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Thread: --->>405<<--- Multi-Cultural Thread :)

  1. #41
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Not really something I like winning or being #1. lol
    I know what you mean. Even though I have weekends off sometimes I'm so tired just not up to much. Hey at least you get paid for your overtime.?

  2. #42
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    Who the hell is that in your avatar 405? I didn't know you were a cycling fan.
    oh yeh man.. and austin got it right

  3. #43
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    I know what you mean. Even though I have weekends off sometimes I'm so tired just not up to much. Hey at least you get paid for your overtime.?
    I feel the same way most weekends. I work an outside labor job @ 50-60 hrs a week and by the weekend I am SPENT. I do get OT pay. If I didn't I wouldn't work there. We (at my place) can thank the union for that one.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life

    I feel the same way most weekends. I work an outside labor job @ 50-60 hrs a week and by the weekend I am SPENT. I do get OT pay. If I didn't I wouldn't work there. We (at my place) can thank the union for that one.
    Yea I wish we had a union. It pisses me off that there are laws in the USA, but then Washington lets certain loopholes for employers to exploit. I make a good hr pay when I am sitting or getting unloaded. But when I drive I get paid by the mile so that's how they get away with it. Because its a big industry you can't get every drive in the country to just stop working and demand changes. So life goes on with big business running this country. Sorry 405 if we getting off track here.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Yea I wish we had a union. It pisses me off that there are laws in the USA, but then Washington lets certain loopholes for employers to exploit. I make a good hr pay when I am sitting or getting unloaded. But when I drive I get paid by the mile so that's how they get away with it. Because its a big industry you can't get every drive in the country to just stop working and demand changes. So life goes on with big business running this country. Sorry 405 if we getting off track here.
    They got smart (the gas companies) several years ago and made Diesel trucks popular for the consumer making it difficult/impossible for truckers to keep diesel fuel prices down where the should be like they use to. I remember all it took was the truckers to stop driving for one day for the diesel prices to drop down to where they should be. Now look, diesel cost more than gas. WTF is with that?

  6. #46
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    I have all you all beat as far as hrs go. I work a 5 day week and in those 5 days I work 60-70 hrs. Most days, since I live 45- hr from work I get on avg 6 hrs sleep that is if I can sleep. I do slave hrs and no overtime cause I am not paid hourly, this is how they get away with not paying us overtime. And not a one of you( Americans) could survive without me and my fellow drivers, cause if you eat it, wear it, use it, than before you got it I delivered it. I have to follow so many rules you head would spin trying to keep up with them all. If I don't do my job safely it means your mom, dad, siblings or dons and daughters won't make it home safely. Oh and I'm living in the NE US, so that makes my job 200% more dangerous because there are more idiots per sq mile here than anywhere in the world. But hey, I'm happy cause married to the most beautiful, Intelligent, sexiest Filipino anywhere. Oh and I'm saved.
    ppcw ur a truck driver huh man? ever go into any ports? thats where i work..
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Funny guy

    I can't contribute on the work front yet, currently unemployed. Hopefully soon to be self employed, which will change everything.

    I'm 1/8 or 1/16 Scottish if that helps?!
    funny this thread turned into "what do u do for a living and how many hours do u work" i was just giving an example.. it can be anything unique about your life.. like u for instance bib dont work and havent for almost as long as i can remember (which is awesome!!)..
    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02 View Post
    Little update from the Jayman

    My parents coming from Jamaica and England which had a big impact on me cultural wise bearing in mind 40 odd yrs ago times where different then for mixed race kids.......anyway little but about myself

    i am from northwest England and 46 yrs young
    Trained in numerous martial arts for 17 years because of the Bruce lee era.

    I am sitting on 15% now which I maintain quite
    Well since yoyoing as a fat kid

    2 lumbar operations and an Achilles operation
    Later I still train but train smart

    My first Job involves quality control for which i conduct technical investigations my second and third jobs revolve around door supervision

    I have 3 children ( 1 job for each ) and soon to be a grandfather

    Been around this forum for a little while and surprising to me it is more friendly than UK forums.......which frown upon asking for stats!!

    Wow 46 yrs crammed into a 1 minute read haha!!
    yes i was very interested in your family! so ur mom is english and dad is jamaican.. is ur mom a white english lady and ur dad a typical black jamaican dude!?? if so i bet they make a very interesting pair! my mom is english and typically english women tends( in my experience with my mom) to be very proper and la dee da.. pardon me like ... and jamaican guys are very laid back and "NO problem man" ... !!??

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Not really something I like winning or being #1. lol
    uh huh.. thats why u made a point of it .

    for what its worth i work 6 days per week on average and this week i have worked 7. some days i work from 0700-0000 .. i dont have to work if i dont want to though. i get OT after 5pm and/or 8hrs and friday 1700-monday 0700 is all OT.. (which is why i am always working weekends)..

    im trying to hit it hard now so i can chill out when im in my 50s and focus on traveling and doing fun stuff..

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    They got smart (the gas companies) several years ago and made Diesel trucks popular for the consumer making it difficult/impossible for truckers to keep diesel fuel prices down where the should be like they use to. I remember all it took was the truckers to stop driving for one day for the diesel prices to drop down to where they should be. Now look, diesel cost more than gas. WTF is with that?
    Cause there are to many of us now and no one wants to get together and get changes done. Plus the gas company's know the country would collapse in a week if the trucks stop running and they know that's not gonna happen. Greed is the number one thing anymore.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    I know what you mean. Even though I have weekends off sometimes I'm so tired just not up to much. Hey at least you get paid for your overtime.?
    Today (last night) is the 1st day of my normal work week and I already have 32 hrs. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Cause there are to many of us now and no one wants to get together and get changes done. Plus the gas company's know the country would collapse in a week if the trucks stop running and they know that's not gonna happen. Greed is the number one thing anymore.
    Yeah it's greed but not smart greed. They (you guys) could be making a lot more if people would band together like you say and stand up against the high prices and force them back down.

  9. #49
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Work 13 hours a day 7 days followed by 7 night straight then I have 5 days off and repeat. So that's 182 hours across 14 days straight shift work, I get up at 3:00am to go to the gym, after work I have about enough time for dinner if I still want to get 7 hours sleep. Still manage to consume 3500-4000 calories a day. Get paid a very good salary to do this but god damn its taking its toll... Couple more years then I can put my feet up... 2015!! Here we come zzzzz....

    Can feel the gains rolling in allready when I start living a normal life...

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    ppcw ur a truck driver huh man? ever go into any ports? thats where i work..

    funny this thread turned into "what do u do for a living and how many hours do u work" i was just giving an example.. it can be anything unique about your life.. like u for instance bib dont work and havent for almost as long as i can remember (which is awesome!!)..

    yes i was very interested in your family! so ur mom is english and dad is jamaican.. is ur mom a white english lady and ur dad a typical black jamaican dude!?? if so i bet they make a very interesting pair! my mom is english and typically english women tends( in my experience with my mom) to be very proper and la dee da.. pardon me like ... and jamaican guys are very laid back and "NO problem man" ... !!??

    uh huh.. thats why u made a point of it .

    for what its worth i work 6 days per week on average and this week i have worked 7. some days i work from 0700-0000 .. i dont have to work if i dont want to though. i get OT after 5pm and/or 8hrs and friday 1700-monday 0700 is all OT.. (which is why i am always working weekends)..

    im trying to hit it hard now so i can chill out when im in my 50s and focus on traveling and doing fun stuff..
    No I never went into ports, alot rail yards but no ports.

  11. #51
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    Haha 405 you are nearly on the money!!

    Dad came over to fight in WW2 and settled here with my mother who was also in the army!!

    Unfortunately both are now in a better place
    And sorely missed by me 9 brothers a sister and numerous grand and great grand children.

    On a lighter note is the 405 standing for a Peugeot 405 ??

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    so with all this talk about nationalities it popped in my head on the way home from work to start a thread discussing some of the interesting things about where we all live. an example of what i mean would be working philosophy: where i live we get paid by the hour and our work week is typically structured monday thru friday from 7-8am - 5-6pm... we usually go to lunch from noon to 1300.. our lives here in the us tend to be centered around work. everything revolves around it. i wish it were the other way around but unfortunately its not.

    we get drug tested at work (which i think is BS even though i dont do drugs, but i dont think they should be able to dictate what i do when im not at work). i can wear whatever i want and it is usually shorts and t shirts with flip flops..

    i am curious to what yall do for work? i have heard some of the european countries go to work late and take long lunches (some of which involve alcohol ) and then maybe work a little late. ??

    hopefully we can learn some interesting stuff about each other (and maybe yall already know a lot of this but i dont!)
    I'm from India..22 y/o. living with my parents(thats what most of the Indians do, lol) I help my dad with his business and get paid nothing, apart from a $100 pocket money(5000 INR) Wtf? but nonetheless Im pretty happy wid my life.. I like how u guys in the west live a independent life but things here are pretty different here.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    funny this thread turned into "what do u do for a living and how many hours do u work" i was just giving an example.. it can be anything unique about your life.. like u for instance bib dont work and havent for almost as long as i can remember (which is awesome!!)..
    From a financial and boredom point, it's anything but awesome. But I have time to train whenever I want (only on 4 days of the week) and I can cook all my meals fresh.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by juggyk View Post
    I'm from India..22 y/o. living with my parents(thats what most of the Indians do, lol) I help my dad with his business and get paid nothing, apart from a $100 pocket money(5000 INR) Wtf? but nonetheless Im pretty happy wid my life.. I like how u guys in the west live a independent life but things here are pretty different here.
    Yeah it's great until you get older like your parents and need help sometimes and your kids are no where to be found and as you age you start having a LOT more expenses that eat into your life savings where if your kids were still with you or close they could help more.

    Independence has it's downfalls IMO. One of the main reasons I have stayed where I am the last 50 years is because my mom was here. She passed away 2 years ago and out of 5 kids I was the only one who stayed local so I could help her as she aged. I'm glad I did for many reasons.

    Something to think about also is if they have to spend all their life savings or more as they age then you may not have much or any inheritance when the time comes. I never expected to get much if anything but surprisingly my mom decided to give me 2x what everyone else got.

  15. #55
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    Since 405 has the time mines a 16oz fillet steak with mushrooms sweet potato and plantain mmmmm!!!

  16. #56
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    BinB sorry the jobs yours not 405.....followed by

    Cherry pie and custard.........then it's treadmill time 4 the next 6 hours haha!!

  17. #57
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A world without islam!!!!
    24 year old white catholic male brown hair blue eyes 185cm 93kg 15%bf im born in australia but my parents are dirty european immigrants. I work 4 weeks on 10 days off 85-95 hour weeks. We dont take rdo either.

    Its hard to get good food at the mess but im the only guy in camp with a gas stove. All everyone does is go to the wetty every day its disgusting
    Last edited by Euroholic; 07-01-2013 at 06:21 AM.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yeah it's great until you get older like your parents and need help sometimes and your kids are no where to be found and as you age you start having a LOT more expenses that eat into your life savings where if your kids were still with you or close they could help more.

    Independence has it's downfalls IMO. One of the main reasons I have stayed where I am the last 50 years is because my mom was here. She passed away 2 years ago and out of 5 kids I was the only one who stayed local so I could help her as she aged. I'm glad I did for many reasons.

    Something to think about also is if they have to spend all their life savings or more as they age then you may not have much or any inheritance when the time comes. I never expected to get much if anything but surprisingly my mom decided to give me 2x what everyone else got.
    I understand what you mean to say. I should have been more specific. By independent, I meant to say, being more responsible for my financial well being, I don't like how I have to depend on my parents for all my needs.
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by juggyk View Post
    I understand what you mean to say. I should have been more specific. By independent, I meant to say, being more responsible for my financial well being, I don't like how I have to depend on my parents for all my needs.
    Understood and I agree.

    Here in the US we have just gone a little to far on the independence IMO and left our parents to fend for themselves in times of need.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Understood and I agree.

    Here in the US we have just gone a little to far on the independence IMO and left our parents to fend for themselves in times of need.
    Unfortunately its not just the case in US. Its happening everywhere.

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