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  1. #1
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    UK Get in the diet forum!

    UK Benefits system

    It's not like me to post a thread related to something like this but I have just seen this video and figured I'd share it here to see what you guys think.....

    Check the video out and let us know your opinions on this woman and the whole Benefits System in the UK......
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  2. #2
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Her attitude is the problem in this video.
    By sounds of it she is wasting her job seekers allowance on beer and fags (also takeaway by looks of her)
    She looks perfectly able to get a job though.

  3. #3
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Aren't the Coalition pushing for some sort of "Universal Benefit" to scrap all the various other ones?

    The problem with benefits in this country, and this just my opinion, is they got to the point where for some people, it became more advantageous to be on benefits than actual working.

    At no point should benefits bring in more money than a job should, but if she is getting the kind of benefits that can afford her sky TV, alcohol, food and drink then there is seriously something wrong with the system and parasites like this woman, and millions more, will take advantage. For instance, in the UK inflation has gone sky high in the last few years, but no ones pay packet has increased and the minimal wage has stayed the same. So everyone has effectively taken a pay cut in this double dip recession.

    She could get a job as a cleaner or working behind a bar or a restaurant or a supermarket, but if her benefits turns out to pay better, then why should she? I can't stand the fact that these fat slob is sitting at home with all that stuff while myself and every other tax payer out there is giving her money, but if that is the way it is, that is a massive failing on the part of the last Government and a massive failing on the part of this Government.

    At no point at all, should benefits pay MORE than a minimal wage job.

  4. #4
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    I agree to some part but its not only the job seekers housing benefit that need revamping
    It's also state pension.
    That oxygen thief in the video can afford sky tv when there are old people who have grafted their entire lives dying in winter because they can't afford to light the fire.
    Fatty can have leather sofa takeaways etc but some old dear has to account for every penny and still can't afford warmth?
    That's seriously ****ing wrong.

    I know I'm going on a tangent now but people like that woman believe believe its their right to have this free money.
    Like they earned it.
    They forget they were indebted to the country before they were even 16
    Who paid for the doctors nurses wages that helped deliver them into this world?
    Then there's the free education received up until 16 who payed for that?
    Free prescriptions, dental care, health care?
    Some people forget this.

  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    I honestly can't blame her for leaching off the system. That hideous blob's dream is to do nothing with her life except get drunk and char her lungs. Now can anyone give me one good reason why she should just turn over a new leaf and stop being a drain on society?

    We, however; are on the other side of the road here. It's disgusting that our monies go to fund these shitbag's lives dream. I'm not British, but we have this same crap going on here in America and I'm sure every other fully developed western nation has the same problem as well. Whatever her "problem" is that prevents her from holding a job is no excuse. It should be either you work hard or you die. Handouts don't help anyone.

  6. #6
    milky01623's Avatar
    milky01623 is offline Productive Member
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    Please don't get me started on this lol

    Long term u/e should be made to do menial jobs around the many roads,parks,& town centres just to qualify for us the tax payers money & the under 25's should be conscripted for national service no ifs or buts

    I did say don't get me started lol

  7. #7
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That's the problem with The West, we DONT give enough incentive for anyone to go out and get a job.

    Why bother going to University in the UK now? Fee's went up from 3k a year to NINE K last year. And there is still no guarantee of a graduate job at the end.

    Job security seems to vanish. Many companies going out of business and being gobbled up by greedy supermarkets who seem to be the one area that thrive in times like this.

    Taxes go up, the price of food goes up, but no ones wages. And no one is buying more stuff because of increased food, so the economy doesnt grow.

    And if we're constantly keeping slugs like this in good comfort, then again, the economy WONT GROW.

    It's popular in Europe at the moment to blame Germany for a lot of the woes, especially the countries that are really struggling like Greece, Italy, Spain and recently Cyprus. But at least Germany's economy is slowly growing. Perhaps if everyone looked to what they are doing, rather than ignoring the problem and saying they want to take over, then maybe there would be more countries in the developed world recovering, instead of wavering on the brink of bankruptcy.

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