Yep Florida brought in a special prosecutor to file murder charges against George Zimmerman for the Murder of Trayvon Martin. Second degree murder charges were filed. I feel so much safer now that we have this mass murderer of racist proportions off the streets. There are way too many racist murders in the US these days, one a year possibly. There were six black people murdered in the last few days in KC but they were black on black crime and that is ok cause no one who is black gives a crap about that. But at least we got that racist murderer off the streets. It's crazy that blacks are fine with killing each other but don't let anyone else kill one of them. I feel for George Zimmerman he was tried and convicted and sentenced in the media. Lost his house, his family and his job and had to go into hiding due to a bounty being on his life from the black panthers and others. At least he is safe in jail now till the trial which btw has no evidence to convict him. But his innocence will bring riots on the streets down in Florida as a segment of the black society goes on a rampage of violence, burning, stealing and beating up anyone in their path, whites, mexicans, asians are all to be targets. As well as local stores as they run in and loot for all they can all in the name of justice because a kid whom they had never heard of was killed by a man they had never heard of but that is ok. They now have a reason to rob steal and maime. Ya got to love our system and they will all get away with it because everyone is so politically correct so no one will be held accountable.