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Thread: Gaining weight

  1. #41
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    do more stretching. some core and agility work
    yes stretching!!! also you might think its gay but yoga has helped me a lot.

  2. #42
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    I was on the other end of the spectrum, at my heaviest I was 296lbs over 3 years I cut down to 200lbs @ 23% bf, now I'm up to 226lbs @ 17%, ...I feel like I can fly, compared to when I was fat!!!

  3. #43
    PowerHouse1900 is offline Associate Member
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    After I started cycling again I decided to ignore any feedback about my physique from non bodybuilders.

  4. #44
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    Olympic lifts and core training can help with agility.
    Im good on the squat rack and dead lifts. Weights rages 225-445

  5. #45
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    No family for me, problem solved lol

    But I got alot of comments when I went to 170 dry weight @ 6-8% (177-180 with water) for last fight from 175ish at 12%ish

    People in street were staring and friends family were saying wtf are you on?

    There no way around it if you make substantial change in short space of time

    Your try deny it, people aren't thick, they know you full of shit and lying to their face

    You better just admiting what they already know
    When they ask me what Im on I say growth, after that not to many questions. I dont lie about to many things, so I just tell the truth, happy to admit drugs have helped me, then I look at them at 150 wet and laugh a lot

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Razr just drop some BF and you'll feel fine.
    Will do
    Last edited by Razor; 06-15-2012 at 02:59 AM.

  6. #46
    Razor is offline Banned
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    I need to figure out if 25 more lbs is worth it, or if I can compete at a lean 205-210

  7. #47
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post

    People in street were staring and friends family were saying wtf are you on?

    There no way around it if you make substantial change in short space of time

    Your try deny it, people aren't thick, they know you full of shit and lying to their face

    You better just admiting what they already know
    just use the same excuse every fat woman uses when they all of the sudden get fat..."ITS MY HORMONES" technically its true..

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972

    just use the same excuse every fat woman uses when they all of the sudden get fat..."ITS MY HORMONES" technically its true..
    Thats a good one!

  9. #49
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Meh, i will just say I eat a ton, and I'm bulking. I don't think people would ask what I was on until I shredded up if that happened. I have gained 50 lbs in the past and people made comments about me being huge and saying how good I looked because they hadn't seen me in a long time, and i was so small before, no one ever accused me or questioned me about juicing, did it natural though. I think one time had a stranger have the guts to question what I was on. Later on I put a lot of weight on again, and never even got comments about the muscle even though I was lifting dang near twice as much weight. the only time I got notice was when I put the first ten pounds on.

    My biggest concern would be people at work. I shower in community showers with management at work, so you can hide things well with clothing, but that might be a bit harder to hide if I make dramatic changes. Also family lives far away,

    Besides I would rather lie to people that think its morally wrong to do steroids . Look at how many people still think their favorite athletes are "clean" and swear by it. And then when you see these massive and cut bodybuilders that people claim are the greatest natural bodybuilders of all time, of course you know it isn't true, but everyone else believes it cause they said it.

  10. #50
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    it's nobody's biz nor should u feel it a requirement to answer just cuz they asked....IMHO

  11. #51
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Its funny its socially acceptable to go out and drink, get DUI's and poison yourself daily with alcohol but enhancing muscles...oooh your so bad...whatever

  12. #52
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    A good rule of principal for me is "whats best understood, need not be explained."

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  13. #53
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    A good rule of principal for me is "whats best understood, need not be explained."

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    I like the sound of that

  14. #54
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Its funny its socially acceptable to go out and drink, get DUI's and poison yourself daily with alcohol but enhancing muscles...oooh your so bad...whatever
    I think its becoming more socially acceptable. As much as I hate to admit it, shows like The Jersey Shore are encouraging more and more people to "enhance" muscles. It's still going to be one of those "let's not openly talk about" things until possession no longer is a felony.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Its funny its socially acceptable to go out and drink, get DUI's and poison yourself daily with alcohol but enhancing muscles...oooh your so bad...whatever
    DUIs aren't acceptable...ever.

  16. #56
    auswest is offline Banned
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    before i get on i tell people in my life that i am starting a new diet, saves any questions.

  17. #57
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte

    DUIs aren't acceptable...ever.
    Yea maybe were your from, they give them out like candy out here, people still do stupid stuff

  18. #58
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr.

    Yea maybe were your from, they give them out like candy out here, people still do stupid stuff
    This is a huge problem right now where I live aswell, 0 tolerance, ive got 6 friends without a licence from DUI, now they gotta have a breathilizer installed in there car !! cops are going on a rampage!

  19. #59
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD View Post
    This is a huge problem right now where I live aswell, 0 tolerance, ive got 6 friends without a licence from DUI, now they gotta have a breathilizer installed in there car !! cops are going on a rampage!
    I'm not exactly against drugs or drinking or anything like that, but cops don't just hand out DUIs for the fun of it. Those motherfvckers deserve to get arrested for that and they shouldn't ever get a license again. Drinking and driving hurt/kill people all the time and it's entirely preventable. It's unfortunate that it's become fashionable to get one, but people are fvcking idiots. If they stiffen the penalties for this and make the punishments more publically executed, it might deter some people.

  20. #60
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Well hart you were right I lost some bf and don't feel as puffy

  21. #61
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    For me staying at 10% or less makes a huge difference. I've never felt too big or uncomfortable when BF is in check.

  22. #62
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Well hart you were right I lost some bf and don't feel as puffy
    how u lose some bf in 2 weeks and feel less puffy? only 2 weeks???!!!???

  23. #63
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat
    how u lose some bf in 2 weeks and feel less puffy? only 2 weeks???!!!???
    hard work go look, at my pics I put up

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman
    For me staying at 10% or less makes a huge difference. I've never felt too big or uncomfortable when BF is in check.
    Thanks man. I realize now,keeping bf in checked just as important as gaining muscle

  25. #65
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild
    same here. i started taking pro complex gainer and ph w my trt to get to 208 but my bf is like 15-16 now but ive been doing cardio and eating cleaner so hopefully its going down
    I'm lucky I guess I can gain weight on call or lose it. Minor tweaks in my diet allow me to do so

  26. #66
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    how u lose some bf in 2 weeks and feel less puffy? only 2 weeks???!!!???
    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    hard work go look, at my pics I put up
    you started this tread 3 days ago. Saying its uncomfortable to get out of a car. Then SGt said to loose bf. And a day later you lost bf and feel better. Come on man
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  27. #67
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you started this tread 3 days ago. Saying its uncomfortable to get out of a car. Then SGt said to loose bf. And a day later you lost bf and feel better. Come on man
    Yea but I the pics I took were 2 months apart. It didn't happen in 3 days, been a process plus I got the pics up
    This thread was more about changes in life I noticed gaining weight not losing bf%
    Last edited by Razor; 06-17-2012 at 01:36 PM.

  28. #68
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    I'm 5-6 and in December of 2009 I got up to 237lbs. Bf% unknown. I had a small gut but that's about it. Most everything was a pain to accomplish. Tying my shoes. Walking up stairs. Mrs.misery likes me that big. She's petite. I love it. Totally worth it.

  29. #69
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Lol I read the beginning part of this thread and it scared me because my goal is to get to a very lean 230. I'm 5 8 and the biggest I've been was 210.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13
    I'm 5-6 and in December of 2009 I got up to 237lbs. Bf% unknown. I had a small gut but that's about it. Most everything was a pain to accomplish. Tying my shoes. Walking up stairs. Mrs.misery likes me that big. She's petite. I love it. Totally worth it.
    So that's why I always had more trouble than I thought I should doing anything that related to shoes lol no lie I could never figured out why it was such a pain to put them on. The muscle mass never occurred to me

  31. #71
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    I'm not exactly against drugs or drinking or anything like that, but cops don't just hand out DUIs for the fun of it. Those motherfvckers deserve to get arrested for that and they shouldn't ever get a license again. Drinking and driving hurt/kill people all the time and it's entirely preventable. It's unfortunate that it's become fashionable to get one, but people are fvcking idiots. If they stiffen the penalties for this and make the punishments more publically executed, it might deter some people.
    I agree, like I said its a big problem around my area!!

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