different reasons, weather that’s their knowledge, dedication or there overall personality.
Member : What led you to professional body building?
Marcus300: I am not a professional bodybuilder.
Member: Describe the absolute worst condition you have ever been in physically, ie....overweight, bad diet, stats etc... How does it compare to the best.....timeline....stats, etc....
Marcus300: Ive always kept myself in reasonable condition I haven’t been vastly overweight at any stage. I would say the highest bf ive been was around the 18%-19% mark and my best stats are above in a previous question.
03-15-2012, 10:18 AM #3
Member: Have you ever competed with or against Matt? (on stage)
Marcus300: No, I've never competed and I don't think Matt's ever competed either. Matt is a great guy and we go back years on AR.
Member: TR Since most here know he is from Merry Ole England I was wondering if he had ever visited America? And if so, how did he like it?
Marcus300: Ive been to the States many times and I love it. I think its beautiful and without doubt when the Yanks do something they do it big and proper. Amazing place to visit and I will be going back to explore more.
Member: The way you write some of your English makes you sound like an Essex boy or possibly from London but definitely a Southern type! How close is this guestimate?
Marcus300: Your fvcking joking me! I am no soft southern pansy give me a break lol. I am from the Northern part of the UK where men are men not women.
Member: i would be curious to know his age and how long he's been training
Marcus300: I am 44 yrs old, I started training at around 18/19yrs so that's about 26 yrs of lifting- jeez I feel old.
Member: Apart from Nebido TRT what do you think, is the best "supplement" for the older guys.
Marcus300: Depends on what you mean by supplement but if I am reading this right I would say Hgh is the next best supplement for the older man!
Member: Marcus first off thanks for all you do here and all you have taught me personally. Now my question: I know you have lived this lifestyle for a long time - looking back is there anything you would have done differently?
Marcus300: It’s hard to say, I wouldn't do anything majorly different because with every experience or experiment I learned from it, but staying on cycle to long and not having enough time off wasn't a wise thing to do for someone like me. I use to think staying on longer would produce more gains but the opposite was true, the sides would just creep up on me and we all have a limit to were our bodies start saying enough is enough. Being shut down for long periods of time just killed my HPTA and with every cycle my natural test took a hit and believe me going through low testosterone and trying to get treatment isn't a happy time. The shorter cycle approach was far better for gains, maintenance and recovery so that's what I followed once I found what produced the best gains.
Member: Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for?
Marcus300: No, I've never been arrested
Member: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Marcus300: LMFAO Wouldn’t you like to know lol
Member: Which interview surprised you the most?
Marcus300: Every interview is very interesting but Older lifter's was an eye opening one and really surprised me
Member: If you could change one thing about this forum..... What would it be?
Marcus300: I wouldn’t change a thing, I think its runs like a well oiled machine now but if you would of asked me a year ago I would say all the spam we got but this problem has been resolved.
Member: Do you speak any other languages?
Marcus300: I did start learning Spanish once when I had a girlfriend in Madrid but no I don't speak any other language.
Member: What kind of workout routine do you do now? and your favourite cardio? and what do you enjoy most in your training and the least?
Marcus300: I've tried a lot of different training styles but for me my body responds best to my own style of HIT, I incorporate forced, dropsets, negatives and stretching over a very short period of time and I try to inflict as much damage as possible. I fully warm up and do no more than 2 working sets per exercise to failure and beyond. I’ve literally shed blood, tears, vomit and sweat, its been so brutal and intense over the years its like some sadistic pleasure I have, I love the pain. Its what’s separated me and many training partners and I know the way I train as been the main contributing factor in building and maintaining muscle tissue ive been happy with for so long. When I step into the gym I really believe no other person in there is going to be training as hard and intense as me, I’m that confident in the gym.
I take a rest at this kind of training every 6-8 wks to some kind of volume/pyramid training which is a lot easier on my system, this usually last for 2 wks then I go back to hell. I also take more rest days if I feel I need them this gives me time to recover and fully repair. Like I've mentioned before I use to be like a robot for many years but I can't have a set weekly protocol anymore because my work schedule changes all the time, but when I do get in I try my best to keep to some kind of routine what will maintain my tissue. We all talk so much about diets and AAS on here but I feel training isn't approached as much as it should. The time in the gym is critical and I can't stress this enough, being consistent and being able to withstand the pain you have to put yourself through year in and year out separates big cut physiques from the rest. If you notice the word consistent always seems to appear no matter what area we talk about! Being consistent at either progressively increasing your poundage or your intensity will build tissue, don’t just go through the motions hit it hard and intense every time you enter the gym.
My cardio sessions are usually 3-5 per week for 40-45mins which consist of either cross trainer, walking, biking or usually when my time is limited I perform Tabata training.
Even after all these years training I still get a buzz out of it and when I've had a few days off out of the gym I can't wait to get back in. I enjoy training all my bodyparts shoulders, chest, arms, back and legs but if I had to pick one bodypart I don't like training its my calves.
Member: His one personal theory that could change the face of bodybuilding (we all have one lol)
Marcus300: I don’t have one new theory what could change the face of bodybuilding, we all don’t respond the same so its all about finding out what works for you and structure your training, cycles and diet around this. Hopefully ive explained what worked for me within this interview but as far as a new theory there isn’t one except hardwork, dedication and being constant for many years.
03-15-2012, 10:19 AM #4
Member: As we get older and wiser in our training are there any particular things that you have done that you would have done differently given the chance again?
Marcus300: Looking back I wouldn’t of squatted has heavy as I did because now my back suffers and I have problems.
Member: Does he have a degree associated w/physical fitness or anything related to it?
Marcus300: I don’t have a degree or any qualifications relating to fitness of any kind.
Member: If you have actually met some of the members in person, after only knowing them in cyberspace, were you shocked once you met them eye to eye? or pleasantly surprised?...and do you maintain any member friendships in person to this day in England? and if so, WHO?
Marcus300: I've never met any members.
Member: Marcus mentioned he writes articles for a magazine? Or another Forum? Would he care to elaborate which one as i'm sure many(including myself) would like to read those.
Marcus300: I don’t write for any magazines but ive written articles and such for other forums, but what ever ive wrote for other sites they are all here and more so. No need to go anywhere else this forum is all you need
Member: From the questions you ask in your interviews, I wonder if you have a personal interest, quest or reason for asking about past lives, the after life and God? Please let us in on the spiritual inner world of Marcus.
Marcus300: The reason why I ask about questions in these areas is because many people have some kind of experience they like to share and it can make interesting reading. Its just an interest I like to read about and listen to that's all, I don't have any secret after life world.
Member: At what age did you lose your virginity to another boy?
Marcus300: hahaha It was never with a boy, he was a man!
Member: What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do?
Marcus300: Not living with my children is the hardest thing ive ever had to do.
Member: Have you ever been hit on by another guy and if so how did you handle it?
Marcus300: Yes I have, it was in the Gay Village and I found it amusing especially when I told them I wasn't gay and they still wanted to try and convert me.
Member: Is it true that you and Bojangles are related in real life?
Marcus300: No I am not related to any kind of stalking retarded delusional dwarf
Member: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Marcus300: I wouldn't erase any bad experience, you learn from them.
Member: How would people who are closest to you best describe you?
Marcus300: I will have to ask them and get back to you.
Member: You always seem guarded, to the near state of paranoia, as to someone from work guessing your identity ..... will you please not put any sugar in my tea tomorrow and make sure that there is only a splash of milk as well! You messed up last week again!
Marcus300: I wouldn’t say I am paranoid, but of course I am guarded. Majority of us here want to remain anonymous especially if being on a steroid forum would be frowned upon.
Member: What are you most proud of as AR-HALL OF FAMER? How long have you been in the Hall of Fame? What frustrates you most on the forum?
Marcus300: Its nice to be recognised for the work you have put in over the years and being a HOF'er is a nice touch, it means nothing outside cyber space though. I can't remember how long I've been a HOF'er but I was a Vet previously for a long time.
There's nothing what really frustrates me anymore. You just have to except that with a forum so big there's a lot of opinions and we can all get hot headed at times. Frustrating times in the past have been when we had a lot of spam and ex members trolling and abusing that would become frustrating but the forum is ran very tightly now and everything is executed perfectly and it doesn't cause me any kind of stress, its a pleasure being here and I am very grateful being apart of it.
Member: What is the wildest thing you have ever done that was out of your comfort zone?
Marcus300: I've done many wild things in my past which I can't mention. Not to sure if they were all out of my comfort zone but I was involved in the Porn industry once, I was behind the cameras though and it was purely a business adventure. Wild days for sure lol.
Member: What's your biggest accomplishment?
Marcus300: Bringing my children up would be at the top of my list but other than family it would be setting my own business up and making it grow and eventually after 15yrs selling the company.
Member: If he could look back at his life and change one thing; what would have been?
Marcus300: I wouldn't change a thing because my experiences weather good or bad made me who I am today.
03-15-2012, 10:21 AM #5
I wanted to say thank you for the honor of this indepth interview. And thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with all of us over the years!
Warm regards,
03-15-2012, 03:19 PM #6
Very good...!
03-15-2012, 04:46 PM #7
Oi you less of the Southern pansys you northern git lol..............
Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........
Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........
Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:
sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....
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