Just back from the store and my kid called me a dick? hmmmm.....

going through the self check out isle at safeway, and you need an override for alchohol. lady comes up, and needs to check my ID. fair enough. I'm 50, but with my boyish good looks and charm, there could be some doubt? anyways, they typically check your DL and input your DOB into the system. Never been a sheep, and don't like giving out personal info, so i just tell her to put 1/1/61 in there and we'll be g2g. but she says that aint right? i tell her that no one else has a problem with it, i'm clearly over 21 (but then again...) so jjust put what i told you into the system, since i don't like giving out personal info. (reasons for it btw). finally she relents after several minutes of discussion. she's so flustered she punches it in wrong several times.

some background:

did you know that when you order a pizza over the phone and then go down to pick it up, they want your telephone number to confirm? no problem, right? well, i get a telephone call the other day from round table telling me they have a special on their X type pizza. how did you get my number? you gave it to us when you ordered a pizza. Who the fuk knew they would KEEP my phone number and put it in their data base?

my woman took her dog down to have her toe nails clipped. we get a call the other day saying it's time to get the dog's nails clipped again?

this was all in just the last couple of weeks.

this society is built on the assumption that we the people are just a bunch of fukkin sheep and that we will just roll over and give up anything that is asked of us. so anytime one of us acts "unsheep like", then people look at you funny, like a trouble maker, and then your kid, who has never known anything other than this period when the electronic age records how many farts per day I make, calls me a dick.
