Hey everyone!
I have come to the realization that I absolutely hate my job. I enjoy nothing about it, it's taking a toll on my body and training, and most importantly it is causing a tremendous amount of stress in my life.
At 27, I'm considering going back to school. I realize I am still young enough to pursue whatever goal I have in mind but I am still afraid to go back. I have to consider taking out student student loans while still paying rent and being able to still make enough money to pay for all my current bills.
What I would like to go back to school for is something in the medical field or possibly something in line with physical fitness.
I was looking into being a physical therapy assistant, which is two years of school and from what I read the salary ranges from $30,000-$50,000. What intrigues me about this job is the fact it entails medical knowledge along with aspects of exercise science. I like the idea that I can have patients who have been in car accidents and through time and training I can help them walk again. The downsides to this job is the lack of advancement, actual physical therapists who may look down on your position, and the instability of work.
Other jobs that intrigue me are:
-X-Ray tech
-Respiratory Therapist
-RN (not sure if I can commit to the 4 years of schooling)
-Dental hygienist
Any other suggestions on jobs with 2 to 4 years of schooling? Anyone else in the same situation as me or who has gone back to school and can offer any advice?
Anyone work in the medical field who can offer some insight?
With thanks