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Thread: The Knockout punch

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The Knockout punch

    Its a new thing here in NY

    Basically kids are going around and just trying to lay people out with one punch as they walk past them. They have been hitting women and older people.

    I actually fear for my wife. They seem to be targeting jewish people which I am not but its pretty ****ing scary for older people and women. How do you protect yourself from something like this.

  2. #2
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    There was a post on this a couple weeks ago. This is awful, isn't it. Particularly in NY, with the strict gun laws, its tough to protect yourself. I would just be alert and look around frequently when in public places.

  3. #3
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    I was at Dr's office in brooklyn yesterday and this old women said she is scared to leave. I felt bad for her and how its horrible she feels that way.

  4. #4
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    That sucks. Scumbag kids.

  5. #5
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    Video of a woman beating the crap out of a guy who did not knock her out . POS

    Knockout Game Goes Terribly RIGHT as Woman Turns on Her Attacker

    Knockout Game Goes Terribly RIGHT as Woman Turns on Her Attacker | CNS News

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Stupid kids this is why i hate people. You should be able to walk around your own town with out fear of attack. But that being said a quick caculation shows the chances of you being attack is rare vs the number of people.

  8. #8
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    Wow that guy landed that kick right to his face. He had no idea what hit him. Here is the problem I have. He should be beaten within one inch of his life.

    We were talking about today when training. In NY the rule is the guy who has no marks gets arrested if the other guy is hurt bad. Lawyers figure it out later on. A guy I train with trains a police officer and that is what they told them. There is supposedly undercover detectives all over BK walking around looking for anyone who does this and they have been told to rough the kids up pretty bad. Dont know how much truth there is to that

  9. #9
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    I saw in on CNN a few weeks ago and also on here. They are saying it's spreading fast, even in Washington state now. Only problem is it's not going over so well in states like mine where people have concealed carry permits. I know at least on of these punks have been shot so far.

    Easy solution for NY, start allowing concealed carry...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bedford View Post
    Video of a woman beating the crap out of a guy who did not knock her out . POS

    Knockout Game Goes Terribly RIGHT as Woman Turns on Her Attacker

    Knockout Game Goes Terribly RIGHT as Woman Turns on Her Attacker | CNS News
    Nice... I would love to see that and get involved like the guy did. Run up and kick the punk in the face breaking his nose I hope. He deserved a better beating IMO. I doubt she was the 1st one he attached.

    Not to get to far off subject but you know if it was a white guy who punched a black girl it would be considered a hate crime. They say and you can see from the videos over 90% of these are black teens targeting white women and men.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-11-2013 at 03:37 AM.

  10. #10
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    As former 3-0 professional fighter and training with world champions for years (mfs) this is why I started fighting and testing myself to defend me and mine that being said I wish some lil punk would try this id break every bone I could till he passed out

  11. #11
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    Hey lovebyts even if you have a gun and someone just comes out and knocks you out the gun is still useless is it not? Unless your in a group of people

    In aus your only allowed to use equal or lesser force.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Hey lovebyts even if you have a gun and someone just comes out and knocks you out the gun is still useless is it not? Unless your in a group of people

    In aus your only allowed to use equal or lesser force.
    I hear you but I know from experience I would not be knocked out. I have been hit directly in the mouth/jaw and I LOL at the guy. He was BIG compare to me.. I have been hit by objects, ran into things and had accidents where people have seen and they are sure I should have been injured, knocked out of worse and I just laugh. Seriously I have a HARD head.

    A lot of these punks dont actually knock the person out. They hit them and run or just jump back into their pack for protection and wait for a reaction, waiting for the person to walk away. It would be another story once they are looking down the barrel of a 45 and the games would stop quickly.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I hear you but I know from experience I would not be knocked out. I have been hit directly in the mouth/jaw and I LOL at the guy. He was BIG compare to me.. I have been hit by objects, ran into things and had accidents where people have seen and they are sure I should have been injured, knocked out of worse and I just laugh. Seriously I have a HARD head.

    A lot of these punks dont actually knock the person out. They hit them and run or just jump back into their pack for protection and wait for a reaction, waiting for the person to walk away. It would be another story once they are looking down the barrel of a 45 and the games would stop quickly.
    Oh okay gotcha i thought they knock them out. Whos laughing now when i point this 45 at your head haha

  14. #14
    A guy who works for me father died from one of these attacks.

    He was walking down the street late at night by himself so one of the kids runs up to him crow hops and clocks him. He goes limp and loses consciousness immediately but when he falls backward he hits his head on the curb. He died from the trauma to his head.

    The dumbass kids didn't realize what had happened so one of them had a video of it and put it up on his Facebook page with some comment bragging about knocking out an old man. Wasn't hard to arrest and convict with evidence like that. I forgot what his sentence ended up being but I hope he rots in hell......

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  15. #15
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    That wouldnt go over very well down here in alabama

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    That wouldnt go over very well down here in alabama
    Or texas

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman
    A guy who works for me father died from one of these attacks. He was walking down the street late at night by himself so one of the kids runs up to him crow hops and clocks him. He goes limp and loses consciousness immediately but when he falls backward he hits his head on the curb. He died from the trauma to his head. The dumbass kids didn't realize what had happened so one of them had a video of it and put it up on his Facebook page with some comment bragging about knocking out an old man. Wasn't hard to arrest and convict with evidence like that. I forgot what his sentence ended up being but I hope he rots in hell......
    Damn sarge, sorry for your coworker.

    Hope his sentence was 1st degree murder!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Or texas
    Yup, or down south Louisiana!

    Well, maybe parts of New Orleans where the thugs are.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    A guy who works for me father died from one of these attacks.

    He was walking down the street late at night by himself so one of the kids runs up to him crow hops and clocks him. He goes limp and loses consciousness immediately but when he falls backward he hits his head on the curb. He died from the trauma to his head.

    The dumbass kids didn't realize what had happened so one of them had a video of it and put it up on his Facebook page with some comment bragging about knocking out an old man. Wasn't hard to arrest and convict with evidence like that. I forgot what his sentence ended up being but I hope he rots in hell......
    That's terrible.. sorry to hear it Sarge. Hope the kid got 25+ yrs of relentless anal rape

  20. #20
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    Good for her and the guy who helped her. Another loss for the terrorists.

    Life in prison without the slightest chance of parole is the ONLY acceptable punishment. That of course, if it involves him being beaten every single day by Bubba, his cell mate who rapes him every other day.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  21. #21
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    Notice that these cvnts only pick on the weak and unsuspecting. You won't find a video of them trying to knock out someone who can handle themselves. Not one.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Notice that these cvnts only pick on the weak and unsuspecting. You won't find a video of them trying to knock out someone who can handle themselves. Not one.
    Exactly. Be a sheep dog, not a sheep! Wolves don't attack sheep dogs. They pick the weakest of the herd.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Exactly. Be a sheep dog, not a sheep! Wolves don't attack sheep dogs. They pick the weakest of the herd.
    Be a llama dog. Tigers don't attack llama dogs.

    Tina! Eat your food!

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Be a llama dog. Tigers don't attack llama dogs.

    Tina! Eat your food!
    You fat lard!

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    That wouldnt go over very well down here in alabama
    I hear ya we're in the south too but his father lived and the attack happened in Chicago.

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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post

    You fat lard!
    "Back in highschool I used to throw the pigskin a 1/4 mile"

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    A guy who works for me father died from one of these attacks.

    He was walking down the street late at night by himself so one of the kids runs up to him crow hops and clocks him. He goes limp and loses consciousness immediately but when he falls backward he hits his head on the curb. He died from the trauma to his head.

    The dumbass kids didn't realize what had happened so one of them had a video of it and put it up on his Facebook page with some comment bragging about knocking out an old man. Wasn't hard to arrest and convict with evidence like that. I forgot what his sentence ended up being but I hope he rots in hell......

    Sorry to hear that man. Sickens me to no end.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    "Back in highschool I used to throw the pigskin a 1/4 mile"
    "i can throw this football over that mountain!"

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    "i can throw this football over that mountain!"
    If the coach woulda put me in in the 4th quarter...we'd have gone to state for sure.

  30. #30
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    Since this seems to have started (or at least recently been popularized) close to my home, I've been on full alert. I'm just waiting to even SEE one of these little twats approach me or my wife... I'll go to jail for laying out somebody who hasn't even done anything yet... i'm like fcking Tom Cruise in Minority Report... stopping future crimes!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75
    Since this seems to have started (or at least recently been popularized) close to my home, I've been on full alert. I'm just waiting to even SEE one of these little twats approach me or my wife... I'll go to jail for laying out somebody who hasn't even done anything yet... i'm like fcking Tom Cruise in Minority Report... stopping future crimes!
    Tell your wife to keep her camera phone ready too... I would love to see that sh*t LOL

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Since this seems to have started (or at least recently been popularized) close to my home, I've been on full alert. I'm just waiting to even SEE one of these little twats approach me or my wife... I'll go to jail for laying out somebody who hasn't even done anything yet... i'm like fcking Tom Cruise in Minority Report... stopping future crimes!
    Short and bat shyt crazy?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    A guy who works for me father died from one of these attacks.

    He was walking down the street late at night by himself so one of the kids runs up to him crow hops and clocks him. He goes limp and loses consciousness immediately but when he falls backward he hits his head on the curb. He died from the trauma to his head.

    The dumbass kids didn't realize what had happened so one of them had a video of it and put it up on his Facebook page with some comment bragging about knocking out an old man. Wasn't hard to arrest and convict with evidence like that. I forgot what his sentence ended up being but I hope he rots in hell......
    that is fvckinmg terrible. I really hope he gets the death sentence.

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