So a few days ago the LED display stopped working on my Blendtec. The motor and everything still works perfectly, but I just can't see the display. What's really weird is if I smack the blender, the display flickers on and off. If i'm blending something and I turn it up to the highest blend speed, it flickers (from the vibrations i'm assuming). What's also really weird is if I take the base and turn it UPSIDE DOWN, the LED display comes on and stays on! When I turn the base right side up, the display shuts off! What the hell!?

So I opened the thing up, thinking maybe something like a wire is loose and just needs to be fitted better (yeah yeah I know, I may have voided the warranty by opening it). I took out the logic board and took a look at it, and turns out everything is fine inside, nothing is loose or anything. WTF?! I'm not too concerned about this, as the motor still works fine and I still blend stuff with no problem. It's just that without the LED display, I can't see the menus and can't select specialized blend cycles if I need them because I can't see anything.

Anyone here know anything about logic boards / mainboards / LED displays or anything about this stuff?