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  1. #1
    PUMP UP's Avatar
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    Help! Need info on Hernias!

    Ok guys I need some help here!!

    I was doing squats like 4 weeks ago I had 405 on and was trying to squeeze out a couple of more reps and I got a weird felling in my lower stomach (About 4 inches down from belly button and two inches to the right). Its kind off hard to explain what it felt like. It was like I felt some pressure right in that area almost like a bubble blowing up. It only did it on my last rep and it scared the shit out of me so I stopped. After I stopped that one spot felt really warm for about a 2 minutes or so then it went away. I have had no pain or any discomfort since then its been about 4 weeks now. Then last night I was doing squats again I only had on 315 and was doing sets of 15, on my last set I was trying to squeeze 1 or 2 more out and I started to feel it again. This time it wasn’t as bad but I felt some pressure in that spot and stopped right away. The feeling I had imidiatly went away. Now I don’t know what the hell this is. Do I have a Hernia or am I on the edge of getting one if I’m not careful. The wierd thing is it dosn't bother me at all. There is no swelling or pain and no lump.

    What do you guy’s think? Should I go to the Doctor? Has anyone ever had a Hernia? If so how did you know?

  2. #2
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You need to lay off of the heavy squats!! Generally speaking you could be in the early stages of a herniation and your continued heavy lifting will only speed the process along.. I would discontinue the squats because if you do end up with a hernia that requires surgery, you will be out for quite some time..

    Doc M

  3. #3
    PUMP UP's Avatar
    PUMP UP is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input Doc... Do you think I should lay off squats all together? Also do you think this will eventually turn into a Hernia no matter what?

  4. #4
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Ive had a hernia before, and let me tell you-IT SUCKS!!! My doc told me that people are usually born with hernias, and that the doctor should be able to notice it upon birth. Appearantly, mine didnt!

    If you want to stay away from surgery, definately stay away from heavy squats. If you have the surgery, you will be miserable for at least a couple weeks. They cut into your abs, and that makes everything a pain in the ass.

    Do you feel pain in your lower abdominal area, or your sac, both?

  5. #5
    Doc M's Avatar
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    Originally posted by PUMP UP
    Thanks for the input Doc... Do you think I should lay off squats all together? Also do you think this will eventually turn into a Hernia no matter what?
    Let me address your question first..Yes, for right now I would stop doing squats altogether. As far as it turning into a hernia, that is impossible to say from my standpoint. Many people are in fact born with minor hernias which over time self correct and never cause any future problems. People that are weight lifters add additional stress which causes the hernia to become more of a problem often resulting in a surgical procedure. Hernias are very common and are much easier to repair with today's materials and procedures. If you notice further pain or discomfort I would definintely make an appt. to see a Doctor. It is better to go and have it diagnosed and repaired rather than letting it become a full blown problem.

    Doc M

  6. #6
    PUMP UP's Avatar
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    I don't have any pain now. I only get a feeling in my lower abdominal area when I really start to push extra reps on squats. Besides that I have no pain. Even then its not a very strong pain just a weird feeling.

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